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{not much happens really in this yeah}

when Eros finished answering those questions, an old man with both a beard and hair snow white and a sexy, tall beauty were standing behind him.

When the both of them saw Eros's pen swiftly going through across the problems, at the beginning, they felt that it was funny. These questions weren't things that Eros can solve at his age. However, when they saw what Eros had written, they were shocked beyond words.

Gu Yan and Yang Xin both looked at Eros and thought, 'Just what kind of monster is he?'

Is Eros really just a thirteen year old kid? Although Eros's face is still immature, Gu Yan and Yang Xin both thought that Eros is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years.

Without several decades of studies, it's totally impossible to become a Primary Alchemy Master.

Eros is just thirteen years old, but his knowledge and understanding towards Alchemy has already surpassed the Primary, and Intermediate Alchemy Masters. He might not be any inferior to the Senior Alchemy Master Gu Yan!

Gu Yan's glance towards Eros suddenly became excited. In recent years, the Alchemist Association was not like it was in the past. In just a few more years, the Alchemist Association would start to gradually decline. The several attacks from the demon beasts caused the Alchemist Association to suffer many losses. Many books were lost, many effects of the elixirs had been greatly reduced, causing many alchemists to leave. Many of them preferred to focus on the martial path instead. Very few were still willing to join the path of alchemy.

Gu Yan understood that this is wrong. The aid of elixirs to cultivation is very huge. If there is no one left to refine elixirs in the future, then the martial path would also gradually decline.

It's been a long time since the Alchemist Association had any new generations, but they never thought that the day would come when they would have such a monster like Eros joining them. Watching Eros's back, Gu Yan suddenly felt that from today onwards, the Alchemist Association will rise to a new height by the hands of Eros!

Yang Xin's eyes were filled with disbelief. Those sexy red lips slightly opened and closed, her perky chest rising up and down. She couldn't believe that the questions that left so many Alchemy Masters helpless was actually solved by Eros.

"President, Director boobs, nice to meet you!" Eros took the initiative to greet.

Gu Yan was a little surprised, lightly smiled and said, "Little guy, did yo?"

Yang Xin crossed her arms under her boobs and her boobs bounced "what do you mean director boobs"

"you little minx! now I will try to push you down later I'm talking business right now"

"If your wondering how I knew you...are you stupid? Of course I know you. I'm fromone of the three major families why wouldn't I know you , all of us have to know big names of President Gu Yan and Director Yang Xin the rumors about your beauty is understatements. If we were alone.... *cough *I was the one who sent over the medicine to little minx," Eros said, lightly and winked at Yang Xin.

'is this really a kid wait what kind of person could write that kind of article? Probably even Gu Yan wouldn't be able to study a herb to that extend. Could Glory City have a hidden Alchemy Grandmaster?'

It's a pity that she couldn't find any clue about the letter. Yang Xin once sent people to investigate but was unable to get any results.

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"That article was written by you?" Gu Yan's hands slightly trembled. He has seen that article before, because it had a great impact to the Alchemist Association.

"No it was a mystery master please of course it was me. I read every book that I can within the city. All the books in the library all the in my family home... I know ancient language if your wondering and if your wondering how I learned everything and read everything. I am smart and I used this" Eros makes a single shadow clone."Everything these learn get transferred back to user the only thing if you cant handle the rush of knowledge you can die but I'm smart"

Yang Xin blinked, staring at Eros, wanting to find something out from Eros's expression, but failed. Although he is just thirteen years old, his calm posture made others unable to read anything from him.

Gu Yan pondered something and said, "Since you have such an ability should you be revealing it. Isn't that a family trait."

"huh nope it isn't that big its just a fighting style. I have only taught my lovers so if this minx becomes one of them I will teach her too"

'this kid'

they talked for a bit and Gu Yan realize this kid was telling the truth and thought this kid will have a revolution on knowledge if he can teach this technique the learning style will speed up greatly. He said it is used for fighting and said has many risks too's a great fortune! He has to report this matter to Lord Ye Mo and the City Lord immediately. As for awarding Eros the title of Senior Alchemy Master, just from how Eros answered all those questions that even Gu Yan himself was helpless to answer was already more than enough for Eros to be awarded with that title. Awarding Eros the title of Senior Alchemy Master is equivalent to giving a favor to the expert behind him.

"Director Yang, bring him the books of Senior Alchemy Master, medal and robe!" Gu Yan decisively said.


Yang Xin turned around and went to arrange these matters. Her heart was filled with amazement. A thirteen year old Senior Alchemy Master, this is the first in the whole history of the Alchemist Association! plus he thinking of making me his..wait no hes just a kid...but he says he has a harem...

"Aside from obtaining the title of Senior Alchemy Master, I would like to work with President Gu Yan, too!" Eros lightly smiled and said, he came prepared.

"Work together? Little guy, speak your desires," Gu Yan's heart fluttered.

"I have more formulas here. " Eros showed him some of them were rare but Gu Yan knew some of them.

"What?! Soul Nurturing Pill, Soul Concentrating Pill and Soul Tempering Pill? Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill and Nine Transformation Pill?!" Gu Yan gasped. The usually calm him could no longer stay calm

as of now, the only soul enhancing pills that Gu Yan and bunch can refine is called the Soul Assembling Pill, and the effect is extremely limited. Those three soul enhancing pills that Eros just listed have already been long lost. Their effects are more than ten times or even several hundreds of times better than the Soul Assembling Pill.

In the Sacred Empire Era, Soul Assembling Pill was one of the low-grade elixirs. Soul Nurturing Pill was an intermediate grade elixir, it's effect is ten times greater than the Soul Assembling Pill. Soul Concentrating Pill is a high-grade elixir, whose effect is at least a hundred times greater than the Soul Assembling Pill. As for the Soul Tempering Pill, it's a top rated pill. Its effect is at least a thousand times more effective than the Soul Assembling Pill. Even Legend rank Demon Spiritists would get an effect out of it.

The Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill is also an extremely valuable elixir. It can refine the body, greatly enhancing the Fighter talent in the body. During the Sacred Empire Era, many Fighters were able to step into Legend rank thanks to the effects of the Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill. And now? Without mentioning Legend rank Fighters, a Black Gold rank Fighter is rarely seen in Glory City.

As for the Nine Transformation Pill, it's an even more legendary elixir. As long as one has the Nine Transformation Pill, when one suffered fatal injuries, one can consume a Nine Transformation Pill and their wounds would immediately begin to slowly heal. Therefore it's a life saving elixir!

Every year, countless Fighters and Demon Spiritists would battle with the demon beasts in life or death battles. With the Nine Transformation Pill, they can save many lives!

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"You have these five elixir formulas?" Gu Yan's voice trembled. He clearly knows that the importance of those five elixir formulas would have great significance to Glory City.

"No I just mention these for fun. Why are you keep asking me dumb questions.

"....." Gu Yan was stunned. Does this kid know the value of these. Thats right they call him the prince of Glory city. Hes suppose to be a genus at everything..

"Oh there no such thing as a free meal..."

Gu Yan is a little anxious, unconsciously rubbed his hands together. He clearly knows how great those five elixir formulas will impact the whole Glory City.

Glory City's current situation is not very optimistic. Demon beasts are all around the St. Ancestral Mountains, especially the three powerful Legend rank Snow Wind beasts. Even Lord Ye Mo couldn't fight them. Luckily, those three demon beasts are currently in a hibernating state, but if they were to awaken, Glory City would be in an extremely dire state.

In the history of Glory City, there were a few times when Glory City was almost destroyed and Lord Ye Mo is getting older as time goes on. There hasn't been any new Legend rank Demon Spiritists born since Lord Ye Mo.

"I want to continue my research on alchemy but it requires a large amount of resources. I needs to spend lots of demon spirit coins, therefore, these five elixir formulas cannot be given to the Alchemist Association for free. From now on, those five elixirs that were made by the Alchemist Association, the money that's made from selling it, I wants thirty percent of it. any objections? thats still a huge profit for you." Eros said. The profit from alchemy is extremely large. Sixty percent profit would be considered as small, some would even be able to get a profit of over ninety percent.

"Definitely, definitely!" Gu Yan hastily replied, "The Alchemist Association is willing to offer fifty percent of the profit to you!"

These five elixir formulas have been long lost. If they were refined, and taken to an auction, any one of those could be sold for a sky high price. The profit is definitely very shocking, therefore, even after taking out fifty percent of the profit, they would still be able to make a lot money off of it.

If they are really able to refine the Soul Tempering Pill, the Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill, and the Nine Transformation Pill, even the Legend rank Lord Ye Mo would look for him to buy some of it. Not to mention those Major families and Noble families! The wealth of those super families is not what an ordinary family can imagine!

Eros lightly smiled and said, "Dude calm down I said thirty percent. If it is botthering you so much take out some money to help out those commoners who are willing to join the path of alchemy."

Hearing Eros words, Gu Yan's expression was slightly stunned. But immediately expressed out admiration, "You can be assured to leave these to me. To finance their alchemy studies, would also affect the power of the Alchemist Association!"

Gu Yan has been wanting to restore their influence in Glory City, bring it back from their decline. However, he was frustrated that the human and financial resources were not enough. If he could obtain the five elixir formulas given by Eros, when they get the extraordinary profit later in the future, they would have enough power for those things.

"As for the selling procedures, you can send someone to supervise. If there is anything that is not up to your satisfaction, we will immediately rectify!" Gu Yan said. Leaving such a huge business to the Alchemist Association, it's normal that he would worry about it.

"no problem Director Yang will be my wife so it shouldn't be a problem..Besides, I believe that the two of you aren't stupid."

"Okay, here is the elixir formulas for the seven elixirs, please take a look," Eros said, handing the formula over to Gu Yan.

Seeing the formulas, Gu Yan froze for a moment. He never thought that the herbs used in the elixirs would be so ordinary and common! The cost is absolutely shockingly low! Gu Yan emerged into his thoughts for a moment and figured it out. Just like the Purple Haze Grass, before Eros sent the article to them, who would have thought that the cheap Purple Haze Grass would have so many effects?

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Glancing at these herbs, Gu Yan understood that the first thing that the Alchemist Association needs to do would be to gather as much of these herbs as soon as possible. However, the Alchemist Association isn't united. The elders would often fight for power. However, as long as Gu Yan has the Soul Tempering Pill, Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill and the Nine Transformation Pill in his control, he would be able to make the Alchemist Association become a more consolidated organization.

A moment later, Yang Xin brought the Senior Alchemy Master books, badge and robe over.

"From today onwards, if you have any problems, you can look for Director Yang directly. She will definitely do her best to help with your request," Gu Yan said. With these formulas, he would have to concentrate on refining pills for a while.

"Okay," Eros slightly nodded.

"This robe is a little too big for you. Wait for the new robes to be ready, I will personally send it to you. I wonder, where do you live? How do I contact you in the future?" Yang Xin looked at Eros and asked.

"I'm in the Fighter Apprentice class at the Holy Orchid Institute. Or the Sacred family.You can look for me there in the future," Eros thought for awhile and said.

Hearing Eros's words, Yang Xin's mouth widened. Who would have thought that Eros is a student of the Fighter Apprentice class? Thinking about Eros's frightening knowledge, Yang Xin doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Eros remaining in the Fighter Apprentice class seems a little wrong.

"Young bro Eros, if you want to enter Holy Orchid Institute's Genius class, I can personally go and speak with the institute principal!" Yang Xin said. As a Director of the Alchemist Association, her position in Glory City is still rather high. The Holy Orchid Institute would send some students over to the Alchemist Association every year.

"There's no need for that," Eros said, lightly smiling. He has his own plans. The teachings in the school already has no attraction for him. The only reasons why he remains in the Holy Orchid Institute would be because of Xui, Ninger, Ziyun, and another would be because of the treasures in the Holy Orchid Institute.

Yang Xin was wondering why he was staying till

"I have my women there"

"Since there is nothing else, I will leave first. If there is anything else, I will come to the Alchemist Association again," Eros said towards Gu Yan and Yang Xin.

"No problem, Director Yang, send Mr. Eros off!" Gu Yan said

"just Eros ok"

"Okay," Yang Xin nodded.

Eros flirted with her till they went outside of the Alchemist Association. After watching Eros's back figure disappear to the entrance, he looked down at the elixir formulas in his hands and looked at the solutions that Eros wrote on the wall. Gu Yan was sure he wasn't dreaming, his heart was unable to calm for a long time.

After Eros left, the whole Alchemist Association began to boil.

news of Eros formulas was announced, the whole Alchemist Association was in an uproar.

Gu Yan has already verified that those formula are correct. The Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill's effects are indeed, much better than the Soul Assembling Pill!

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These two elixir formulas have been long lost since the Sacred Empire Era. But now, they have finally re-emerged!

Previously, when Director Yang went on a large scale acquisition of those garbage herbs, she made several elders unhappy. However, once they knew what those herbs were for, they immediately shut their mouths. Is this a joke? Among the several herbs that Director Yang went to acquire, seven of them were the raw materials for the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill. Just these two elixirs alone would be able to help the Alchemist Association earn big bucks.

At the same time, they were curious. Of all the herbs, only seven are used in those two elixirs, as for the rest, what are they used for? Could it be that President Gu Yan has some other formulas that he did not announce?

The whole Alchemist Association began operating. Almost all of the alchemists from Intermediate Alchemy Apprentice and above were busy refining these two elixirs.

The commotion within the Alchemist Association was soon spread throughout Glory City.

Because the effects of the Soul Assembling Pill is too weak and too pricey, many people were unwilling to purchase them. However, the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill is not the same. The cost of raw materials were far cheaper to obtain than the Soul Assembling Pill's, but the effects are so much better. The Alchemist Association has already announced the price of these two pills. Due to the large amount that can be produced of these two pills, the fixed price for the Soul Nurturing Pill is twice the amount of the Soul Assembling Pill. As for the Soul Concentrating Pill, its fixed price is twenty times the price of the Soul Assembling Pill. However, the effects are ten fold and a hundred fold. This action by the Alchemist Association immediately caused a huge uproar within Glory City.

Everyone is looking forward to the sale of these two elixirs.

Gu Yan's thought on this matter is, even though the price of these two pills can still be raised, if the price is too high, it wouldn't be suitable for large scale promotion. By promoting them at a low price, this could allow the Alchemist Association to earn much more money, and at the same time, it can also enhance the strength of Glory City in deterring the attacks of demon beasts. At the same time, it can also enhance the Alchemist Association's strength.

The moment Soul Nurturing Pills and Soul Concentrating Pills were released, the originally declining Alchemist Association immediately rose up to the heart of all the ripples. Everyone is fighting for those two elixirs. The price of them was even crazily speculated in the Black Market!

Before long, the City Lord Mansion released a secret order to get the Alchemist Association to pay close attention towards the production of these two elixirs. The effects of these two pills in Glory City is too big, even the City Lord placed great importance to them.

Every member of the Alchemist Association worked overtime to refine the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill. Although their workload is a little bit more than usual, their rewards were several or even ten times more. Among them, there is already no one who would refine a garbage pill like the Soul Assembling Pill. They fully focused on refining the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill.

Some of the Soul Nurturing Pills and the Soul Concentrating Pills were leaked out of the Alchemist Association. Some Demon Spiritualist managed to get them and tried them out. The results of the pills were extremely good. Many Demon Spiritualists who did not manage to increase their cultivation for a long time, suddenly surged upon taking the two pills. This caused Glory City to be even more excited and filled with anticipation. Many ranked families were prepared to make large scale purchases of the elixirs, and use them to gloom the younger generations. These two pills might be able to create hundreds or even thousands of Demon Spiritualist in the future!

It's said that some people from the Dark Guild were acquiring the Soul Nurturing Pills and the Soul Concentrating Pills in large scale, which made the City Lord to issue an emergency order. Those who sold the elixirs to the Dark Guild will be severely punished!

The two elixirs already made the gazes of Glory City to be focused on the Alchemist Association. At this moment, President Gu Yan suddenly released an announcement. They are also refining three other elixirs. One of them is the Soul Tempering Pill, whose effects are ten times that of the Soul Concentrating Pills. Its effects could still affect a Black Gold or even a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist. Another one is the Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill, which can greatly strengthen the body, allowing one's physique to improve greatly. Last but not least, the Nine Transformation Pill, which can save lives even when they substain fatal injuries.

In that moment, Glory City almost exploded at the news. It's said that the night of the news release, Legend rank Ye Mo and the City Lord paid a visit to the Alchemist Association late at night to meet Gu Yan, and spent a large amount to purchase huge amounts of pills.

Even Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, Lord Ye Mo and the City Lord are so concerned about the three elixirs, which caused everyone else to be filled with expectation for the three pills.

Soon, Soul Nurturing Pill and Soul Concentrating Pill began to start selling at the Alchemist Association's shop. The scene was lively beyond imagination. Aside from all those big families, there is still many small families around. All were rushing to buy the pills. In a day, the Alchemist Association made a profit of more than six hundred million demon spirit coins. Just this one day,Eros was able to get two hundred million demon spirit coins.

The huge figure caused the elders in the Alchemist Association to be deeply shocked. This also caused Gu Yan's position within the Alchemist Association to be more stable. Previously, elder Hu Shuo colluded with two other elders to rid Gu Yan of his President position. But now, elder Hu Shuo had quieted down, even the two elders who were pulled over by Hu Shuo went to Gu Yan's side.

The wealth of the Alchemist Association went up to an astonishing degree. They released a piece of news throughout Glory City. They are massively recruiting disciples to join the Alchemist Association. All fees were taken care of, and once they reach Intermediate Alchemy Apprentice, they can refine pills to earn money. The Alchemist Association's attraction was too huge, and caused many of those who did not manage to enter the Holy Orchid Institute to join the Alchemist Association.

Then they spread the person who came up with this and helped the commoners was Shen Eros son of Shen Hong and next heir of the Sacred family. Eros name being the youngest Senior master the prince who helped the commoners were spread everywhere.

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