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its been a week and Eros recovered from his blackout. Eros met up with all nine of his 'Valkyries' They all 'talked' things through and right now they are sleeping with 'satisfied' expressions knowing everything worked out. they are even leaking out satisfaction from legs butt even mouth.

"good I'm glad we had that talk" Eros got changed and went to his office on the 52nd floor.

"GOD EROS" the people saluted him as he walked in

"settle down. Its now 0700 gather all elite guild leaders and have them gather at 1300 here to discuss concurring the next floor"


Eros then looked through his documents.

"so we at the beginning were going to fight bosses once a day but as they took longer and longer once we reached the 50 floor we've been taking 1 every 2 or three days. the most difficult thing if finding the boss but for some reason we've been able to find it easily well thanks to me. Most people have been working 2 days on 2 days on except for me who usually works 1 day off 2 days on. Plus I fight in most floor boss raids.

I don't know if I should be happy or disappointment 6 months and we only made it to the 72 floor. The holidays are coming up so I think we should try to make it to the 75 floor then take like a two week break but we will do exercises just so our skills wont get bad. let see ok since we started climbing we lost quite a few squad 64 members I guess I need to work on my leadership skills or maybe it was player error... Yeah more than likely but as there commanding officer I have to take responsibility for them... but they're just mortals there lives are short anyway.

As for squads Divine Dragon Alliance they seem to be the number 3 guild led by Schmitt they also seem to have a hatred of this other guild called Laughing coffin but the members are unknown.. they which members of the laughing coffin are red color meaning they actively kill player. I heard from Asuna they looked at one of my girls so I guess they dont want to live...

Then theres Fuurinkazan which was led by Klein but he seemed to disappeared and kirito took over. When asked what happened to Klein, Kirito response was he knows what he did. Kirito is one of the best players in the game he is also heaven child.

Last guild that is important is Knights of the Blood the leader is Heathcliff and he possises the best defense in the game... hes also Kayaba Akihiko so whenever hes about to lose he cheats... I have no problem with that I fine it funny. Kirito challenge him to a match because he thought he was trying to steal his Klein but lost... I saw him cheat so obviously, I think Kirito knew too but for some reason thought he was mistaken. '

at 1300 all squad teams and their vice commanders came into the room and talked about their plans

"Ok I think we should try to finish the 75 boss then we take a couple weeks off for the holiday"

gasps could be heard"You are you actually God Eros the person who lust for battle is on a insane level"

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"the Eros who laughs as he manes his enemies" veins pop off of Eros head

"the Eros who does only two things fight or fuck"


quiet "ehmm so I know its the holidays and we've been working too hard and stress has been building up so we will try to finish by then then take a break but we will have exorises but just so we wont get rusty"


"I Say we start tomorrow with the 73 boss first we should clean up"

"Clean up" Schmitt eyes lit up. Ever since laughing coffin killed his younger sister they have been his enemy" Yeah but do you know Their location?"

"yup I got the location and I know all the memembers"

"So when do we start the punishment"

"We start right now" Eros then wrote the names of everyone who he had found out were laughing coffin members. How he found out simple he used his Eyes of truth to find out where the base was then forced a person to tell them all their secrets and operations and then used his eyes to see member leadership...

"Ok lets begin first " Slash Eros cut off one of the guilds cloths and showed this guy was a spy for them . He then cut off his head. I hate traitors"

Everyone was shocked except asuna who was thinking 'as expected of the man I chose as my husband'

"So ready for a cleansing "

No one said anything but he felt there killing intent. he nodded and they went to different areas killing them with no questions different floors. It was a fast sweep. It took 12 hours but they killed 70-80 % the rest were in hiding but they put there names on wanted list.

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It took 3 weeks but we made it to the 75 floor... why did it take 3 weeks. well I didn't lead why should I do all the work. My drunk self may like leading but my normal self Fuck that. Oh yeah Klein I realize what happen I shot Klein with a love arrow and made him fall in love with a blacksmith. I thought maybe a love triangle might spice things up. I found that Kirito tied Klein up in his house and well not going to look for details. So its all the blacksmith fault...Kleins out now he seems weird around everyone ... Stockholm I think.

I have been sleeping with the girls everyday... but they sleep in my room every night I gave them all there own room... I dont understand women. Yui sometimes sleeps in her room through but I hear her at the door sometimes through...

I just want to hurry up and beat this damn game. I I just want to take my wives virginity again. I mean escape yeah not fuck them in real life

Oh yeah right now for some reason Kirito is arguing with Kayaba Akihiko oh sorry Heathcliff. hmm I don't care I just want to hurry and fight then fuck my girls. Maybe I'll mess with them. Eros then started grabbing Asuna ass and playing with her pussy and Yulier breast

"shh dont moan so loudly or you'll be found out"

Then Kirito took his blade and started fighting and I started going more intensed on my girls"

Then Kirito loss and Kirito revealed hes Kayaba...shocking... I would have never guess that...continue playing with my girls and then Kayaba admits and then he does something and no one can move... except my girls Yui is just having fun

"haha now huh" he looks over at me


"huh what are you doing"

"playing with my girls. They were horny so I am playing with them duh "

"how are you able to move "

"I'm stronger than you I guess"

" how can they move"

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"....There stronger than you I guess... did you really make this game"

"no why aren't you doing anything hes the one who trapped us in this game"

"yeah I know I figured it out a long time ago"

"""WHAT """"

"I mean it was obvious who because the strongest with defense. usually they are the weakest class"

"th-thats true but why didnt you say anything"

"I thought he may had his reasons but " A huge tick mark appeared on Eros head

{GIWE will get pissed off and may kill anyone who interrupts his sexy time with his girls}

"you interrupted my time so lets go.

"Oh ive been dying to fight you. I was waiting for the 100 floor till we"

"Oh shut the hell up and lets go make sure you wash your neck off" they then teleported to the 100 floor

the girls were saying have fun Eros which shocked everyone

"so now lets the fight begin"

"Then Eros chops off Kayaba head and the game said congratulations you beat SAO...

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anti climatic huh

Then a message of Kayaba said stuff about the game

Eros was like blah blah blah I got it you made a world separate from the reality of the world you wanted to create a eden where people can be who they want to be and fight for the lives. where they wont be bonded by the everyday mediocrity and the fate you were forced upon or something like that right.

"how did you know that"

"you humans all are like that"

"you make it sound like you aren't human"

"well duh I'm Eros the God of Lust also a wandering god looking for a harem that can satisfy my lust."

"umm good luck and good bye"

"yup see ya Kayaba game was fun but next time don't interupt my love making ok or I'll destroy you soul"

then on December 11 Eros beat SAO however the only thing Eros is thinking is

"HAHA now I can find my wives and fuck them like crazy and other then Yulier and Griselda the rest were virgins haha taking it twice how many gods can say that...well quiet a few actually but never mind that

Eros looks around and sees hes in a hospital and a old couple visiting him

"grandma and grandpa I'm back he said and hugged them... also knocking over the machines he plugged into

they start crying. Eros also gave them some energy to make them 30 years younger he hugged them...'now little chickens little chickens where are you my little chickens '

"you humans

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