Eternal Country

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Cut Down the Wolf

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Translator: SumTLMan

Glancing at this scene, the green wolf’s rage was thoroughly ignited.

Having just fought with the green-skinned monsters, it’s murderous intent had been thoroughly stimulated. Now, when it actually sees that the treasure it had been guarding this whole time was quietly taken away from under it’s nose and placed silently in a human’s backpack, given this circumstance, this has thoroughly touched the most sensitive nerve in the giant green wolf’s heart.


Endless rage sounded out.


The green wolf did not hesitate, it opened it’s mouth and burst out a fierce wind blade that cut like lightning across the air while it headed towards Yi Tianxing. One can imagine that once it fell on his body, with the wind blade’s razor edge, he was afraid that the blade won’t stop and will cut his waist into two halves on the spot. This can be seen from previously watching the wind blade instantly kill several green-skinned monsters in one fell swoop.

Yi Tianxing would never dare allow the wind blade to directly cut his body. Even if he were wearing stab-proof clothing, the clothes would be absolutely useless. If the clothes were made to withstand the wind blade, it would certainly end up in shambles.

Moreover, with Yi Tianxing’s character, he is by no means a man that awaits to be slaughtered.

Now that he has taken away the treasure, it is the perfect time to let go of his worries and start an all-out fight.

“Come on, I am not afraid of you.”

Yi Tianxing’s fighting spirit spreads from his body. With a wave of the tang knife in hand, he chops straight at the wind blade. His knife was directly infused with a strand of True Dragon Qi, although the True Dragon Qi can only travel through flesh and blood, and cannot really be directly infused into the tang knife, he can still indirectly pour his strength into the cold blade when his Qi travels through the meridians in his body, thereby increasing his arm strength.

The tang knife sharply chops down like lightning, but Yi Tianxing’s innate Yin and Yang eyes were even sharper, capturing the path of the wind blade breaking through the air. This knife choppee apart the path of wind blade.


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With this clash, a tremendous force was conveyed by the wind blade, leaving Yi Tianxing’s arm in shock and the tang knife deflected. His bones transmitted signals of pain after this blow, but the wind blade was also split and forcibly broken by his knife chop.

After the bout, his figure did not stop moving.

Feeling the great power radiating from his arm, his foot suddenly made a move and performed some tai chi footwork in order silently unload the force on his body. As soon as his body turned, a spear shot out very quickly, with the bronze spear in his left hand, he stabbed into the wolf’s eyes without hesitation, and the only thing that could be seen after the stab in front was a remnant.

The giant green wolf’s reaction speed was astonishing, as if it was the embodiment of the wind attribute, being incomparably light. When it saw the spear swing out, it immediately ducked it’s head aside. At the same time, it whipped it’s tail at Yi Tianxing’s waist. If this tail really fell on his body, even his organs would end up being crushed.

“Yin and Yang Lock!”


Yi Tianxing performs another tai chi footwork while his mind moves. A strand of True Dragon Qi in his body naturally infuses into his innate Yin and Yang eyes and prompts the Innate Yin and Yang Diagram in his eyes to start in an instant. Then two black and white Yin and Yang Lock chains came out in a flash. The Yin and Yang Lock, even though three or four meters long, were so flexible that they tied up the giant green wolf as soon as they appeared.

Both Yin and Yang Locks appeared, one bound the two hind legs, and the other bound the two front legs.

With all limbs bound.

Even the giant green wolf’s reaction speed could not adapt to this change, and it ended up falling to the ground on the spot.

Although the Yin and Yang Lock has a greater restraint against spirits and demons, especially fierce ghosts and zombies, they are not illusory objects, but can change freely between illusory and solid, even if they are directed at or against living creatures, they can still have a powerful restraining effect.

At the very least, they can be transformed into chains that bind the other creature. Moreover, even if the creature is flesh and blood, the Yin and Yang Lock can still produce a slight deterrent effect, even a bit of restraining effect, directly suppressing the soul. If it can be applied to the extreme, it can even pull the soul directly out of the body.

This is the power of his innate Yin and Yang eyes.

It came too suddenly so there was no time to react!

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The green wolf was bound by the Yin and Yang Lock and fell down instantly, and even it’s tail could not be used to cushion it’s body from the fall, so it hit the ground hard as it fell heavily. The bronze spear in Yi Tianxing’s hand stabbed into the giant green wolf’s waist without hesitation.


This stab, which was full of strength, fell on the back of the waist, directly signaling some bones to fracture.


The wolf howled in pain as it hit the ground heavily. The wolf’s waist, which is it’s fatal weak point, after being stabbed, left the giant green wolf with only half of it’s life remaining, all of it’s strength was completely shattered.

Immediately, the tang knife chopped at it’s throat like lightning and cut down the giant green wolf.

Slitting the throat, the blood continued to gush out. The giant green wolf howled and struggled violently, but this would only accelerate it’s demise.

All of this, from the beginning to end of the battle, was just a few breaths time, directly divided the line between life and death that determined the ultimate victor and defeated.

Every moment was extremely dangerous, a little carelessness, and the situation could have completely reversed in an instant.

Yi Tianxing, who has innate Yin and Yang eyes, had just stepped on the path of cultivation. At the very moment when he opened his Divine Sea, his whole body was nourished by the warmth of Qi, which had strengthened his flesh and blood. The more extraordinary the person, the more calm and courageous they were compared to ordinary people, completely controlling the battle, and ultimately the life and death of the giant green wolf.


The Yin and Yang Lock unbound the giant green wolf, directly pulling out it’s soul. This monster that had just died in the center square was tied directly to the Yin and Yang Lock. Even this soul from the giant green wolf was bound without exception, along the chain, there were hundreds of other souls pulled directly along into the Yin and Yang eyes.

Once in, they was absorbed and refined by the innate Yin and Yang eyes, and transformed into Yin and Yang rings.

In the twinkling of an eye, the third Yin and Yang Lock had been thoroughly condensed.

9 on 9 81 Orbiting Yin and Yang rings condensed a complete Yin and Yang Lock, each Yin and Yang ring needs a different soul, but the souls from these monsters are no worse when compared to some powerful ghosts, which makes the Yin and Yang rings condense even faster and more efficiently. In particular, the wolf soul from the giant green wolf is of outstanding quality, allowing the Yin and Yang Lock to not only condense a third chain, but also a fourth illusory Yin and Yang Lock with two Yin and Yang rings already condensed.

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Each additional Yin and Yang Lock means that the power of his innate Yin and Yang eyes has increased.

“I received a huge harvest this time.”

Yi Tianxing glanced over at the center square, and his eyes showed a hint of joy.

There were hundreds of monsters that have been slaughtered by the giant green wolf before, and a snow-white Wish Bead appears on each of the bodies of these slain monsters. Additionally, there are several light balls that have emerged from these monsters. Obviously, they have left some treasures behind.

Especially with the case of the giant green wolf.

After death, it unexpectedly condensed a bronze bead, the size of this bead when compared to the white Wish Bead is the same, but this bead can precipitate more years of cultivation than the white Wish Bead.

Moreover, Yi Tianxing can feel that this bead is at least ten times more powerful and pure than the white Wish Bead.

After seeing that the giant green wolf had been killed by Yi Tianxing, Chen Xuerou immediately left the security room and came to his side. After seeing the bronze Wish Bead appear, she immediately opened her mouth to explain “Big brother Yi, this is a bronze Wish Bead, a higher level Wish Bead than the white Wish Bead, it contains a purer power of wishes, and one can be compared to a hundred white Wish Beads.”

These are all recorded in the Wordless Heavenly Book.

The Wordless Heavenly Book is a wonderful treasure. Even though it has no attack ability, it can still directly scan and identify all kinds of items. As long as the items appears within a certain range, it will be immediately recorded in the Wordless Heavenly Book.

When she saw the bronze Wish Bead, Chen Xuerou opened the Wordless Heavenly Book and received the message.

“Such a good thing, so this is indeed a higher quality Wish Bead.” When Yi Tianxing heard this, he could not help expressing his joy and carefully put it in his backpack.

“What is this?”

Yi Tianxing once again looked at the light balls that had emerged from the giant green wolf. After killing the wolf, it condensed more than one light ball, in addition to the bronze Wish Bead, there are a total of two light balls.

One of light balls had a green crystal inside, while the other one had wolf teeth. At first glance, several of these sharp wolf teeth looked very fierce.

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These things are not ordinary, however, this is not the time to delve too deeply into them. The previous battle has begun to attract other monsters from nearby, and staying here is absolutely not a wise move.

Yi Tianxing quickly put all of the loot into his backpack, make the backpack even start to bulge a little.

“Come on, let’s head to the second treasure spot. If I remember correctly, there was another treasure that fell not far from here. It won’t be a long journey.” Yi Tianxing had no ideas of directly returning right now.

Now that he has come out, he has no intention of going back empty handed. At the very least, he should grasp this critical moment on the first day of the apocalypse. He has to reach for every opportunity that is possibly available in order to grow and complete some early accumulation. Even finding information about how this apocalypse started was important.

Chen Xuerou wholeheartedly agrees as she says “Where else should we go? If we have the opportunity, we must get more of these strange treasures. According to the Wordless Heavenly Book, all these strange treasures that flew out from the cracks were conceived by countless human fantasies and desires. They may be treasures in movies, a variety of cultivation methods from fiction, or even a magic weapon from art. The more we can find, the safer we will be.”

Having seen the Wordless Heavenly Book, she understood the significance of these treasures. Their role for aiding survival is strong or even paramount.

As long as there is an opportunity to get more treasures, none of them can be missed.

“Well, come on, follow me. If you can’t keep up, I’ll leave you behind and head off on my own.” Yi Tianxing said decisively. Only by pushing oneself to work hard can one have a chance at survival. Other people will not give you free of ride, and it’s naive to place your hope entirely on others shoulders.

When Chen Xuerou hears this, her face changed and felt her heart deeply impressed by this experience.

When she saw Yi Tianxing walking away, she immediately followed closely behind.


As Yi Tianxing walked, a venomous snake that looked like a dead branch jumped out and bit at his thigh without warning. If one was bitten by this snake, they will immediately fall to the ground from the effects of it’s poison.

“Seeking death!”

Yi Tianxing’s vigilance had never relaxed. Almost as soon as the poisonous snake strikes, he reacted immediately. He performs tai chi footwork and splits the back of the poisonous snake with his knife. The tang knife draws a perfect arc, directly cutting the snake seven inches below the head, one knife, two sections. The snake was killed on the spot.

After death, there were two things left behind, a white Wish Bead and a light ball, which seemed to be a black poison sac.

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