Eternal Country

Chapter 84

Translator: SumTLMan

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“General Yang, this wolf has the top bloodline, howling moon silver wolf. Let this Yi go and test these giant wolves to see how powerful they truly are.” Yi Tianxing smiled, pulled the war spear from his back and directly held it in hand.

With the war spear in hand, a strong self-confidence arose in his heart.

His innate Yin and Yang eyes are already at the stage of continual transformation, and he frequently requires a large number of souls to finish this promotion. The stronger the soul, the greater the benefits they will impart on his Yin and Yang eyes. Such giant wolves must have stronger souls contained within their body than ordinary monsters.

“No, let me tell you. It’s too dangerous to rush into this pack of wolves. If you fight alone, these wolves will definitely besiege you on all sides.” When Yang Yanping heard him speak. He immediately began trying to dissuade him.

“Let me go with you.” Yang Yanding, on the other hand, was eager to join in and test his strength.

“No, let me test how deeply these wolves hide.”

When Yi Tianxing calmly said this, without pause, his feet begin moving with each step directly heading towards outside the village. Each step taken carries along his firm determination and unshakable faith. He is confident, even if he really is trapped by these wolves, he will still be able to escape with his life intact. He not only has attained the peak of second cycle divine sea realm but also attained the pure power of 10,000 Jin with the sounding of the white tripod cauldron.

Such power is even more terrifying than any innate divine power.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Step by step, he directly leaves the village. Looking at Yi Tianxing’s fleeting figure, Yang Ye wanted to open his mouth and tell him to stop. But in the end, he didn’t say a word. He can see it in his eyes. Yi Tianxing’s character is absolutely uncompromising. Once he has determined his course of action, even nine cows can’t reign him back over. Even if he were to try and dissuade him, it would all end up in vain since its absolutely impossible to change his mind once he’s set on his way.

“Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. He is truly the master of Xuan Huang Village. He can cross the jungle and hunt a giant crocodile without any injury. He shouldn’t be an ordinary person, and perhaps is a true cultivator.” Yang Ye’s eyes flashed deeply with a glance as he mused to himself.

He knows too little about Yi Tianxing. This is also a rare opportunity to witness his strength with his very own eyes.

Maybe he can see something interesting.

Before he came to this new world, he already knew about cultivation. In addition, there is also his cultivation battle method, which is the Yang family’s ancestral cultivation method—< < Yangjia Spear Manual > >. This is a family-born spearmanship created by Yang Xin. This is only a superficial art for exercising breathing and tempering the flesh. This isn’t a method for internal practice. Although the spearmanship is quite exquisite, this art can only truly be utilized on the battlefield.

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However, after Yangjia Village was established, someone in the village presented a cultivation method—< < Vajra Elephant Dragon Cultivation > >. Yang Ye and his sons were overjoyed when they had received this cultivation method. But after carefully following the steps to start cultivating this method, they soon found it too difficult to even begin cultivation… They noticed this wasn’t a normal cultivation battle method and seemed to be a cultivation method which tempers the flesh. When others start this cultivation method, their Qi and blood would flow backwards, preventing them from continuing on at all. Only second brother Yang Yanding seemed to have any talent for this method as he continued his cultivation.

After cultivating, the innate divine power contained in his whole body became even more powerful.

According to the cultivation method’s notes, this is a body refining cultivation method. This cultivation method exists solely for the purpose of refining the body’s flesh.

It’s too painful to forcefully start cultivating using this…

If they can’t cultivate this body refining method, they can only hope to find another cultivation method in the future.

It can be said that apart from Yang Yanding being a cultivator, Yang Ye and Yang Yanping are ordinary people.


Originally the wolves gathered outside and were glaring coldly at the village. Then, they saw someone walking out while releasing a strong and violent aura. One by one, the wolf pack gave off their own strong aura filled with ferocity. In particular, the one-eyed howling moon silver wolf glared even more viciously at Yi Tianxing. Glaring at the figure walking towards the wolf pack, it opened its jaws, faced up towards the sky and gave a loud piercing wolf howl.

The other wolves responded in turn by howling back in succession.

A giant wolf rushed out. From standing motionless to a mad sprint, there is no delay. As soon as it starts sprinting, its speed reaches a frightening degree. Coupled with its huge size, it was like a car instantly barreling towards Yi Tianxing at high speeds, trying to run him over.

Those ferocious fangs, these sharp claws and its cold eyes…

Instantly its huge figure magnifies before his eyes.


Yi Tianxing glared sharply back while his mind became even calmer. The giant wolf moved increasingly fast, but it still couldn’t escape his vision at all. All its movements were clearly captured. He can even see the giant wolf stretching out its forepaw and tearing toward his chest. The sharp claws were able to bring forth the sound of tearing winds.

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There is no doubt that if this attack falls upon his body, it will directly tear open his chest and pierce through his heart.

But Yi Tianxing didn’t back down. He also started sprinting forward. As his feet landed on the ground, tiny cracks instantly appeared. At the moment when the giant wolf leapt into the air, his body suddenly crouched down with the war spear in hand as he diagonally thrust out in front of him.


A bloody lotus bloomed and the giant wolf has irreverently been pierced in the throat. Its huge body was so easily impaled onto the war spear. With a wave of the hand, the giant wolf corpse was casually thrown aside. With no time to call out, it died so simply.

“How fast!!” Yang Yanping’s pupils widened and was fixed on the scene.

“What strong spearmanship, what keen fighting instincts, and this timing is impeccable.” Yang Ye’s unconsciously and straightforwardly said.

He is a master of the spear himself, and since the war spear evolved from the spear, he is no stranger to this weapon. But that spearmanship, though shallow or can even be called very simple, is so straightforward and direct that it killed the giant wolf in just one stab. This kind of timing and control is truly too brilliant.

Through the eyes of others, this is the scene people see…

When Yi Tianxing was sprinting forward, he suddenly crouched down, raised his war spear and pointed it diagonally towards the sky. In the same moment he happened to lift his war spear, the giant wolf leapt into the air. In the face of this erect war spear, it was too late to dodge. It was as if the giant wolf directly leapt on top of the war spear. That is to say, the giant wolf committed suicide.

This is the power wielded by precise timing and keen control over an entire battle.


But that giant wolf was only just the beginning. Behind it, several giant wolves began savagely charging over to kill him.

Wolf claws, fangs, heads and even tails. When utilized by these giant wolves are turned into the most terrifying destructive weapons. A giant wolf’s large jaws can even open up to directly swallow a man’s head whole.

In addition, these giant wolves all have extremely strong fighting instincts. This aids them in cooperating with each other by imparting greater tacit understanding.

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Poof poof!!

The pace is constantly changing, either left or right, forward or backward and sometimes sideways. With these movements, none of the wolves were left breathless while they dashed around and attacked with outstretched claws from every angle. Following their movements, the war spear in hand continuously waved.

Every time Yi Tianxing swung the war spear, the speed breaks the sound barrier and strikes like a thunderbolt with a wave of his hand. Moreover, every stab is bound to take away a giant wolf’s life. Every shot is fatal, even the hard skulls are pierced through on the spot under these constant stabs.

Against the wolf claws he was unable to avoid, Yi Tianxing just waves his hand and changes the trajectory of the claws. The giant wolf bodies were pushed and pulled by a gentle force throughout their clashes. This is the magic of Taiji. This power is simply something these giant wolves are unable to resist.

With only the sounds coming from the series of war spear stabs, the flesh and blood from these giant wolves were completely torn as they fell down one after another. Following Yi Tianxing’s footsteps, the wolves lay down all around as corpses.

In just a few breaths, six or seven giant wolves died under the war spear.

“What superb spearmanship. Based on the spearmanship alone, it has reached the acme of perfection through practice… Every spear stab kills an enemy in the most direct manner. His timing and talent for combat are absolutely extraordinary.”

Yang Ye murmured to himself.

Superb spearmanship can be trained, but control over a battle requires a kind of instinctive talent. This is quite a terrifying ability.

“Father, let me go and fight. I can help Brother Yi.” Yang Yanding kept clutching his two war swords in each hand, shaking them back and forth. The fighting spirit in his eyes was ready to burst forth. Watching Yi Tianxing’s incomparable figure moving among the wolf pack had long stimulated his heart. He anxiously wanted to join in and fight alongside this man.

“Wait a minute.”

Yang Ye took a deep breath, glanced at the village behind him and said with a heavy tone.

Poof poof!!

Amongst the wolves, Yi Tianxing looked as if he was taking a leisurely stroll in a courtyard. However, what accompanied him wasn’t sunshine and dirt, but blooming blood flowers and cold corpses. These giant wolves, which are equivalent to very powerful first cycle divine sea realm cultivators, were easily slaughtered like pigs.

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The treasure tripod cauldron hidden in Yi Tianxing’s body is continuously infusing Qi and blood back into his body so that his physical body always maintains its peak fighting state. Allowing him to feel no fatigue when fighting at all.

While he wields the war spear, he kills everything blocking his path.

He rushes forward with each step while killing his way towards the howling moon silver wolf.

When a giant wolf is killed, its soul is naturally pulled into the innate Yin and Yang eyes. No one was aware as this was all silently happening.


When the howling moon silver wolf witnessed this scene, its eyes became even colder. Then, it gave another piercing wolf howl before the giant wolves around it suddenly went mad and began dashing in succession towards Yi Tianxing. There are hundreds to thousands of giant wolves rushing at him.

When these wolves are rushing together, it’s as if he was facing a terrible flood.

He is being completely flooded by this pack of wolves!


A wolf’s claw fell onto his body, directly tearing apart his clothes. When the sharp wolf claw fell on his back, it was as if the attack had been returned by a very powerful rebounding force. These sharp wolf claws couldn’t tear open his flesh’s physical defence. On his skin’s surface, there is an imperceptible layer of radiant glow protecting him.

These attacks from the giant wolves couldn’t even break his physical defences.

Though, through the eyes of others, this physical defence is unknowingly protecting him. What they actually see is Yi Tianxing being mobbed and attacked on all sides by the wolf pack.

Yang Yanping’s face flashed with a touch of anxiety as he said: “Father, give me the order. Let me take a team of soldiers to save Brother Yi. Otherwise, if he gets surrounded and caught by this pack of wolves, he will certainly die.”

“Yes, father, how can such a hero be left to die under the claws of beasts?” Yang Yanding also mirrors this sentiment.

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