Eternal Country

Chapter 78

Translator: SumTLMan

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“Thank you, Brother Yi. To be honest, in this past twenty days, we have been unable to resist the increasingly powerful monsters. At first, we were able to resist some waves of incoming monsters. But now, they have gone beyond our control. In the beginning, there were 3,000 Yangjia soldiers, but now there are less than 1,500 of us left. Everyone who has died in the battle against these monsters had done so only when we were overwhelmed by their sheer numbers.”

When Yang Yanping gloomily explained this, there was a sad expression on his face.

His mind secretly thought: Looking at the way this Yi Tianxing is dressed up while carrying a war spear behind his back, he is an unexpected maverick. The world has changed to our present with more than twenty days which have passed. If he can survive for such a long period in the jungle, his strength mustn’t be weak. If he can help us fight against these monsters and beasts, this will be a great relief. The only problem is that we don’t understand his character. For now, he seems to be a temperate man worthy of friendship.

For some reason, he felt the name Yi Tianxing was strangely familiar.

“As soon as I arrived, I sensed there was a strong smell of blood and death which stained the lands outside. The blood has dyed the ground red and there are traces of bloodstains on the surrounding fences. I don’t know what kinds of monsters had come to attack the villages. But if I’m unmistaken, the army stationed in the young general’s village isn’t composed of regular soldiers, but elite ones. Even with the strength of an elite army, you have lost so much. The enemy you are facing must be extraordinary.”

Yi Tianxing didn’t pretend to be needlessly profound and directly said.

“We are facing a large pack of wolves, a very large pack of wolves. They number in the tens of thousands, with each more than a meter tall, as tall as an adult and each being very ferocious. Our soldiers are being directly culled every day from their attacks. Moreover, there is also a terrible wolf king among them which can attack with strange crescent blades. Under this kind of strange attack, almost no one can resist the wolf king. This is especially true at night, with the strength of the wolves soaring, becoming more ferocious and difficult to deal with. A large number of officers and soldiers have already been sacrificed under the waves of wolf attacks to learn this key information.”

Yang Yanping took a deep breath, looked straight at him and didn’t hide what was happening, telling him what has transpired in Yangjia Village.

These things can’t be concealed from anyone. Even if he doesn’t say, Yi Tianxing will clearly know by casually strolling around the village. So, there was nothing to hide.

With his narration, an idea about Yangjia Village’s situation naturally forms in Yi Tianxing’s mind.

It turned out that when Yang Yanping, his father and several younger brothers were preparing for war. During their march, the fusion of the worlds began. Then, they abruptly appeared here and entered a completely strange new world. Their original enemy no longer exists along with their own homeland completely collapsing before them. What has happened is that they have been transported to this new world without their families or home country.

When they suddenly arrived in such a world, they are naturally at a loss and enter a period of confusion. In the end, only over 3,000 soldiers were remaining from the original army. But at the same time, there were as many as 10,000 people which appeared along with them.

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In the face of this event, most people became panicked and bewildered. Even if they do not belong to the same homeland, or even if they belong to other worlds, they are all human.

His father chose to use a Village Construction Order he had received upon arrival to directly build a village in this new world—Yangjia Village. He gave all the people who were in a state of fear and confusion something to rely on again.

In the face of more than 3,000 elite troops, these people all feel a strong sense of security.

But then something terrible happened.

A variety of strange monsters and fierce beasts continually emerged. The first to appear was a group of scarecrows who could move by themselves. These scarecrows held wooden swords, sharp bamboo poles and spears to attack Yangjia Village.

In the face of these monsters which are completely beyond common sense, even if the Yangjia army is elite, they were still shaking in fear. In ancient times, the general fear of demons and ghosts was definitely strong. In the face of powerful enemies, as long as they are human, they will never quake. But in the face of these strange monsters, the natural fear in their hearts will naturally emerge.

A large number of soldiers died during the battle.

Most of the deaths were not so much attributed to dying under the claws of the monsters but dying from their own fears.

Then other monsters appeared behind, including fierce birds in the sky and a large number of jackals. As long as the village exists, these monsters will violently attack the village. Not only do the soldiers continually die off, but also the villagers and civilians have followed suit by dying due to their lack of fortifications.

It can be said that in the beginning, the whole Yangjia Village was in a state of constant danger.

Fear kept spreading amongst the populace.

However, even in these circumstances, Yang Yanping’s father still had not given up. He brought the soldiers under his command and began building houses, fences, walls and fortifications. Every day is a constant battle.

Every day, many people die, both soldiers and civilians.

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Some died in battle while others died from starvation.

Without food, hunger is already the most imminent threat before them.

For this problem, Yangjia and his son, who have great talent in unifying the soldiers during battle, are obviously a little lacking. Not everyone is an all-rounder, and this aspect of dealing with internal affairs is obviously their flaw.

Coupled with the continuous fighting and resistance of the wave of beasts and monsters, there is no time to manage the village while still implementing military control. Had the people not been facing the threat of survival presently, this management style would surely have received strong backlash. There is no shortage of former high-ranking officials in this world or many who have bad intentions.

Other monsters have also become easier to handle after these continuous battles. This shows that although these monsters are strange, they are not immortal. These monsters and beast just have a bizarre appearance, but the wolves are truly a terrible foe.

The wolves are so vengeful.

Under the first attack on the village, both the wolves and the Yangjia army suffered heavy losses. However, the number of dead giant wolves was still higher than that of soldiers killed. There was also a silver-white wolf who was blinded in one eye during the first battle.

This completely enraged the wolves, with even the wolf king appearing on the battlefield.

Moreover, the wolf king is also silvery white. Obviously, the injured silver wolf from before should be the offspring of the wolf king.

After, a large number of wolves continuously ran towards the village to cull the villagers every day. The wolf king, who seems to be restrained by something, has never participated in another attacked. Otherwise, the whole situation in Yangjia Village would face the threat of destruction.

It can be said the current situation in Yangjia Village is precarious!!

Yang Yang didn’t bother hiding these details, and this is something everyone in the village is well aware of. Even if he doesn’t say, it can easily be learned through conversing with the villagers.

“The current situation in the village is still terrible. But Brother Yi can freely move around in the village. There isn’t much food, but our hot water is still enough to quench the weary. As for the beast in your hand, you need to pay careful attention to it. These days, the people in the village haven’t had enough to eat.” Yang Yanping’s face was slightly embarrassed while speaking of their situation.

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There was no way of feeding the villagers, even with the establishment of the village, which made his heart have a touch of shame. Their people are maintained by some military provisions which were brought in during the beginning, as well as the meat from the fierce beasts and giant wolves slain these days.

However, there are simply too many mouths in the village. These things can only keep everyone’s belly half-full. Some elders have even died of starvation.

“Don’t worry, I brought my own food. I’ll take care of it.”

Yi Tianxing can also see the plight of Yangjia Village from the current state of the village.

Lack of food and clothing, with food being the most important necessity for people. This is already the biggest problem the village is facing.

“Well, then I’ll send Brother Yi here. Our defence of the village is still lacking. So, I have to head back and sit in the army to prevent more ferocious beasts and monsters from attacking the village. We don’t want anymore casualties in our village.” Yang Yanping said with a smile.

“Brother Yang, please go ahead.”

Yi Tianxing smiled and nodded.

After Yang Yanping left, Yi Tianxing kept observing the state of the village.

It has to be said there are many people in this village, more than Xuan Huang Village. With tens of thousands of people, the village should appear very large. But everyone is huddled around by the fires, each person looked sallow and emancipated, with decadent and vacant expressions on their faces. It seems they dare not imagine the future.

These natural events have subverted the beliefs in their hearts.

Even Yangjia army, which seemed to be extremely elite, have faced many losses and suffered heavy casualties. Most of the army has been downsized. Now, the villagers don’t know what their fate will be once Yangjia army could no longer resist those ferocious beasts.

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They have also resisted and fought hard together with these soldiers.

During battle, many young men have given their lives on the battlefield.

With the death of a large number of humans, this has made the mood in the village becone low. This very gloomy atmosphere is obviously quite different from Xuan Huang Village.

The key issue is food. These people are hungry.

Not many people are willing to talk when they don’t have enough to eat. The priority of food is also given to the army. People in the village know very well what is happening, so no one has made trouble. They witnessed how fierce the monsters outside are with their very own eyes.

The army is now their greatest pillar and the guardian in their hearts.

With people willing to protect their lives, as long as one isn’t a fool, they will not have any other thoughts regarding this. Even if there is dissatisfaction, it will be kept at the bottom of their hearts and not be voiced out.

The emergence of Yi Tianxing has also attracted the attention of many people.

Especially when they saw the huge crocodile in his hand. Many eyes began to light up with sharp pupil contractions. There is an expression of strong desire and greed in their eyes.

The crocodile looks ferocious, but now it’s dead. This is… food.


Someone subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

However, no one dared to make a move. Yi Tianxing lightly dragged the huge crocodile and carried a war spear on his back. This shows he wasn’t easy to mess with. If these people truly wanted to provoke him, they should carefully weigh their odds of getting the food before making a move.

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