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Right now Eros is sitting on his knees with two stacks of blocks on his legs named pain and punishment.

"So your saying that you don't remember anything that happen in the last 5 months?"

"Well I feel we met before my blackout but that girl no clue."

"wait you don't remember our daughter"

"nope not one bit haha"

"haha this isn't funny"

"sorry "

"so you don't remember any of the girls you've been with"

"Nope... how many girls have I been with and what relationship do have with them now"

She retails what she told Yui except the fact she didnt sleep with him

"oh so their my wives cool cool cool. So what about you"

"I'm considered your queen"

"OH interesting but we never had sex"

"wha what do you mean its not like you remember and who says I'm a virgin"

"you smell like a virgin"

"I I sm smell like a virgin? " shocked "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A VIRGIN SMELLS LIKE"

"Don't underestimate the God of Lust"

"So you do have your memorie"


"Well you called yourself your nickname"

"No I really am the god of lust"

"HUH. theres no way that can be."

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"Oh whatever, So what do you where do I live?"

"You usually sleep with one of your girls at inns or at our base on the 52 floor.

"Wait I dont have my own home."

"yeah we asked but you always said maybe next time"

"Yup I drunk Eros is really lazy"


"Nope sex, compassion and everythinng about me is different."

Eros then looks around he sees a building by the lake and nods. then moves his hand and destroys the log cabin.


"This isn't suitable for my home, and for my wives who dedicaed their lives to me" 'Asuna and Yui were wondering how the hell he blew up the house through'

Eros then started drawing something on a piece of paper and looked at Asuna and Yui and then he waved his hands and a Gorgous mansion came out of nowhere. It look like something the richest person in the world could afford. In front there was a golden statues of Yui Asuna and Eros.

"So what do you think? I did a little rush job but came out good don't you think" Oh and it only allows who has a statue to enter so once I meet the others I will add their statue.

"beautiful. daddy daddy is this our new home?"

"hmm for now"

"For now?" Yui loooked comfused

"Well until we leave the game"

"Leave?" Yui looked a little sad

"oh don't worry I'll take you with me" Asuna then comes and drags Eros to the side and says

"Eros theres something I haven't told you. Yui lost her memories and she doesn't know who her parents are actually so we have to find out who they are."

"Oh don't worry I know who it is"

"huh tha thats great "

"Hey Yui come here" Eros called Yui to come in front of him by waving his hand

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"Daddy are we going to explore the house now" Yui says excitedly

"We will but first let me tell you something about you"


"yeah did you know that your an AI?"

"what are you saying Eros stop playing around" Asuna scolded and Yui looks like she is in pain

" Her official name is «Yui-MHCP001» (Mental Health Counseling Program 001). The AI, «Yui-MHCP001» was created to monitor the mental states of SAO's players, as well as to attempt to remedy them. The original NerveGear had the ability to read the wavelengths of the brain, and to parse the data, in order to determine what sort of emotions and thoughts were felt. This allowed Yui to determine the emotional state of any player within the game. However, at the game's official release, the Cardinal System denied Yui permission to interact with the players due to orders from Kayaba Akihiko, thus forcing her to continue monitoring the emotions of players without being able to take any action to remedy them.

Additionally, when Cardinal detected an unusual or special brain pattern, it had the ability to imprint that data on the surrounding landscape, items, or even other players' avatars in raw format for analyzing. This essentially meant that a partial duplicate of one's state of mind was saved within SAO.

Asuna looks at Yui whom is in pain "bu-but that... even if that was true why did she come to us?"

"Simple Eros said as he went near Yui and gave her a hug"our lack of sex life"


"well you and I haven't had sex but I have been sleeping with girls around you right"

"yeah" she grunted "but what does that have to do with you"

"simple I have a huge sex drive but when I'm drunk ..I'm like a baby'

he got a little wet wondering how good he was but looked at Yui and went to hug her too.

"Yui I'm going to ask you again do you want to come with me"

"I I am scared are you going to leave me am I real" Eros Laugh



"Don't worry it may hurt but its a flame of life. I'm creating a body for you so when we leave you will be able to leave too. Your body will age here and when I leave you will leave too...dont worry just know our souls are link and your now be able to live in the same plane as mama as a demi-human

"So Yui is fine now she said as she saw her body glow"

"Yup better than ever no longer forced to do anyone elses bussness"

"Tha-Thank you daddy" Yui squeezed out weakly

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"No problem you are mine" Eros said and kissed her forhead. Yui then slowly got up

"I feel good really good now"

"Of course now" Eros then went up and princess carried Asuna with his left hands and princess carried Yui with his right hand.

"So my princess lets check out our new home."

Both blushing like crazy "YESS"

"Eros then went in side and they were in aww of the almighty place

"all you say is where you want to go to and it will go to . Oh my room and Asuna are the master bedroom Yui is the room next to it but be careful the walls have thin walls but you can come into my room anytime you want you are my daughter HAHA"

"YES" 'wait wait we share the same room does that mean..

"Asuna lets go to our room" He let Yui have fun in her room then left her to eat out Asuna

"So I'm glad my drunk self didn't take you.. As expected from the girl who leads my other wives.

"I Im just doing my job she said nervously" looking around the room seeing a massive bed that can fit several fully grown people. he sat on the bed

{Eros POV}

I started with a deep kiss.

"mmhm "

Asuna was a little awkward with the kissing but I have a feeling she is going to be good

"stick your tongue out "

I start fighting with her tongue and pulling it with my lips .for 10 minutes till shes needs to catch her breath then. I move to her ears and start nibbling on it. I use one hand to play with her modest chest. I play with them while I put her shirt and bra up exposing her boobs and move down to lick and suck them.

"Eros-kun " she pushes me down and starts breathing heavy "you have been touching my breast the entire time. do you like breast?

"yeah I love it but I love all your body"

"then" She slowly and seductivly remove her bra and shirt off then she slowly gets on the bed with on her back. and removes her soaking wet panties while saying "Why not take this body that you love so much


I quickly removed his clothes and she saw my massive dick

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I quickly shot a pleasure instead of pain arrow and pushed my dick inside of her blood on my dick. Being happy I'm the first I started pounding her.

"YES GOD YES mmhmm *kiss ha "


"YES MORE MORE I'm Cumming"

"eh already Then I better make you feel better" Eros adjusted his movement and

"AHHH " she had a dumb look on her face "Eros more till you cum in side me




"*breathing heavenly * Eros I'm not just a virgin in my pussy" She turned around and shakes her ass "break my asshole too'

"Damn you have a amazing ass I didnt realize but it looks great I'm going to love smashing this with my cock enjoy this

I got up and shoved my dick in her ass "Wow your ass feels good. You like being fucked like a dog huh

"yes I love it I love it its you of course" she was waiting for along time for this and her dreams couldn't compare to the real thing.

"Here take more and more" Moans and pounding could be heard throughout the room. " Little did they know a girl was touching her self while watching them inside\

Asuna was had massive amount of fluids dripping from her. I then started playing with her boobs and pussy as he fucked her ass. I then pulled her back and faced the door where Yui was rubbing herself and kissing Asuna neck.

I then pushed Asuna down and fucking her while looking at Yui playing with herself and came again inside of her ass.

"hey Let me take you mouth too" I took her mouth and she started licking and sucking the best she can. shes a rookie so it wasn't the best but I as the god of lust can help her and I increase my pleasure and came inside her mouth Then she was on the her back I then used her boobs to cum again. she was out of it '

"how was it your first time"

"it was great but you still have to take my first real bodies first time she said before passing out.

I then go to Yui and use my fingers to play with her her pussy and breast and gave her a deep kiss and she came and passed out. I then brought her to the bed and hug her while I was naked between the naked Asuna and the semi naked Yui was in the middle. what a good start. I wonder how the other girls taste.

Plus I have 5 months of not making people happy.

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