Eternal Country

Chapter 71

Translator: SumTLMan

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Face-to-face confrontation is the most unwise option, but how to deal with these monsters still requires careful consideration.

In his mind, as he thinks to himself, many ideas are turning fast. All kinds of ideas collided in just a moment. When Wang Fu was completely consumed by these Ogres, a plan had been perfected in his mind.

“This approach is a bit risky, but it’s the best plan I’ve got right now. It may be risky, but these risks are worth taking.”

Yi Tianxing’s eyes were fixed on the group as he hid his figure down in the weeds again. Glancing over at the cages in the camp. Human beings in these cages have different qualities in their clothing. Included in his observations were children from rich families, ordinary people, adult men and weak young girls. There are also old and young. But at this moment, they are all imprisoned in cages, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

They don’t know when, but the time will come when this group of man-eating monsters will throw them on the fire and roast them before biting a mouthful of their flesh.

This is the cruelty of this era, one with no absolute protagonist.

“In the past, when human beings were strong. All the pigs and sheep were kept in captivity and slaughtered at will. All kinds of species were on our menu. But now we are reduced to food by these fierce beasts and monsters. This is all too human. The impermanence of the Dao of Heaven makes all things freely compete with one another. We have no choice but to strengthen ourselves in order to survive.”

A glimmer of insight sprang up in Yi Tianxing’s heart.

Today’s Eternal Continent definitely doesn’t have just human beings. Just like the Ogre tribe in front of him. If there are small tribes such as this one, there must be larger tribes or many other races co-existing together on this piece of Heaven and Earth. There is not much reasoning between races at present. Even amongst humans, just for the sake of survival, one can fight to the death. Fighting until both parties are bloody and bruised, there is absolutely no mercy between races to speak of for now.

Just like the Ogres eating Wang Fu just now. Human beings, in their eyes, are nothing but food and delicacies.

Humans must expand as soon as possible and lay a solid foundation.

The sense of urgency in his heart suddenly rises and becomes stronger.

“If anyone can save me, I must be a cow or horse for a lifetime! Even if I must die, I don’t want to be eaten by these monsters!” A pale-faced man incessantly murmured to himself with his eyes closed. He didn’t want to die. He had witnessed that even if someone commits suicide, an Ogre will still unceremoniously catch and roast them on the fire to be eaten.

Even if one dies, one still cannot escape the fate of being eaten.

In his mind, he thinks of that one possibility, what if there really is a miracle. He made up his mind. When he was truly about to be eaten, he will end it all and kill himself with his own hands so as avoid going through such inhuman suffering before his death.

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“I didn’t expect that I, a scholar, would end up being eaten by these monsters. This is a complete insult to civilization and saints.” A scholar dressed in a scholar’s outfit said with an expression of despair.

All sentient beings which are forced to face the fate of being eaten will no longer remain calm. If one can really be indifferent to such circumstances. Then this is a fool, an idiot, no different from the stone on a path without even the slightest sense for life and death.

One by one, each person secretly prayed in their hearts, praying constantly to the gods or demons in Heaven just to escape from this Hell.


Just as those Ogres were laughing and eating Wang Fu while jumping around joyously. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking wind, as if something was falling from the sky. The sound wasn’t low, and the Ogres’ hearing was also amazingly strong. When the Ogres heard the sound, they first looked in the direction of where it was coming from.

Looking up, they only saw something streaming across the sky as the object fell and landed directly in their camp.

A strange, crystal-like cube fell in front of them.

“What is this?” Some people murmured.

“It fell from the sky.” Other people said.

“What a strange object, I’ve never seen anything like it before. It looks so bizarre. How could it suddenly fall here?” Someone wondered.

“Is it a treasure which has fallen from the sky? Do the Heavens have no eyes?” Someone asked.

Many human beings in the cage also saw the object but none of them could understand what the cube was. But what they could see was that it had suddenly fallen down from the sky. It was clear at first glance this wasn’t an ordinary treasure.

Of course, the Ogres went to see what had fallen.

Together, they gathered around the cube. With many big pairs of eyes, the tribe stared at the cube. One Ogre reached out for the cube and tried to grab it.


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But just when the Ogre had reached for the cube, a strange whirlpool suddenly appeared without warning while emitting a strange light. As the light spread, it enveloped all the Ogres which were near. What followed soon after was the light directly converging. At the time of convergence, those Ogres which were enveloped by the light had disappeared on the spot. Only the crystal-like cube remained while still flickering dreamy lights on the ground.

Suddenly, there was only one Ogre left in the whole camp.

This was the largest and burliest one amongst the whole group. Obviously, this is the leader of the Ogre camp.


“Death Cha-cha!!” The Ogre roared.

When the leader of the Ogres saw his people and subordinates directly disappear because of the cube in from of him. He went into a rage on the spot and grabbed a large stone, hurling it towards the cube. The stone smashed onto the cube, but what shattered wasn’t the cube, but the stone. The cube was still intact as pieces of the stone fell to the ground.


A sound came from the void with clanking which had reached the soul. What people could see accompanying the noise was only black and white chains shuttling through the void. Like serpents, it appeared in front of the Ogre’s body, winding and binding around its hands and feet.

The Ogre’s soul is so powerful that even the soul impacting sound from the Yin and Yang Lock could hardly pose a fatal threat as the Ogre immediately recovered from its trance.


Although the Yin and Yang Lock was allowed to bind its body, hands and feet. But the people only saw the muscles on the Ogre’s body wildly wriggling as the chains suddenly broke. Immediately the Yin and Yang Lock which bound its hands and feet had been directly crushed by its terrible brute force. The crushed Yin and Yang Rings had flown out in all directions. The Yin and Yang Lock has great power when targeting demons, spirits and undead. But for the living, the effects are too diminished.

“Kill!!” Yi Tianxing roared out.

With his roar full of murderous intent, people can only see a fine steel war spear twinkling with a cold awn. In an instant, the war spear breaks through the air and attacks from the dark. Yi Tianxing holds the war spear and strides out from his hiding place. At his feet, he pours True Qi into the meridians which he has recently broken through. With each step, a powerful and terrifying force makes the ground crack under his feet to a few feet away. This spear attack would’ve directly penetrated from the Ogre’s back and went straight through its heart.

Once stabbed, it can be predicted from the cold awn on the spear that even if it was an iron plate, it will be left pierced and broken. As soon as the spear penetrates, a large hole will be created.

Infusing True Qi into the spear, he puts strength into his palm to stab faster!!

The spear moved like a meteor chasing the moon in the sky.

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But in the end, the Ogre showed how it was indeed a part of a war-like race. When it was about to be attacked, it immediately reacted by going berserk on the spot. It reached out and pulled a huge iron sword which was inserted in the ground and chopped down behind it.


With the loud roars, people can only see that a battle between a spear and giant sword had started when the two great forces instantly clashed with one another. Today’s Yi Tianxing with his Flesh to Body strength alone having reached nearly 2,000 jin of force. In the past, coupled with his increasing strength from his gourmet cells. As long as he eats one or two more meals, having more than 2,000 jin of strength is simply an easy feat. When True Dragon Qi infusion is taken into consideration.

The power contained in his attack is enough to double in force.

Such force, when in collision together, is enough to cause an explosive roar. Instantly this made the ears of most of the people imprisoned in the cages become deaf. As if a roar of thunder had just been ringing in their ears, leaving their minds blank. Some people even directly fainted on the spot from the sound of the clash.

“What great power, this is definitely more than four or five thousand jin. There is also a strange force attached to the giant sword, similar to True Qi. But it’s not as powerful as my Flesh to Body strength.” At the moment of the collision, Yi Tianxing and the Ogre burst backwards at the same time, with their bodies still shaking.

The Ogre directly stepped back.

However, every step back which Yi Tianxing takes had unloaded the force of the clash, causing cracks to appear on the ground underneath his feet.

The strength of this Ogre is definitely not below the Divine Sea Realm 4th Cycle, or even reaching the 5th Cycle. Perhaps it may be even stronger.


“Death Cha-cha!”

But after stopping their bodies, Yi Tianxing and the Ogre immediately burst at each other again at the same time.

Brush, brush!!

Yi Tianxing released nine phantom spears in an instant from the fine steel war spear. With True Qi infused within each stab, the moment when these attacks are released from his palm. The people spectating see a series of nine phantom spears instantly appear in front of the Ogre’s body. The nine phantom spears stabbed past and struck each vital point. Even making the people witnessing what was happening unable to distinguish between what was real or illusory.

What was conveyed from the war spear was an aura of fierceness and solidity.

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The war spear sought to make blood flow, wanting no mercy and only death!!

Crushing Jade Spear Method—White Jade Without Flaw Glorious Nine States!!

This is the first time Yi Tianxing’s attack has been used against an enemy, but it was still able to display eight phantom spears. Even if the phantom spears were still a little illusory. It is extremely difficult to distinguish what was real in that instance. So, there was a momentary pause when the Ogre was dealing with his attack.

Strength, speed, precision.

These are all condensed into the war spear.

When the Ogre saw what was coming, it was dumbfounded in the face of such a sudden appearance of nine phantom spears. But it then wielded its giant sword and ruthlessly chopped down towards Yi Tianxing. Regardless of whether the spear stabs would connect, it first wanted to directly kill Yi Tianxing.

An Ogre’s body is taller than a human being, and the giant sword in its hand is longer than that of a human adult. This chop is enough to kill Yi Tianxing before his spear stabs will ever fall upon it. This is the reason why if a weapon is one inch longer it will be one inch stronger.

With its rich fighting experience, it made this kind of life-for-life gamble in an instant.

But this is the best way to deal with such an attack.

It can be seen from this instance that an Ogre’s battle instincts are very strong.

At this moment, in the face of such a giant sword directly chopping down, the tang knife in Yi Tianxing’s right hand was suddenly waved. His knife movement is very strange. It wasn’t straight but drew a circle in front of his body. Moreover, this circle is drawn continuously. One can see a circle-like knife awn moving toward the giant sword and covering it.

This is Taiji.

Moreover, the Taiji force is applied onto the knife. This is Taiji Knife.

In the past, when practising Taiji, boxing with Taiji was called Taiji Boxing. Now with Taiji on the knife, it is called Taiji Knife. This boxing and knife technique were naturally only martial arts practised during the end of the last era. But now with the power of True Qi infusion, it had completely turned upside down. The force wielded by Taiji really exudes a bizarre force.

When the tang knife collides with the giant sword, the size of the two clashing blades was really out of proportion with one another.

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