Eternal Country

Chapter 12

Translator: SumTLMan

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Yi Tianxing also had no time to check, as long as items derived from monsters are found, they will immediately be put into his backpack without hesitation. Now is not the time to check, he’s going to wait until he gets home before he checks them carefully.

“Ah, save me, there are monsters outside, who can save me, the police, the army?”

“No, block the door. The monsters are coming in. Get a kitchen knife or find a fire axe.”

“Who will save us, try to make a phone call, why is there no signal, we can’t get through, there is no signal, what do we do, the monsters are going upstairs.”

In all the floors, there were all kinds of panicked shouts filled with incomparable fear at the unusual chaos that befell them. Coming from an era of peace, when have they met with such great changes, there were no psychological preparations at all.

Despair and fear completely covered the soul.

After killing all the humans in the streets, the monsters did not hesitate to go and kill them in the buildings. This picture, every scene is bloody and shocking.

Some of the people who saw Yi Tianxing brazenly hunt monsters opened their mouths to shouted one after another.

Yi Tianxing did not pay too much attention to them.

Now is not the time to save people, if he does not seize the time to become as strong as possible and saves people now, the person that will die next moment is himself. Such circumstances, Yi Tianxing has seen too many times, the human heart is fickle, which also coincides with the cataclysm of the apocalypse, the danger surrounding the human heart is that it is simply unpredictable, who knows what people will do.

He is not a saint, he spent a lot of time in society, and what his profession involves is spiritual business. What he has seen plenty of, is filth, the filth hidden under all the glitz and glamour of society, and he has simply seen too much of it. Such times during the apocalypse will only make the human heart darker, which is even scarier to think about.

“Will you not save these people?” Chen Xuerou said with some intolerability.

Yi Tianxing glanced at the man who had called down to him from the window with a touch of firmness on his face, and said slowly, “I can’t save them.”

He continued moving his feet forward. Still headed towards the place where the exotic treasure had fallen before.

Besides, he was not moving slow.

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Along the way, whenever he encountered some monsters, he will not hesitate to fight and kill them while harvesting one Wish Bead after another, continuing to stack up these treasures.

Although these monsters are terrible, but they don’t seem to appear too powerful, although large in number, but in front of the Yi Tianxing, they still cannot cause too much of a threat. He forced and pushed away all monsters in his path without hesitation way.

Before they knew it, they’ve arrived at the intersection.

“The ground is cracked. Was it from a meteorite?” As soon as they approached, Chen Xuerou saw that on the ground around him, there were web-like cracks which were so dense and terrible to look at. The ground sagged down and the asphalt road was completely broken at the original intersection.

It just collapsed apart.

In the center of the pit, there is a light ball flashing, and the light emitted has created a strong attraction around the surroundings.


In the pit, it was striking to see a large number of monsters fighting against each other. It looked very bloody, a green-skinned monster group and a group of ferocious wolves bared their fangs at one another, all showing ferocious gleams in their eyes, and not only these groups, a group ferocious bugs came into the mix to kill them as well. They don’t know how many bugs were put out of their misery.

At a glance, this scene gives rise to an endless fear that has been magnified hundreds of times.

All different kinds of monsters, fighting very bloody battles in the pit.

Scattering a large number of bodies around the pit.

The blood has completely stained the ground all around.

“What do we do? There are too many monsters in there, and there are more monsters coming in. The treasure is in the pit, where there is no shelter, so we can’t even get close to it.” Chen Xuerou said hesitantly.

The pit was completely surrounded by monsters, and exotic treasure was clearly in it.

And those monsters have deemed it as their target.

It was an almost impossible feat to get close to it without alerting the monsters.

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“It’s hard to get close to the treasure, and my arrows can’t kill so many monsters.” Yi Tianxing couldn’t help frowning. This is a really troublesome problem. Once he is trapped in the pit, with his current ability, he is afraid he will die in this lifetime as well. The chances of escaping alive are absolutely slim.

Nevertheless, to make him abandon the treasure that is so close by, he has a strong unwillingness to leave in such a dismal way.

“What about this, we can leave first and see if there’s a chance to get it later.” Chen Xuerou said.

“If that’s the best option we have, let’s kill the monsters in the vicinity and see what happens before committing to a decision.” Just giving it up, Yi Tianxing is still a little unwilling, so he is ready to see if the situation changes first.

He continues to try think of a way to seize the treasure.

“Huh, look, what is that?” Just as they were about to leave, Chen Xuerou suddenly exclaimed at something.

Yi Tianxing immediately fixed his eyes in the direction, which also brought surprise in his heart.

“What a heavy gloom.” There was a subconscious murmur that came out mouth.

His pupils also sharply dilated.

He couldn’t help but squint his eyes into slits at the sight.

He only saw in the huge pit, there suddenly burst out a layer of black gas, it was grey, very cold, and in the pit of monsters, there were cries of terror. Even the wolf clipped their tails while running away from the scene.

But their speed was simply incomparable to that of the black gas.

They were instantly engulfed by the black gas.

One monster struggled to climb out and fell back into the pit, the surface of the monster froze and directly turned purple, dying on the spot.

“That is Yin Qi, wait, what is Yin Qi?” Chen Xuerou asked in a low voice.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and quickly said, “As you know, Heaven and Earth share Yin and Yang, living creatures stay under the sun and ghosts stay in the underworld. If a living person encounters Yin Qi, even if they are an immortal, they will suffer from serious illness. With a location filled with Yin Qi, it will easily attract ghosts. These ghosts can range from ordinary ghosts to ferocious ghosts. If it is extremely cold and gloomy, then that means the Yin Qi is too heavy in an area and will not be suitable for living creatures to inhabit, living people also will absolutely not enter. Such a heavy gloom, even those monsters cannot bear. This gloom must come with a great deal of history behind it.”

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He also walks in the supernatural world and has seen many strange and exotic creatures in the world. Killing powerful ghosts and solving an unknown amount of mysterious events, for this secret between Heaven and Earth there is some speculations, according to this heavy Yin Qi situation, it can be inferred that this place under Heaven and Earth is a place that will be filled with many ghostly incarnations.

Which can be proved by the existence of the soul.

But the underworld seems to have been empty for a long time. There are no ghosts, no judges, no ten halls of Yan Luo. It seems to be just following the will of Heaven and Earth’s by running on its own. This is also the reason why ghosts and gods are not visible, and it is even more impossible for Yi Tianxing to enter the underworld as well.

But reincarnation must happen.


As the black gas spewed out, it covered the whole pit, making the pit suddenly seem isolated from the outside world, separating the two different spaces into two worlds.

Immediately after the appearance of this scene, this made all the hairs on Yi Tianxing’s body stand on end.

All he saw were dark soldiers dressed in black armour and armed with weapons appearing. Tens of thousands of such soldiers came from out the shadows like an elite army, and behind each of these soldiers were ghosts tied with bright soul chains. Holding these chains were ghostly creatures, each of these beings looked cold and expressionless, and were obscured by the black robes.

They travelled along with the underworld soldiers.

And instead of just staying in the pit, they swept forward as countless ghosts scattered.

Immediately, the restraining chains in these creatures’ hands bound more ghost, the ghosts were bound from all directions, directly pulling them in order to follow along with the vast army of underworld soldiers that constantly moved forward. Along on the path, even a carriage followed along. Piled in it were a large number of ghosts, but their appearance was very grim, lacking arms and legs was commonplace, even missing a head was not a few, or even broken limbs that seemed to have been gnawed off by monsters, these souls looked extremely miserable. Like corpses, they were piled up in carriages and were pulled away by the army.

Chen Xuerou almost screamed and quickly put her hand over her mouth. Her body was shaking as she asked, “Those are the human souls that died in the hands of monsters. Where are they going to take them?”

This ordinary person was brave enough to not be frightened to death when witnessing such a scene was admirable.

If it hadn’t been for the monsters coming down from the Heavens during the catastrophe, Chen Xuerou would have completely freaked out on the spot right now.

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said slowly, “This is supposed to be the side channel of the legendary underworld soldiers. It is not necessarily a good thing that the souls of the dead are hoisted away to enter the underworld. By entering this gloom, they are forced to enter the underworld after death.”

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This situation can be referenced to the legendary underworld soldiers.

According to legend, under normal circumstances, these underworld soldiers will not step under the sun unless there is a major event in the underworld, a war in the underworld, which they need human souls to supplement by crossing through the human channel. If there was a great change in human life, or a serious disaster, or something that involve countless deaths and injuries, this will allow the underworld soldiers to cross the side channel into the human world.

These ghosts which got mixed in this disaster, are obviously included when taking away a large number of souls that have just died.

When the underworld soldiers borrow the side channel, people do not enter!!

“Don’t move, don’t make a sound, don’t alarm these underworld soldiers, wait until they leave.”

Yi Tianxing said slowly as his eyes shined.

Looking at the endless army of underworld soldiers sweeping out from the pit, under the cover of the black gas, it was impossible to tell how many there were. In short, it was quite huge number, and the speed at which the underworld soldiers borrowed this side channel was also very fast.

After a while, the underworld soldiers that gushed out from the pit had disappeared.

Layers of Yin Qi also slowly and silently dissipated.

But all of it still hasn’t completely dissipated.

“Have the underworld soldiers left yet?” Chen Xuerou’s snow-white face showed signs of fear.

In the end, it was quite good for this woman to keep her sanity in the face of the legendary underworld soldiers.

Yi Tianxing looked at Chen Xuerou’s pale face and said, “Underworld soldiers usually do not harm ordinary people, as long as they withdraw, they can protect themselves, but the Yin Qi from these underworld soldiers was too heavy. When we go back, you need to make up for it, you need to drink some ginger soup to drive away cold, some ginseng added is the best. Otherwise, if you are in poor health, you will suffer from a serious illness. If you have a strong physique, when the Yin Qi enters the body it will only cause discomfort.”

This Yin Qi naturally has no effect on him. As soon as it gets close, it will be directly absorbed by his innate Yin and Yang eyes.


Chen Xuerou obviously already has Yin Qi in her body, even if it is just on the surface, the Yin Qi has already had an impact on her. Of course, with Yi Tianxing nearby, this Yin Qi is nothing.

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