Eternal Country

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Yangjia Village

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Chapter 76 Big Dipper Chaste Guiding Cultivation <TOC>

Translator: SumTLMan

He didn’t think about it anymore. Anyway, if he hasn’t reached a certain realm before going to the area where the Cultivating Origin Fruit Tree is located, he will never approach that place again. Even his Innate Yin and Yang eyes wasn’t able to see where the beast was hidden, which shows this beast is beyond his capabilities.

He keeps moving forward.

When splitting the thorns on the road, suddenly, a bit of red flashed in front of his eyes.

“Ginseng berries, its ginseng.”

When he refocused his eyes, he only saw that beside him, there was a small tree-like plant bearing bright red berries. These berries were clustered together like a bright red flower, making them look very conspicuous and eye-catching.

Yi Tianxing knows what these berries are, they are ginseng berries.

According to legend, when the maturity level of ginseng reaches a certain degree, these trees will blossom and bear fruit. These berries, which are also ginseng seeds, are then brought to other places by birds when they are ripe, leaving room for new ginseng berries to grow. Moreover, the berries themselves are edible and are also rich in Origin Qi, allowing it to nourish the body. A Ginseng Tree which can produce scarlet berries must be very aged.

“Wild Ginseng, this cannot be missed.”

A red rope appeared in Yi Tianxing’s hand. One end of the red rope was tied to a branch while the other end of the red rope was held in his hand.

Ginseng is a panacea and the ginseng with great maturity can grow to have a human shape and gain spirituality. When picking the ginseng, in the beginning, one needs to tie the red rope to a branch. This binding keeps the spirituality of the ginseng from dissipating. Ginseng is a spiritual plant, and without the red rope, the spirit in the ginseng will escape. Even if the ginseng is dug up, the efficacy of the ginseng plant will be greatly diminished since the spirit of the ginseng is gone.

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In fact, among the traditional ginseng-pickers, the rules are more stringent. When going out and picking ginseng, each person holds a rope-plucking stick (commonly known as a rope-poking stick) to press the grass as they move forward and find the ginseng. According to the mountain rules, no one is allowed to speak a word until the ginseng appears. Then they immediately shout loudly, “hammer” as soon as the ginseng appears. It is said that if one calls out “hammer”, the ginseng will be fixed in place and stop running away. Afterwards, the person then covers it with a straw hat. With the ginseng captured, the ginseng is then tied to a branch with a red rope, so as to truly catch the ginseng. The people who capture the ginseng also pay particular attention to what they say. Digging ginseng is called carrying ginseng, which is generally said with full of respect.

Yi Tianxing naturally will not do something so tedious. He tied a branch with red rope, doing so as to not allow the ginseng spirit to collapse and maintain the ginseng spirit.

After doing this, he brought out a shovel and carefully began digging away the soil. As the soil is separated little by little, in the blink of an eye, the yellow ginseng appeared before his eyes. It was the size of a carrot with many roots, it already had one-third of a human shape.

Yi Tianxing can feel a strong vitality lurking inside.

“I found 300-year-old wild ginseng.”

Yi Tianxing carefully held the ginseng in his hand, and his heart couldn’t help but give birth to a trace of joy.

“I didn’t expect to see something besides the Cultivating Origin Fruit Tree which I couldn’t make a move on. But when I had turned around and left. Unexpectedly, I found a 300-year-old ginseng plant here. Life is full of surprises.”

There was also a smile on Yi Tianxing’s face. Without hesitation, the whole ginseng had disappeared from his hands. When it reappeared again, it had appeared in his Dantian.

In his Dantian, his piece of Spiritual Field has grown some rice, and the speed of growth is far from normal. This rice is being nourished by Spirit Qi at all times, so it’s difficult not to grow fast. The rice are almost ripe. Moreover, the grains contain a touch of Spirit Qi. Although it isn’t truly spirit rice, the grain is more abundant in Spirit Qi than the mundane ordinary rice.

This is the magic of having a Spiritual Field.

Unfortunately, only a part of the total size of the land is available for now. During this period, he has been constantly absorbing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, even nurturing his Dantian Destiny Aperture with his own True Qi. The original three parts have expanded a little and reach the scale of four parts of the land. The difficulty of this Dantian Destiny Aperture lies in opening up more land. As long as he opens up more land, he can absorb the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi derived from the growing plants. Moreover, he can plant panaceas, which will naturally become the nutrient for this Spiritual Field in his Dantian. Eventually, it will make the soil of his Spiritual Field more fertile and naturally increase.

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When his mind moved, a small pit appeared in the Spiritual Field, and the ginseng plant also naturally appeared. It fell into the pit and soil covered up the plant automatically, deeply burying the ginseng. The ginseng berries on the Ginseng Tree will soon become seeds, falling into the Spiritual Field, allowing new ginseng to grow.

“Well, I’m going to have to set up my own medicine garden in the future. This four areas of land will become larger and wider. As long as it is well cultivated, my Dantian Destiny Aperture will be the most powerful foundation amongst the cultivators.”

Yi Tianxing took a second glanced at his Spiritual Field as his heart filled with hope.

With his enhancement in cultivation, his Dantian Destiny Aperture will continue to grow and transform.

In fact, in the Spiritual Field of his body, not only ginseng but there were also some other panacea seeds which have been planted. Those were some panacea seeds traded from the Travelling Merchant, which aren’t too precious. They are all common seeds such as Polygonatum Sibiricum and Ephedra Sinica which aren’t true panacea seeds at all. However, planting them can make up for the shortage of traditional Chinese medicine in the village.

After the joy of his unexpected harvest, Yi Tianxing once again moves forward on the path. Along the way, it is impossible to avoid fighting with beasts and poisonous insects. In the jungle, there are too many hidden ferocious creatures.

This walk took several hours and even his lunch was settled on the road. Unwittingly, he has passed through the dense jungle.

When he left the jungle, his field of vision immediately becomes wider.

Suddenly, a plain appeared before his eyes.

On the plain, there is a lush and exuberant grassland.

A village stands impressively on this plain, but this village appears extremely simple and humble. What can really be noted is the Memorial Archway and mansion. The rest of the homes were either sheds or thatched huts built at random. Outside, there is a wooden fence formed by directly nailing the wood into the ground, which wasn’t even a wooden wall. In contrast, Xuan Huang Village is a luxury villa in the city while this is a dilapidated village in the countryside.

On the plaque, several ancient seal characters suddenly appeared—Yangjia Village!!

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“This village is called Yangjia Village.”

After Yi Tianxing saw it for the first time, an idea sprang up in his mind.

The idea is obviously about the name of the village.

“The man who founded this village is surnamed, Yang.” Later, another idea appeared. Obviously, this should be the name of the owner of the village. Generally, such a village name is directly related to the founder.

“There are signs of fighting around and a thick smell of blood. Moreover, according to the concentration of the bloody smell, the time between the last fight wasn’t too long ago. There are also broken fences, meaning the fighting has spread to the village. It seems the attack on Yangjia Village isn’t so serious.”

Outside, many problems can already be seen with a casual scan of the surroundings.

“This Yangjia Village unexpectedly has an army, a regular army with a strict bearing. Even the soldiers are dressed the same. This is a well-organized army. However, their numbers shouldn’t be too large.”

Behind the village fence, he can see the soldiers standing erect, with long spears in hand and armour covering their midsection. Some soldier’s midsection armour has been damaged, and the crack seems to be from a beast claw. He can also see that their faces are a little pale and fatigued.

These are the remaining soldiers who have survived and experienced a fierce battle.

“Who is it?”

At the entrance of the village, under the Memorial Archway, two soldiers stood on the left and right respectively. Their eyes glanced sharply around and saw Yi Tianxing, who was coming out of the jungle. This made them alert as they saw him walk straight to the village. With the long spears in hand, both shouted coldly at him at the same time across the gate. They yelled that they had never seen Yi Tianxing in the village before.

“I am a lost man in the wilderness. I had suddenly appeared in the jungle and before I knew it, I had no idea where I was. I have appeared in this world. My surname is Yi. Before I came out, I hadn’t known a village was here. I want to come in and ask for some water.”

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Yi Tianxing said with grace and self-confidence.

He suddenly described himself as a lone wanderer who had suddenly fell into the mountain forest and struggled to walk his way out. Being alone always makes it easy for people to somewhat reduce their sense of vigilance.

“Forget it, let him come in. We are all human beings and this world is too dangerous. Being able to come to our Yangjia Village is also a kind of fate. We from Yangjia Village accept any human being.” At this moment, a young man in helmet and armour came out, showing a trace of dignity from military experience. There is a convincing power in both his speech and actions.

“Yes, young general!!”

When the two soldiers heard this, they agreed to let him go.

“Thank you, young general.” Yi Tianxing said with a smile. At the same time, he is also secretly looking at the youth in front of him. His appearance is young and handsome, coupled with a military temperament, his personal charm can be described as quite good. This allows people to have a good impression of him. There is a hint of leadership in him. If such a person grows up, he must be the makings for an army commander. He seems to have a clear vision, and a firm will.

“You’re welcome. We are all brothers. As long as you are human, you are one of our own. It’s very dangerous outside. Come in and have a drink of water. Although there isn’t enough food to go around, at least there is still hot water.”

The young man said with a smile.

“Just now those two soldiers called out to the young general. Is your surname Yang?” Yi Tianxing followed him into the village and casually asked.

“Yes, this Yangjia Village was built by my father. You can stay here as long as you want, no one will drive you away if you wish to stay.” The young man said with a smile.

“My surname is Yi, Yi Tianxing.” Yi Tianxing smiled and nodded in agreement.

“You turned out to be a strong warrior.” The young man looked at the war spear on Yi Tianxing’s back as he dragged a ferocious Crocodile in hand. This Crocodile was also one of the reasons why the soldiers dared not allow him into the village before. He also clasped his fist and said: “My surname is Yang and my first name is Yanping. Brother Yi can call me at will. Here, everyone is like family. My father and I will certainly protect the people in our village and we will never let them die in vain.”

“Brother Yang is polite. Yi also has some power. If there is any danger, I can also lend a hand on the battlefield. These days, in this mountain forest, I have encountered many ferocious beasts and monsters.”

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