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***In a sealed realm inside a rock****

Sun wukong is staring at Eros's arrow trying to understand its powers.

" hmm I don't understand how this works...Maybe I can try to use it myself...this is a pain." Wukong tossed the arrow to the side. Hes been looking at it for a hundred years so he decided to take a break and drink some Nectar

"The reason you can't use it is because its only works with big brother. That arrow in particular is a forbidden tool big brother made for fun. He will summon his past self and they will take over his body and heal his wounds but it has limitations and cause and effects like creating a whole new timeline...but as I said big brother made it for fun. He never plans to die and even if he does he would never activate it even if he did die and get turned into a earthly form

"huh I seem to get lots of visitors lately. It has been a long time... should I address you as Enchantress no you seem to regained your control so Morgan le Fay...but this doesn't seem to be a social visit" Sun Wukong eyes glows and his divitinty got increased should I call you Goddess of Sloth"

"Brother please call me little sister like always. "

"phew " he stopped his divinity and killing intent "so why have you come to visit never cared about me "

"Well I sensed big brother powers here so I thought I could meet him before they get to him." 'why does he get a big brother and I just get brother'

"who are they?" Wukong is smart but can be naive

"brother he wants to kill big brother"


"You only spend time in here so you haven't notice lots of strange things are going on.


"sigh he is using the excuse that big brother is destroying the multiverse as an excuse to force a reincarnation."

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"E-eh but wait destroying the multiverse HAHA THATS AMAZING TELL ME HOW HE IS DOING IT"

"I'm not sure what reason he is traveling but he is messing up situations with the heaven children and the world fate is changing... the fates these universes are saying time and dimensions are.." Wukong stopped listening he was bored

"So thats why ... you stop listening to me didn't you" Wukong was just stratching his butt

"no I was... you were saying Eros was destroying the multiverse and words"


"...what "

"do you know why hes traveling to different worlds. I was thinking he was in this location so I came here before the other two"

"WAIT YOUR WORKING FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KILL EROS? I understand the others because all of you want to kill each other but you..."

"Ok stop shouting... yes I'm working with them"


"Well simple three reasons first He got Galactus the god of Gluttony to join him. "

"*sweat* how d-did he get a kind guy like Galactus to join"

"He gave him the taste of planets"

"....thats not good he wont ever stop eating planets till he dies"

"God of Envy was envious of humans mortality to he became a mortal to experience reincarnation and he lost a core of his power unless a some great occurs he wont ever become a God again..."

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"Well wrath she will disagree with this right?"

"she *sigh* was tricked by him. I don't know the details but she is now an incarnation. Her new form is...well she fell in love with a boy he created and manipulated her into creating a new universe when the boy was killed where he exist but well long story short her due to her actions she became known as a god and sealed within a region unable to leave. Due to not understanding her powers she became unable to leave... the boy ended up turning out to be a puppet that used her under his orders....he also manages to get a portion of her power and create a ... never mind thats not important." 'you will stop listening anyway '

"So... the only thing I care about is why you joined him?"

"I will be able to raise Eros again and take car of him when he loses his memories "


"imagine that I can have him only love me not that bitch Psyche. and have him give me a child

"Don't you have a child with him Mordred "

"No Mordred is more of Artoria clone that big brother planted inside of he is kind of the father..well anyway hes now in the land of heroes"

"You guys have strange hobbies what is with you two in weak mortals..."

"you wouldn't understand"


"So do you know why big brother is traveling the multiverse?"

"Simple to get a harem"

Morgan released his powers and Wukong was sent back

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"Geeze warn a monkey before releasing your powers"

"*breathing* how many"

"how many what" he says as he looks at his broken glass

"How man girls does he have"

"he had 20 or so"

"phew thats all ok then its not much"


"brother I ask you to join us that way you wont have any harm done to you"

".. you know I realize something"


"You will never care about anyone other than yourself. You may love Eros but your first priority is which path will be the easiest"


"You will kill friends and switch sides at the brink of an eye"


"when things aren't going your way you will join the one you feel will most likely win"

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"so my guess he has something or someone who will determine victory and Eros and I stand no chance."


"you thought Eros was here so you rushed here to warn him about the doom no convince him to reincarnate for fun. knowing how if you told him about a challenge he would jump ahead and fight.

"I wont denial that...So what will you do"

"Do you have to ask I will fight"

"You'd loses"

"well its alright...My pride wont allow me to back down"

"So are you ready"

"I are the weakest of us Goddess of Sloth are you sure you should go against me

"I am also the most difficult to strike God of Pride"

Explosion could be heard....Sun wukong left the seal and prepared for the fight of his life. he knew that she had set many things in advance

while they were starting fighting Eros was

"Take this my EXPLOSION"

"AHH t-that was the best explosion magic ever " Megumin says as Eros cums inside of her

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