Etc. Romance

Chapter 4

1st arc

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The second moon in a floating world (part 4)

In a quiet room inside the mansion, despite there are people inside, a long silence was flowing. Aoi is trying hard to get out of her confused state. However her understanding couldn’t catch up with the reality. Even though she listened to Rachel explanation, she don’t know if she wanted to ask other question. As time goes by, her confusion is just increasing.

Suddenly Rachel tilted her face. Aoi also looked at the direction she is looking. However she is only looked at the door which didn’t show any sign of opening. Rachel attention moved back from the door and directed at Aoi. Realizing the situation and regained her composure, Aoi broke the long silence while staring straight into Rachel’s eye.

“I… I want to return.”

Of course she want to return to her original world. She is basically now sleeping over without even telling her parents. She is in fear that her mother will be angry. However Rachel hearing that, she is diverting her gaze from Aoi. Aoi feels bad suddenly.

“Is there no way for me to go back..?”

Rachel didn’t answer once again so Aoi asked her again to break the silence.

“I want to go home! Is there a way to go back?”

“There is… but its quite hard.”

Rachel still saying that while looked away from Aoi. Aoi is now feeling impatience as she wanted to go back badly and didn’t even want to stay any longer.

“So, why did I am here in this world?”

“Somehow, you are summoned to this world.”

“Summoned? Who summoned me?”


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Rachel is prevaricating but Aoi didn’t stop her pursuit for an answer. Aoi know someone must have summoned her to this world and that person surely knows the way to go back to her original world.

“Please calm down first.”

Rachel grabbed Aoi shoulder as she was frantically wanted to go back and forcibly make her sit down on the bed. Rachel is looking at Aoi straight in the eye to convinced her. However Aoi received Rachel condemnation as she didn’t falter continued to talk indifferently.
“Even I, don’t know who has summoned you to this world and I can’t find out who did this. I also don’t know how to return you to your original world. It’s an unheard phenomenon before for someone from another world is summoned. However, since I am here, I will try to do my best but it will take time.”

Aoi wasn’t given the time to meddle under Rachel rapid talking. But still Aoi was relieved since Rachel is willing to cooperate and try to return her to her original world. For the time being, Aoi can only nods.
Rachel let go of Aoi shoulder that has calmed down and look towards the door again.

“Is that you Yuan-sama?”
(Tl note: since the author used European name, Yuan name can also be called as Ewan… tell me which one you like better)

In response to Rachel words, the door is opened from the outside. In Aoi and Rachel line of sight, a boy with violet pupil and blonde hair can be seen.

As soon as she saw the boy face, the scene from yesterday is being played in her mind.

“Yuan-sama, please listen to me.”
Rachel said that while sighing, and Aoi could guess what she mean by that.
(Tl note: there is a chance that the one who summoned Aoi is the boy or the boy is saying sorry because he dragged Aoi here to this place…)

Aoi now is looking at Yuan with eyes filled with anger.

“I’m sorry!”
Before she could say anything, Yuan bowed down deeply. Aoi was discouraged and swallowed the angry words that is already on the end of her lips. However Aoi still couldn’t let it go with a simple bow. She is just looking at Yuan in silence.

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“Are you angry?”
because there is no reply from Aoi, Yuan looked up and his face was looked like he is about to cry. Aoi only staring at the boy eyes and shifted her gaze because she was starting to feeling bad.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
Yuan come close and ask for forgiveness from Aoi. Aoi feels like if she is bullying him and with a bitter feelings she exhales.

“Don’t worry, I’m not angry anymore.”
as Aoi said that, she could feel Rachel is sighing on her back. She turned around but Rachel only put serious look in her face. Maybe she just misheard things so she returned her gaze to Yuan.

“Thank you onee-san.”
Their eyes meet and Yuan face is showing a honest childish smile. The smile was adorable like a flower petals blooming. Aoi even almost raised the white flag because of the cuteness as her anger is being blown away somewhere. When she realized that she once again have a bitter expression on her face.

“Don’t call me onee-san. I have a name and it is Aoi Miyajima.”


Yuan repeated Aoi name and somehow the pronunciation has a lingering feelings in it. Also Aoi is also uncomfortable to be called Aoi and remembered about her times in elementary school.

“You should call me by my last name, Miyajima.”
“Oh, I see.”
after that Yuan repeated her name “Miyajima” and nodded alone.

Rachel was frowned at that situation and Aoi explained to her about the rules of first name and family name in Japan. In this world, it was more natural to call someone using their first name.
(Tl note: first name are usually used to call close friends or lovers in Japan, other than that they called someone using their family names ^^)

“Oh, that is interesting.”

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“Definitely an interesting custom.”

Because Yuan and Rachel response was too serious when they heard the explanation, Aoi once again realized that indeed she has come to another world. This world has a different customs and different type of people. However she founds one funny fact.

“Come to think of it. Why did I understand your language?”

of course it was strange. After all she has been transported to another world but this world use the same language from her original world. Normally she would have trouble speaking with residents of this world.

After that, Rachel took out the pen again and with it in her arm, Rachel wrote something that looked like a symbol in the air. It was similar to the alphabet but cursive and Aoi wasn’t able to decipher it in the end.

“Can you read this?”

“I can’t read it.”

“Is that so? Sounds like you had been summoned here in an incomplete form.”
when she said that, Rachel throw a glimpse at Yuan before continuing and look at Aoi again.
“Originally, summoning is done trough magic. Since we can’t communicate with those we summoned, there has been some adjustment and revision added to the spell so we are able to communicate with the summoned. So it seemed you are able to understand our words but not our writing. I supposed you are summoned here without the spell being complete. Something sounds like clumsiness was mixed in.”

Every time Rachel sentences ends, she look slightly to Yuan and in response to that, Yuan eyes is swimming to escape Rachel’s gaze.

“But, I don’t understand. Why did Aoi appeared in that place? Is it because the spell is incomplete?”

“Did she appear outside of the magic circle?… Yuan-sama. That mean you understand how grave is the situation right?”


under that situation, Yuan turns away his eyes from Rachel and since Aoi looked puzzled, Rachel tries to explain.

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“You know, every summoning has to be completed within the magic circle. It was miracle at how it was successful outside the magic circle. However one wrong step and you will be wandering in the spatial world forever.”

“Wait. What do you mean by that?”

“You know, there are also some place in this world that easily can cause you to cease to exist. Those who went to the cracks of this world is neither in the state of dead or alive. They are only wandering there for eternity.”
After Rachel said that, Aoi was horrified. Such things could happened at her as she feels goose bumps and glared at Yuan. Yuan and Aoi eyes meet as he turned his face hurriedly.

“There’s something that has been in my mind, can I ask you?”
Rachel as if trying to change the subject asked Aoi and in accordance to it, Aoi tilting her face towards her.

“What is it?”

“In your original world, there is no magic?”

“Yes, even for brewing a cup of tea I have to heat the water myself. There’s no such trick.”

“There’s no teleport?”

“Well, there’s no such teleport thing if what you mean is our instant transport from the snow field into this mansion.”

“That was a weird way to call instant transport. In this world it’s called spatial magic.”

“Oh, how are you able to do that?”

“In order to answer that question, first I must explain about magic.”
Rachel seemed prepare to tell her a long story as she sharpen her eye towards the corner of the room and uttered a short spell.
“「Anne Hand」”
Rachel says that while pointing on the floor and a table that is originally on the side of the shelf has been moved to her pointed direction. She also called a chair in a row and repeat what she did with the teapot and cup earlier. Now there are three sets of chair and tea for the three of them as they sit around the table. After that Rachel starts to talk.

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