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Eros told his father that he wants him to hold off on speaking to the Winged Dragon family at least for now.

"Father considering that my status, many of the elders will oppose. They were looking to have Fei or Yue as puppets for them. All they would have to do is provide girls for Fei and he was easily manipulated as for Yue just praise his brilliance and say all the ideas were his and he would think they are his"

"*sigh they are very naive. Also they don't do anything just spend money. A complete disappointment. Oh it would be a few months before Xiu'er can teach."

"I see... how about I teach them and I rewrite the rules such as if they don't make a certain rank they will lose money and status. " Eros came up with multiple ideas that Shen Hong found interesting and felt that it might be the right motivation they needed. Eros also came up with some new training for everyone.

"I also would like it if you keep your distance from the Dark guild"

"what how do you" He gave Eros a suspicious gaze

"Simple I notice the profits earned through business is less than the amount earned in the books."


"plus I read all the books in our library did you know that the first patriarch. claimed to create 16 inscription patterns, however at least one of them, the Scarlet Sunburst Pattern, was stolen from the Lightning Flame Burst Pattern."

"How did you?"

"Simple it was found in the Book of Divine Lightning Fire. this violates the demon spiritualist code of conduct. Article 161 which states an inscription pattern or copied inscription pattern taken from another demon spiritualist has to give credit to its source and cannot claim to be self-created."

"....i understand your concern but that was before our time now we are strong and we have multiple black gold rank "

"father you don't understand the implications. This is one thing there are many other things and shady business. what if someone finds a collection of all this material all this and use it against us what to do then?" Eros stares at Hong

"hmm we will rely on the Demon Lord and he will provide shelter'

"Father relying on that guy is stupid"

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"stu" he was shocked no one has ever called him stupid

"Father imagine if the other families discover we have ties to the Demon Lord what will happen they will all gang up at us and eliminate our clan. As for the Demon Lord sure he may be able to protect us but why would he"

"That is due to Lee'er she was his descendant and were related to him so"

"father do you really believe that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it the whole thing sounds strange. He never once appeared before mother and now he comes when you felt hatred of the Glory city."

'he did but that'

"he clearly knew about it seeing how he had spies in the city correct. I feel he was just using her death as an excuse."

"An excuse?"

"Listen I'm not saying that mom and him weren't related they more have likely are, however he still would have tried to destroy Glory City...At the end of the day that has been his goal all the time. Your just a pawn hes manipulating. How can you rule Glory City if he is going to destroy it."


"It would be easier for him to take over the City. He using you. Besides would you trust someone using the Spiritual Constellation Technique?"

"?" Hong looked at Eros confused but was hesitant to as what that was

"the Spiritual Constellation Technique is a sinister technique that allows an expert to be reborn in a new body. In order to use the technique many of their children and love ones must be sacrificed."

After some silence Hong said" I can't just stop talking with them. If I do then they will try to use someone else and its not like I can change the way people view us...if they find evidence then..."

"The Dark guild we can deal with later. We will be double agents and take them down by setting them up. As for the image change that simple we will do more good deeds and change our image. I will be the face of the Sacred family and help clean up some trashes. "Eros gave his ideas and told him his plans for the upcoming months. After that Eros just kept a low profile.

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Shen Hong informed the city lord of his child and registered him for the school. It shocked Glory City learning that Eros had a indigo soul realm and he was the illegitimate child of Shen Hong. No one has seen him other than the Sacred family and they kept their mouths cloths about it.

The classes had started and everyone in the apprentice class was looking forward to meeting this Eros. however they notice Eros was nowhere around. The teacher had everyone introduce themselves. Once that was done a gorgeous boy came in side the room yawning.

"sorry am I late?"

"you Shen Eros correct" the teacher looked a little upset but knowing eros has backing held himself back

"Yup sorry I was sleeping"

Everyone started laughing

"sleeping?" the teacher was at first about to scold him then he remembered that report saying hes narcoleptic but he thought it was a joke... "its fine why don't you introduce yourself"

"hmm ok...Yo I'm Shen Eros the illegitimate child of the shen family. My mom hid me from my father and told me once she passed away about my birth in a papers I found...oh I'm narcoleptic so sorry if I fall a sleep on you"

"...." the room went silence "ok Eros please have a seat"

Eros looked around and saw 4 interesting people first was his little brother Shen Yue he seems a little scared of Eros' I may have to train him hard tonight'

Then he notice the Heavens child a boy named Nie Li who seems to be a timid and cowardly. Maybe something is suppose to happen or he is one of those people in battle change?

Next to little Yue is a beautiful girl name Ye Ziyun. she can be described as an elegant beauty with purple hair and lavender eyes. She has a sweet and welcoming personality, though she can be competitive at times. She is not a very decisive person and does not always understand her own emotions.

'Due to little Yue is sitting next to her I will set next to the final interesting person'

Eros sits downs next to this girl

"Hey beautiful I am Shen Eros nice to meet you"

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She remained quiet so eros kept talking to her and calling her beauty till eventually she gave him a cold glare

"Huh is there something wrong beauty ? You have something in your eyes?" Eros went close to her looking into her eyes

the girl blushes and backs away slowly some people thought he was going to kiss her and Eros looks at her confused "is there something wrong beauty?

"Its not beauty its Xiao Ning'er"

'She can be described as having shoulder length black hair and a slim figure with long brownish orange hair. She hasa cold and anti-social beauty. Her personality is that of a serious student, unyielding woman with a strong determination

"cool Ning'er nice to meet you"

"what you cant just...did you fall a sleep"


she kind of smiled but remembered hes part of the Sacred family and tried to keep her distance from him but that was all in vain.

For the next month Eros would always sit next to her and talk with her about random stuff and no matter what she said he kept talking and unless she responded so she just gave up.

Many people thought there was something going on between the two because she was cold to everyone else but him she would giggle and smile. A certain girl named Ye Ziyun seemed jealous.

She didn't know if she who she was jealous of through

Then the second month Eros started going to the library and reading books. During which time he saw Ye Ziyun. It wasn't anything exciting but Eros started talking with her and they would sometimes read together. It wasn't much but Eros and her were would study together and she would find herself gazing at him while he reading hundreds of books a day. At first she thought he was fake reading but then felt he wasn't.

These moments felt great just the two of them inside the library together. Not worried about anything...'if only these moments could last forever..but I know Ning'er seems to like you'

It took 5 months but Eros read all the books in the library. He would have been done earlier but he was flirting with Ye Ziyun. He also taught his father a new cultivation technique and told him that he should get a new beast because its shit...

Eros name was spread all around. A genus person who easy to talk to but is like royalty he not stuck up and respects commoners and nobility. People started calling him prince charming or the prince of Glory city.

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He would often be seen dragging Shen Yue or Fei around either by ears or over his shoulders. They both were really respectful of Eros with both calling him Big brother... A joke went around saying maybe Eros was the next heir or Eros should be the next heir of the Sacred family. Surprisingly no one of the Sacred family denies this which meant it might have some truth.

"Father I'm going to earn some money then take the Alchemist exam"

"I could give you money "

"Nah I'm going to take it myself. I will go to the forest and hunt beast to earn some money. plus its good training" Eros already told his father he knows alchemy but took his time making a name for himself before attempting..

"So were going to have a Apprentice Alchemist in the family"

"Huh what do you mean Apprentice ? I'm taking the master exam"

"But wait how are you going to"

"oh I read most of the alchemy books in Glory city and their...kind of basic"

"basic...never-mind nothing you do ever surprises me anymore. So how are your brothers?"

"Don't know I have them training their minds right now. They will have to read all the books in the house. I gave them till the end of the school year"

"...." there are Thousands of thousands of books in the house. Only a monster like Eros could do it fast..anyone else would take years

"so what else is going on with you are you getting closer to Xiao Ninger?

"Yup in the morning I sit next to her and I really like her. The afternoon I go to the library with Ye Ziyun and night spend time with Xue'er. Oh I spend sometimes training the clan...

"is it just me but most of your day is spent with girls?"

"just your imagination..."

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