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"I cant wait till we get back home"

"I know we have been doing some crazy adventures but it has been fun"

"yeah My explosion is strong Azula said shes proud of me..haha "

"But serious Eros you and your wives are amazing our home is like a paradise"

Eros had his wives modify their mansion . It now has Art room, music room, gaming , movie theater, regular theater,training room, lounge, blacksmith, maid area, kitchen, controlled temperature, beds/chairs that adjusts to satisfy whoever sitting on them, bars, kendo room, gun range, hot springs, and more also there's a teleport there so they can travel anywhere throughout the house and go to any town they already been to. Eros still eats with his teammates every night and sometimes sneaks into their room and tease them.

"Girls we need to stop by the guild and claim our reward before we can relax.. How about I take you all on a date later"


***Kazuma POV***

Its been over a month since I've been to the guild. almost two months since I stopped adventuring. I feel bad for Eros but those girls are his problem now.

The reason I'm going to the guild is after I got my place I had the girls come over all the time we didn't do anything yet but we flirted and stuff but slowly they stopped coming over. I think maybe they've been busy.

I bet everyone will be happy to see me

haha I will treat them to some drinks and talk about the old times

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I open the doors and say

"hey everyone I'm back"

they look at me and just go back to doing what they were doing before

"huh isn't this when they cry asking me to return to adventuring or where have I been"

Oh I know I will see Luna. I kind of ignored her because she only talked about adventuring and how over worked she was but I'll give her some face and say hi to her. haha I bet I can have her as...hmm is it just me or does she look better... I go up to her and say

"hey Luna its been a while how have you been"

"...oh your ...kazuma are you actually here for a guild quest?"

"no I just wanted to see how everyone doing"

"...figures I'm sorry but I'm kind of busy "

"huh but theres no one here also you don't seem to have as much work as before"

"Thats thanks to Eros-sama!" she smiles and thinks of him Luna finds Eros as someone who she can trust. It all started when Eros gave Luna a massage to relax because she works too hard and is overly stressed at her job. She becomes so comfortable she sleeps in the next day. As a result, Eros served as a substitute receptionist and quickly finds the root of her problem. The stress comes from the adventurers who commit crimes and pay little to get out of punishments because they make good income and are prioritized to protect the city of Axel. After Eros implements a punishment for these adventurers, Luna's job becomes easier and she is thankful for Eros's help.

Eros also had done several other things that helped her but the biggest is he listens to her issues and treat her special... She sadly fell in love with him knowing hes a womanizer. but all his women are happy. You'd think they wouldn't be. I thought I wouldn't be happy if I wasn't the only one till. One day was a busy day and a huge line . I hadnt eaten anything then he claps his hands and signaled everyone to listen to his wife Yuna sing and Aqua do her tricks everyone was in awe he then gave me a lunch he made saying I looked hungry...that was the day I knew I fell for him'

"but I'm going on my lunch break so..." 'serious what did I ever see in him

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ah I got it shes embarrassed to be seen with me. She knows I let her go but felt awkward. I understand

"Oh I see well I'm going to spend time with mina alright " I walk over talking with mina she seems happy to see me and talk with me.

but strangely only a couple of the waitresses are spending time with me...then

"HEY THEYRE HERE THE EROS PARTY IS HERE" wait isn't that suppose to be how they say me...

"yay the strongest adventures in town." huh strongest maybe Eros but the others no no no way

"Yeah the explosion queen Megumin is awesome I hear she one shot the Mobile Fortress Destroyer"

whats a destroyer that sounds badass.

"yeah shes awesome"

"Oh you know whos amazing Darkness I hear her attacks never misses best defender too she tanked many attacks like it was nothing" well darkness is a M but never missing? thats a lie right?

"Oh Aqua is the best I hear she can do things I never thought possible she is smart and uses water powers smooth and effectively" WHAT THERE'S NO WAY THATS AQUA

"well we all know Wiz was amazing and Chris is even better than before"

Wait they're in his party now.

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"but the biggest one is God of Lust Eros. "

"yeah hes definitely either Lusting at Women or battles"

"Lots of girls want him but he's surprisingly picky

But he is no doubt the strongest adventurer!"

"yeah I went out on a adventure with them and it was really easy and fast... well Eros would flirt with his girls but other than that it was easy"

umm everyone of them seems to have grown...maybe I should

"Kazuma were done for the day" Mya and a few of the other Watressess finished their shift

'nope going to enjoy my youth'

***Eros POV***

Well as I walk to the guild I think about the training I've giving Aqua, megumin and Darkness or how I sometimes call her Dustiness Ford Lalatina(her real name)

Darkness I had her train with Toph and Yulier. They got along quick they all had something in common they all all hard core M's

Megumin I had her train with Azula, Lakyus well its obvious right

Aqua I had her train with Katara, Asuna, and Calca because Katara waterbending, Asuna teaches her leadership and Calca teachers her how to be loved and worshiped

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Chris I had her train with Albeda and Beta... ones a yandere ones a sadist..

Wiz I had her train with the Maids hoping she wont be as clumsy

Truth is I don't mind their personality so I'd be fine if they stay the same but I hate when people talk bad about my girls so Asuna said for me to change them well just a little in public but in normally situations they're the same

But them thinking I will kill people for talking about my girls how bad does she think I am...

Oh the guild is good I like that luna. I hear Kazuma blew her off because she was talking about her day... I talked with her and became close I might add her to my harem... plus those boobs...I also hear Kazuma is still a virgin... dude what the hell?

we go in and hand out then the army comes in asking for me...

the girl in charge is fucking big in all the right places those legs, breast and thighs ohh

"Are you Eros"

"Yes I am Eros "

"rumor is you have some connections to the demon king"

I walk up to her and grab her hands"Well if you are the demon king I'd gladly join just to be with you" killer smile.

She blushes like crazy "no well huh"

"Well if your asking if I serve the Demon king then no. I only serve my wives in bed and girls I want to become my wives" I look at Luna and she blushes and covers her face with paper and then I look at this lady named...Sena and go closer to her ear and say "like you"

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