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When Asuna became Eros's second wife she received a letter. She didn't inform anyone because the letter was from Psyche. She didn't even read the letter. for her Psyche was her goal. She often thinks back that Psyche was the one who held Eros down to one woman... She was stronger than Asuna could be or so she felt. She asks herself if she could do what Psyche did questioning her love for him. she knows she would but the fact she didn't do it plagues her.

All the girls look at her to guide them. She feels frustrated that she is so weak. She trains hard and learns everything she can. She wants to be no has to be the best.

The other day, well a hundred years ago Asuna met the God of Pride. He is named Sun Wukong. Eros says he is as strong as him and there are several others as strong as him..I feel that I have a long road to stand by his side she thought

Right now Eros is sleeping with Megumin for the first time so he is giving her full attention.

Sometimes Asuna thinks back to SAO and thinks how it was nice there...actually take that back she is happy now. Thinking about the letter made her have tons of doubts. She looks at the letter and knows she cant put off forever and its better to get it over with

{Asuna POV}

The letter said to second wife from first wife.'*sigh* here goes nothing'

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Dear 2nd sister,

If your reading this I guess Eros got married so congratulations. Yay I have someone to share my burden, I mean my happiness, that's what I mean. 'she did say burden'

Ok its very hard to keep Eros in track. I feel sorry for you but you can do it... I think.'are you confident or not' I mean I remember I had serious sex with him once. I was in a coma for a week...'eh is it that crazy' In all seriousness go back to the coma'

I will introduce myself I am Psyche Eros first wife. You may not know about our relationship but.. oh yeah theres a movie based on our relationship its called beauty and the beast. So if you ever have a chance watch that movie thats how our relationship was... finished it was romantic right'I have no idea if shes joking or not.'

Eros values love a lot. He doesn't like to entice his woman with his true form or pheromones he likes to establish a true relationship with the person. The more he cares about a person the more time he will work with her. He wants all his women to be happy so he tries to please his women and satisfy all their needs I'm sure you notice.'yeah I have'

Eros does have strange quirks I should warn you about. 'ok.' first Eros May seem to like every girl but in fact he is highly picky. You noticed this too right. 'I have' Think about how many people in the universe and he only chose me that shows how picky he is.

Right now he probably has a lot of girls and you may feel neglected and jealous right sister'yeah I am a little but' haha no need to be. Let me tell you he has slept with most gods and spirits..think about that MOST GODS/GODDESSES and SPIRITS.'huh' Yeah when he was alone with them they would always end up sleeping with Eros'...' So I live in the God realm and most of them been with my husband feeling a little better now' actually I kind of do.'

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Now he will only sleep with women so need to think me just call me big sister'shes messing around isnt she'

You know that he is the god of Lust but did you know lust isn't just sex? 'I know he says he loves battle too' Lust can be defined as the strong, passionate longing or desire for certain things: not only sex, but also food, drink, money, fame, power, and knowledge, among others. 'eh'

Think about it when Eros has been to different worlds he always drinks and eat all the food. He obtains all the knowledge and learn all the techniques of the world and will try to become the most powerful and even if he doesn't like to be praise everyone will know of him..'What thats exactly like Eros ' Shocked right well Eros is also a battle nut so he has limiters. Eros gets stronger the more he has sex and gains portion of the power of the people he has sex with... 'I know about that.'

You may know that but did you know that there are 6 other sins that are as strong as him each of them are similar in ways that they gain power to unique ways well pride is the hardest working through but hes well they're all eccentric.'oh this is what I wanted to know'

The 7 of them are brothers/sisters well six of them are the last one is...well lets not talk about him'huh

First is Goddess of Wrath she is well violent but she has standards she isn't angry just vengeful. Wrath is anger involving violence or violently acting out. Wrath is what is done with anger, it's a matter of action and intensity. Wrath does damage and leaves more wreckage than anger ever will. but it isn't on purpose she may quick to unleash her wrath but Wrath, in my experience, usually comes from a self-loathing, chronically unhappy person. No one who is at peace with themselves lashes out continuously. She is right now really unhappy...She get frustrated in battle if she can't beat them quickly and will get stronger..She hates one of the others through. She slept with Eros'did you have to add that'

Second God of Envy, out of all the gods he is the oddest. He was envious of mortals for experiencing mortality so he reincarnated himself into a mortal. I hear he has no elemental powers but is the only one who power generated by his will. For example he will gain unique techniques magic and godly feets that none others could get because hes envious of them. I hear before he lost his memories and powers he got envious of Eros charming powers that he willed himself to create a similar effect on undead. He was envious on wrath ability to kill so easily get it he can recreate a version of anyone attack and powers but mold it to his style...but like I said hes mortal. Eros has slept with him' you don't have to say that'

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Third is God of Pride Sun Wukong, out of all the sins everyone likes him the others are always at each other thoughts but because of Prides personality they can get along with him. He and Eros are often competing one which one is the strongest. Envy, Pride and lust are said to be the strongest, Eros has slept with him too'stop with that'

then we have Eros god of lust our husband the most handsome god of all...'she went on for two pages about how great Eros is...I'll read that later'

Fifth is the God of Gluttony Galactus. he is probably a kind god he just has Cosmic Hunger. he is always hunger and nothing satisfy him... so he eats and eats and eats the more he eats the stronger he gets and he gets hungrier. The sins have him avoid eating to much but sometimes he consumes a planet then goes eating planets then, suns, universes. so they are forced to kill him and he goes back to a baby. I hear lately he hasn't been hungry so thats a good thing. He can give people powers from cooking for them and has also slept with Eros'really your doing this on purpose now'

sixth is ...the Goddess of sloth enchantress but also known by her true name morgan la fay. she is manipulative, and will do anything to win and easily. She will change sides like a flip of a coin and will give up if she can't do something. She is the hardest to see through. She is also obsessed with Eros. Eros also babies her and does whatever she wants. Out of any of them she will try to avoid hurting Eros why I'm not sure. She has slept with Eros tons of times they even have a sort of child not really..its complicated ..she hates me and want Eros to herself if you see her run away. '...'

seven is greed avoid him don't talk about him and look for him. He and Eros have a hatred with each other. they have never slept together but they both have hurt each other...

Ok well thats them now let me tell you some tricks on how to keep Eros on a leash...

Let me tell you how to do please Eros...

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This is how you maintain his mood....

Have Eros avoid Nectar it causes him...

Make sure Eros fires his arrow if not having sex otherwise....

'if i read this early I could have avoided lots of stuff

Well thats about all for now if you have any questions once your finished reading it say these words..*** and this will turn into a notebook and we can write to each other. If I were you I bet it took a few hundred years for you to read this... well no use worrying were sisters tell me your troubles its big sisters job to look after her younger sister' I feel she was the youngest in her family'

Love your big sister Psyche

PS this is a weakness Eros has he actually *****'WHAT'

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