Eternal Country

Chapter 72

Translator: SumTLMan

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The scene looked as if a hammer was smashing an ant.

This kind of scene gives birth to a strong contrast.

However, when the incomparably giant sword touched the tang knife, a strange situation occurred. Instead of what was expected, the giant sword was moved directly to one side. The huge force contained in the giant sword was stopped as if it struck cotton. Since the attack couldn’t slip through, it instantly fell to one side.

This occurrence was completely beyond the Ogre’s expectation. He had no idea that his weapon would be directly moved to one side.

In a fight, life and death can be determined in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention the present, the Ogre was stunned, but this was all within Yi Tianxing’s expectations. As soon as he moves the giant sword to one side, he fiercely takes a step on the ground. His body quickly rushes to the Ogre’s side as the cold awn of his spear flashes past in an instant, directly stabbing towards the throat.

Nine war spears instantly appear, eight illusory spears and one true spear.

The true war spear reaches and stabs at the throat.


The war spear pierced straight through the throat with True Qi infused, making the force behind the war spear as domineering as a Divine Weapon. Even though the Ogre’s physical defence is amazing. Under this all-out spear stab, it directly pierced through the throat without delay with the spear tip sticking out from the back of the neck.

“Death Cha-cha!!”

The Ogre’s eyes opened in a rage as it lets loose a roar, still not retreating at all. After feeling the war spear go through his throat, he rushes straight towards Yi Tianxing, glowing with a layer of red light. The red light on his body seemed to suddenly make his body swell as his huge clawed hand heavily struck Yi Tianxing’s chest.

Magical Power Talent—Berserk!!

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Destiny Aperture—Berserk!!


With this blow, Yi Tianxing flew back on the spot. All the bones in his chest were broken as a mouthful of blood sprayed out while he was in mid-air. When his body finally crashed into the ground, he directly ploughed a trench which was several meters long.

He continued spurting out several mouthfuls of blood continuously.

“Benefactor!!” The people screamed.

“Please benefactor, be alright!” Someone said.

The whole battle scene fell into many eyes of the human beings trapped in the cage. Many of their faces changed one by one as they hurriedly shouted out loud.

Yi Tianxing suddenly attacked and abruptly killed the Ogre. In their hearts, they have already considered him their saviour for ridding them of the fate of being eaten by monsters. This grace left a feeling which was deeper and more profound than the sea. If anything were to really happen to their saviour, their moral conscience would never recover.

“What a powerful Ogre! What a powerful Magical Power! His talent instantly multiplied his strength at the last moment, making the attack from his deathblow truly terrible. If I hadn’t greatly increased the power of my Flesh to Body from the gourmet cells this past couple of days. My flesh and bones wouldn’t be several times stronger than it was before. With this blow, I’m afraid this would’ve been my deathbed. This is indeed a terrifying and powerful war-like race.”

As Yi Tianxing continues laying on the ground, he coughs up several more mouthfuls of blood. Fortunately, his body was strong. In a moment, he slowly regains his steady breath. Unsteadily, he rises up from the ground and moves to set the broken bones in his chest. He then takes out a water bottle and pours the water into his mouth.

This isn’t ordinary river water, but well water from the Moon Well. Before leaving, he specifically filled several empty water bottles with the well water, just in case a critical moment comes up. It’s being put to good use right now.

When the bottle of water from the Moon Well was drunk. A cool aura quickly melts into his flesh and blood while the area of the broken bones in his body felt more comfortable. He begins feeling the stimulation of his bones healing and quickly recovering. Coupled with Yi Tianxing’s strong physique, it won’t be long before his body recovers.


When he came to the Ogre, he reached out and pulled out his war spear as a bloody fountain was released. He has been killed and the ferocious-looking body which was held up by the war spear directly fell to the ground.

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Taking the Matrix Cube back into his hands. When his mind moves, it appears in the Matrix Cube.

This Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube is a wonderful treasure. It contains all kinds of bizarre rules. The most important aspect is that all kinds of killing mechanisms can be laid out in the Matrix Cube. Today, it is only in its initial embryo state which only has 126 grid rooms.

Each room can be set as a safe house or a death room.

It contains the wonderfully profound power from fantasy which can allow the owner to make the rules as if they were a god. But the key rule to the Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube is that there must contain a chance of survival. As long as anyone can find that chance of life, they can survive and save themselves.

Moreover, the first room for new arrivals must be a safe house without any dangers. As long as one doesn’t escape this room, there will be absolutely no dangers. But if one escapes the room, then they must be psychologically prepared to die at any moment.

Now, Yi Tianxing has already arranged and designed every killing mechanism in the death room for the Matrix Cube.

When he took out his treasure this time, he unexpectedly received all six or seven Ogres into the Matrix Cube.

Now with his mind immersed inside the treasure, he immediately sees everything happening in the Matrix Cube.

When the Ogres arrive, they were all gathered in one room.

This safe house is completely snow-white, and the building materials used for the room made it magically appear like something from science fiction. With flashes of golden light, this science fiction treasure is like a magical weapon. This treasure seems to be a combination of science fiction and cultivation civilization.

Bang bang bang!!

When the group of Ogres were suddenly caught in the Matrix Cube and locked in the safe room. They immediately pounded in rage at the walls of the safe room. Although the force behind the attacks was enormous, the thousands of jin of force bombarding the safe room walls strangely disappeared. As if the walls were bottomless pits with all forces behind the blows being directly swallowed up. On the wall, not even a trace of damage has been left.

If they want to break the walls by using force, then this is a pipe dream. Totally impossible.

“A group of ignorant fools. If these safe rooms could easily be destroyed, then this exotic treasure of mine would be too much of a waste. I’d like to see how long they can survive.”

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When Yi Tianxing saw them, he couldn’t help sneering on the spot.

In one room, there is a door on the front, back, left, right, up and down which can be directly opened. After being opened, there is only a door of light. As long as the light door is entered, one can enter a new room on the other side.

The Ogres continued roaring out in rage after they realized they were unable to destroy the safe room.

After bombarding the walls, they also found the entrances to the other rooms.

After opening the entrance and seeing the light door in front of him, an Ogre strode directly through the door. As soon as he enters, he just goes through a strange tunnel. No matter how big his body was, the tunnel easily accommodated him. There was no feeling of claustrophobia at all. As he reaches the end, he can see another door flashing in his eye. After opening it and entering through, there is an identical room.

The rage on the Ogre’s face became even more intense. Without hesitation, he went through another door, down the tunnel and into a new room.


As soon as he entered, a nozzle covered with fine holes appeared directly at the top of the room. Some transparent liquid sprayed out like torrential rain, covering most of the area in the room.

The Ogre’s burly body, in the face of the sudden rain, had no room to dodge. His whole body has been thoroughly drenched.


After the rain of liquid had drenched his body, the Ogre didn’t feel anything at first. But in the blink of an eye, there was a mournful shrill scream coming from him. His whole flesh and blood melted before his very eyes, turning into a pool liquid. Even though his skin was tough and thick. He still melted in just a few breaths times, thoroughly turning into a pool of liquid. The dead cannot die again.

After the death of this Ogre, even the liquid disappears. But in a mysterious core space of the Matrix Cube, there is a crystal-like Heavenly Pool. In this pool, it had naturally given birth to a drop of blood-red liquid, which seems to contain the feeling of fear, death, despair, and so on. The seven emotions and six desires are flowing and changing inside the pool as if wanting to pull Yi Tianxing’s mind in.

“This is sinful karma condensed by the Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube. As soon as any creature entering the Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube dies. The karma will be absorbed, refined, and integrated into the Matrix Cube’s Heavenly Pool. Once the karma fills up the Heavenly Pool, the Matrix Cube will be promoted and transformed. This is a terrifying treasure which only exists for the sole purpose of killing.”

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Yi Tianxing had known from the start that his Matrix Cube is a tool meant for killing. All creatures have sinned, but what matters is whether they have few or many. Once they fall into the Matrix Cube, it will naturally absorb the karma from the entrants. Moreover, those with deep sinful karma will encounter stronger and more frequent dangers while in the Matrix Cube. Unless they don’t move and stay in the safe house, it will be very difficult to survive repeatedly in the death rooms.

However, those with low sinful karma will receive a chance of life if they leave the safe houses.

As long as one washes their sinful karma, one can be free from the Matrix Cube.

The Matrix Cube doesn’t kill those who have no sinful karma nor those who are good.

But once one dies in the Matrix Cube, all karma will be absorbed by the Matrix Cube. This is an innate rule of the Matrix Cube. Even Yi Tianxing cannot change this supreme rule for this killing treasure.

“None of these Ogre will survive after entering the Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube.”

Yi Tianxing pulls back his mind.

Just now, he has seen another Ogre stepping into a room containing trap mechanisms. Instantly, it was directly twisted and cut into countless pieces by the rotating mesh wire. The metal wires were condensed by the power of the Matrix Cube. The sharpness is comparable to a Divine Weapon. As the Ogre’s body had hanged, its body fell to pieces as the wire rotated. There was no chance of survival.

When caught by this trap, there is only one outcome, death.

The other Ogres will never escape the fate of death.

This is the horror behind the Multi-Dimension Matrix Cube.

After putting away the Matrix Cube, Yi Tianxing looked up at the cages hanging around him. All the humans in the cages looked expectantly back at him. Obviously, they hope he can save them.

When Yi Tianxing saw this. Without hesitation, he quickly cut off the vines that had suspended the cages as each one dropped to the ground. Swinging his knife and splitting the wooden cages. The people were released from their prison.

“Great, we have finally been saved. Father, you died in soul-wrenching agony and pain. Why did you have to replace me and be eaten by those monsters?!” A man sobbed as he said.

“Survived, we really survived. The days before were completely hell.” Another person cried out.

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