Etc. Romance

Chapter 3

1st arc

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The second moon in a floating world (part 3)

Inside the room that Aoi is in, there is a movable table and Rachel come to placed it in front of the bed where Aoi is sitting. The top of the table is covered with a white cloth that Rachel takes out and in the next instance a silver tray appeared with an expensive looking tea set.

“Would you like some tea?”

“Oh, yes please.”

Aoi nodded as Rachel placed her hand on top of the tray, however before she touched the cup, she directed her palm towards the ceiling.

“Before that, we need more light.”

after saying that, Rachel muttered some unfamiliar words from her mouth. Aoi heard them as 「Anne Lumiere」 , however the pronunciation is not clear.
As if reacting to Rachel words, her hands started to emitting lights. The dazzling lights covered her palm eventually and turned into a light ball sized slightly larger than a fist. That light bulb left Rachel hand immediately and stood silently in the ceiling. The pale moonlight is hushed as the bright light shined the room as if it was morning sun.

“「Anne hand」.”
This time, when Rachel said that, as if a hand appeared on top of the tray. It takes out tea leaves and put it in a cup that is turned since it was upside down. It put down the tea leaves and pour hot water from the pot. The tea is being brewed by an invisible hand and caused Aoi mouth to gaped open.

“Seems like, there is no magic in your world.”

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Aoi with her mouth opened listened to Rachel monologue and tried to understand the meaning but she failed.

[magic? My world?] – Aoi

of course Aoi know what magic means. But it wasn’t something that casually brought up as a conversation topic. In reality, there is no magic and this reality in front of her eyes has been confusing.


Aoi then returned to her sense as Rachel notified that the tea is ready. Aoi received the cup in front of her eye while saying thanks. Inside the cup, the tea has a floral scent wafting along with some steam.

“Do you want some sugar or milk? I can even serve it with lemon.”

“Oh, no thanks, this is already good.”

After answering Rachel, Aoi put the cup into her mouth. When the tea entered her mouth, she can feel a subtle floral fragrance being spread on her body. Earlier her body feels a little bit cold but as she drink the tea, warmth envelopes her body and mind. After taking a deep breath, she put the cup down and looked at Rachel.

“So, where is this place?”

“This is a villa that belong to Flockhart family. To describe it further you come to this place along with Yuan-sama where I found you in the snowfield near this mansion. Do you remember?”

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Aoi tried to recalls her memory while diverting Rachel line of sight. For the first time, she remembered the boy she met earlier. She also nods at Rachel.

“So, this place is that boy, Yuan’s home?”

Rachel confirmed it. So that boy full name will be Yuwan Flockhart. Now Rachel confirmed that Yuan isn’t a Japanese and naturally Aoi felt some uncomfortable feelings creeping up.

[Where is this place? Why the name are unfamiliar?] – Aoi

even the design of the room is indicating that this place isn’t Japan. There is no way a considerable big mansion like this will be built in Japan. Furthermore she doesn’t know the reason why she is there.

“Is this Japan?”

Even with her smart and intellectual look, Rachel seemed to be confused. Does the word ‘Japan’ is also unfamiliar of this world?

[I wonder if she doesn’t know the word Japan] – Aoi
Rachel looked at Aoi with a loss expression, it also can be considered as ‘incomprehensible’ look.

“Is the place called Japan is where you come from?”
Aoi nods and Rachel place her hands over her mouth. Judging from her reaction, Rachel doesn’t seem to know that place.

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[Is Japan isn’t well known?] -Aoi

These days there are a lot of foreign tourist from Europe and even America. So it was natural for Aoi to think that Japan is a well known country but it seems that it wasn’t as simple as she thoughts. Rachle then looked up at Aoi with her sparkling blue eyes.

“There is no place called Japan in this world. Do you have any other question?”


Aoi received Rachel remarks and her chest beats faster. With full of impatience Aoi asked in a hurry.

“Wait, so where are we?”

“Are you asking the name of this region where the mansion is built?”


Finally Aoi was relieved that maybe she can get a clue from Rachel about where she was.

“ This mansion is located in Astel Dam principality.”

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“Ah, Amsterdam?”

“No, Aster Dam. It’s the name of the local duchy.”

Rachel restatement bring Aoi to be puzzled again. Where is this place? She never heard a place called Aster Dam duchy or principality before.
“Well, would you like to take a look at the world’s map?”

Rachel was trying to help Aoi that is confused as she took out a pen from her jacket breast pocket. She muttered 「Anne record」. Rachel toss the pen into the sky and it is enveloped with light and didn’t fall to the ground in accordance to gravity. It is remaining in the air and soon it is drawing something in the empty space.

“This is our world.”

the pen that is moving in the air and drawing lines stopped it’s movement. The map is clearly portrayed in the air in between Aoi and Rachel. However the world’s map is different from what Aoi know.

“Aster Dam principality is located in this area.”

in the map there are many continent and island nation spread from east to west. Rachel finger moved towards the middle but a little bit to the east. On the west there are even bigger continent with size three times the continent that Rachel is pointing right now but such information is useless for Aoi right now.

“I guess, you have been summoned to our world from another world.”
at the end, Rachel words concluded her thoughts.

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