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{what the other sins have been doing since the battle of the 8th}


Damn I can't believe I mess up again "Hey remember this is all Lust fought ok "

"...But sir Eros hasn't "

"its all his fought I am just fixing it by sending these people to different worlds modifying their memories so ***** exists where they are ok" Greed glares



"umm my bad I didn't think you guys would fight over something so stupid....I wasn't going to sleep with think I'd end up causing a war of true Gods...they even went through a time rift ...well not my concern...yeah I'll say it was big brother...sorry big brother but your always in trouble anyway..."


"I seem to have almost choked on some planets and coughed out a astroyed that is going to destroying universe... I was told to blame brother Eros if that happens... I will sleep now for a few thousand years"


I will have my revenge on all of you. Dont forget when it comes to pranks I am the best

***Wrath ***

"so your saying I should create a new dimension that way I can be with Yuki?"

"Yes that would be the best way out"

"ok I will think about it..."


"ok wrath is falling into the trap? I'm glad Lust helped me alot with shooting her with a arrow. Ok try to use that fake toy and the Wretched Egg to manipulate them... try to see what happens if she has people having her looked at as a god. you can do this by..."

"Yes master your apprentice Hihiryushukaka will follow through"


"Sakado Keisuke the reason I summoned you is to be my champion to beat the Demon King Guduranis I can grant you any power you desire what power do you desire?"

"Then I want************"

"....what you can have any powers and you choose that? "

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"Yes is there a problem?"

"no understood" She smile "I will grant it to you"

The ability he gained was creation-oriented; he was not a very champion-like champion


***Eros POV****

As I enter the training ground I feel there is some people thinking of me...Must be hard being loved.

The reason Eros is going to the Training ground is to hunt a bronze rank demon beast called the Horned Sheep. They are used in the lowest part of the Holy Orchid Institute's training ground. The only things worth collecting are the horns, fur on the neck, demon crystal, and demon spirit. They are a demon-ized creature, so their reaction speed is extremely fast and their strength is the same as two bronze fighters combined.

{Demon Spirit are found in the brain area of demon beast, it has a very rare chance of appearing. Only one or two in tens of thousands will have one. This is what demon spiritualist absorb into their soul realms in order to merge with the demon beast's power. They are very valuable, with even a silver rank demon spirit being valued in the hundreds of thousands demon spirit coins.

After being captured, a demon spirit is stored in a demon spirit stone until it is integrated into a soul realm or sealed within armor. In most cases a demon spirit can only be stored this way for at most six hundred years. Most people know that demon spirits are separated by rank, just as the demon beasts they come from, into bronze, silver, gold, black gold, legend. However, Even a demon spirit that starts off weak can grow to legend rank if it has a good growth rate. The rate can be tested with a soul crystal.

Demon spirits can be fed with the demon spiritualist's own soul force, but that soul force is lost. This means that the demon spiritualist has to recultivate in order to recover the lost soul force. Because of this most choose to replace the demon spirit instead. In most cases the demon spirit can only be raised to the same level as the demon spiritualist}

Eros decided taking these on due to him being to lazy to travel far plus its easy money. well until he starts alchemy.

Eros thought i may take a while to hunt them but when he was walking around they would stop in front of him roll over showing their stomach ...Eros killed over 40 and surprisingly

"huh were they suppose to all have demon spirits? I thought it was suppose to be hard...

Eros was also finding rare medicine and herbs that can be used for items. He came with some that will easy break everyone to go up a realm. He also thought of manipulating some of the true gods blood he got (he has a ton) to make advancements without making them gods

right when Eros was about to leave the training ground his dick senses were going on and followed it to see Ning'er

'she still seems hurt I guess its time for me to act."

Eros jumps out and is in front of Ning'er

She han't notice Eros until Eros says "Yo"

"...Huh" she tries to pull her knife out and jumps back

Eros is behind her and hugs her

"I saw you were hurt and I had to see you why didn't you tell me that you were suffering.

"I huh..." her body stiffen

"I know your family is causing you to suffer. your forced to marry Shen Fei who you hate. You can't stand it. Your family has lost most of their resources to the sacred family so they are selling you off to that said family to help them out of their predicament."

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She starts crying and turns around and cries into his chest

"but what can I do. I have to be the good girl. I have to be strong but I'm scared. Why do I have to suffer like this I want to choose my own path. I hate myself because I know you are apart of the sacred family. So I try to distant myself from you..I just want to run away and never come back. away from the pain away from..ouch"

Eros gently flicks her head

"...Ning'er never talk about running away. In life there is one thing that matters. Do you know what that is?"

She shakes her head

"its Strength of mind body and spirit. when your strong no one can tell you who or who not to marry. We live in a strength world. The most important factor that determine or breaks your future is your strength"

"but I'm"

"I will help you get stronger but first lets cure your Arctic Disease."

" Arctic Disease? "

"An illness caused by often training at night. It would lead to chilled air entering the body which in turn would block the veins. In a light case it causes the person to get seriously ill, and in serious cases, it would cause the body to explode. "


"The symptoms are at night, the legs feel as though they are on fire while the rest of the body feels very cold, your body is wracked with so much pain that continuing the cultivation was impossible and extremely painful bruising that does not dissipate and starts to spread.

To treat it you have to use the Daoyin technique every few days to massage the bruised areas. Consumption of medicine made from combining Golden Striped Grass with Imperial Sky Grass for ten days. Rest well and stop cultivating at night until completely cured"

" Daoyin technique ? do you know it?" Ning'er asked hopefully

"Yup I know it there is also another way too and its faster and the person gets stronger"

"and that is?"

"A kiss of life on the infected areas..."

She blushes

"show me the infected areas"

"umm but I didn't say"

"I am worried about you you want to get stronger right trust me"

"umm okay" She shows her left foot that has a bluest tint to it.

Eros takes off his shirt saying it will get in the way an start going down on her ankle. While he did that he massages the other leg

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"ahh whats going on"

"Im opening up your power in your legs

"No stop not there my ahhh "

"relax just let me do all the work"

Eros then removes the Ning'ers shirt so fast that Ning'er didn't even know what happen

He see her huge chest all tightly against her purple bra. Eros got hard from her seductive body. but saw her infected area on her side so started k kissing it and using his left hand massage her boobs. slowly her nipples get hard and Eros starts to massage her hands then Eros moves closer to her lips and hand close to her special area. Ninger is anticipating but instead he puts his hands in her belly button and kiss her forehead she starts to glow and screams...or moans. After a few minutes she calms down

"so now your cured"

"*breath you*breath are kind of a jerk"

"huh what do you mean I cured you and opened up your meridians so you will be able to cultivate easier. Oh get dress real quick if you don't I may attack you"

'didn't you just attack me and didnt...nonono lets forget that'

Ninger got dressed and looking embarrassed at Eros.

"So any changes?"

"Yeah I feel better now"

"good now let me see your cultivation technique ok and soul crystal"

"...after a second Eros saw it and shook his head

"ok this sucks. Lets change this" Eros kissed her forehead again and put a egg on her head

Ninger begin to think he is messing with her until she felt a new cultivation technique then the egg went inside of her

It took an hour but she then settled down. shocked because she broke through to silver rank already

"the technique I gave you is the Raijin Bahamut God technique the egg is the Raijin Bahamut. It will activate when you get stronger also it will be able to make a weapon for you. I'm working on something I call a soul weapon..."

"Eros.. what can I do to thank you."

"haha I will one day make you my woman so don't worry about it"

"huh "Her face went bright red and she was about to run away but Eros stopped her

"before you go I have a song I want to sing for you that I made for you

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Like a small boat

On the ocean

Sending big waves

Into motion

Like how a single word

Can make a heart open

I might only have one match

But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn't say

Wrecking balls inside my brain

I will scream them loud tonight

Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song

Take back my life song

Prove I'm alright song

My power's turned on

Starting right now I'll be strong

I'll play my fight song

And I don't really care if nobody else believes

'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me"

{Rachel Platten - Fight Song}

"I will teach you some more techniques later but I have to go alright" Eros then kisses her cheeks and disappears"

Ninger is in a daze so many things happened today and so fast she didn't even process it yet...but one thing that she knew

"WHY DIDN'T YOU KISS MY LIPS YOU JERK"... she stamp her feet and mumbles "take back my life song"

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