Eternal Country

Chapter 85

Translator: SumTLMan

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Yang Yanding anxiously watched on with red eyes as Yi Tianxing fought back amongst the wolves. Feeling so helpless and unable to do anything, an expression of shame emerged on his face.

A complicated expression appeared on Yang Ye’s face. He wants to protect Yangjia Village with the nearly ten thousand residents depending on Yangjia Army. However, he also wants to save this hero. But to save this hero requires the sacrifice of the villagers. That is to say, to save this one man requires the price of ten thousand villagers. This price is too high to save one man.

“General Yang, go and save this man. Such a brave hero shouldn’t die under the claws of these wolves.” A voice came from the village. When he quickly turned to look, he only sees Lai He carrying a backpack and holding a boning knife in hand as he decisively said.

“Yes, General Yang. Hero Yi was right about us. Humans have to rely on themselves and have to learn to be self-sufficient. Tens of thousands of us cannot just rely solely on General Yang and the Yangjia Army to fight for our survival. For the village defence, we villagers can also contribute. Even if us villagers cannot compare with the soldiers. With more people, we will surely be stronger. Even in the face of these giant wolves, at least we can fight them back together!” A young man shouted.

Through his speech, this man revealed a strong self-confidence.

As long as all the people in the village contribute their efforts and help aid in defending the fence, they can contribute. Although they may be unable to wield great power or resist direct attacks from the wolves. They should be able to contribute their own share to their continued survival.

The people in the village aren’t fools. They just lack courage.

However, at the sight of Yi Tianxing daring to step outside the village alone. Killing and dancing with the wolves at the tip of a spear through a dance bathed in blood. This feeling was like a wakeup call from daylight till dusk, beating on their slumbering hearts.

After seeing how the Yang family’s father and sons dare not allow the army to go outside to rescue this hero who was fighting to the death. Seeing how the army was unwilling to leave the village defenceless and head outside to rescue this hero who fights against these wolves for their sake. This had given the villagers the greatest sense of shame.

What’s more, these villagers know that once night arrives, the overall combat strength of the whole wolf pack will greatly soar.

Under this kind of power increase, the entire village will be left even more unable to resist the oncoming disaster. To completely eliminate this wolf pack must be done during the day. Only during the day will they stand a chance.

“You villagers?”

A trace of surprise appeared on Yang Ye’s face as he saw the constant arrival of the villagers at the fence. At this moment, the villagers who originally needed Yangjia Army’s protection unexpectedly took the initiative to resist these wolves for the entire village. Although they were afraid, they knew at this moment it was useless to retreat if the village is breached. So, they no longer retreated from defending the front. If they couldn’t defend the village, they cannot escape the fate of death.

“General Yang, we cannot rely on your Yangjia Army to protect us all. Now is the time for us to do our part!”

Some villagers cried out.

“Don’t look down on us, chefs. We all live through the knife.” There was a hint of pride on Lai He’s face as the boning knife shines coldly in his hand. This is his treasured profound iron knife.

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Gathered all around was a large group of chefs.

Many chefs who take on the role of making a living through the knife. For the handling of knives, all of them have great ability.

Yang Ye’s eyes glanced over the faces of more and more people coming over to the fence. His mind couldn’t help but give birth to frustration and enlightenment as he muttered to himself: “Every human must fight for themselves. This is the way of Heaven and Earth. In prosperity, my behaviour protects them. But during hardships, my behaviour strangles them. I see, it seems I am not fit as a leader. Commanding the army is my true calling.”

When thinking of what Yi Tianxing had said before, his meaning gave birth to a trace of bitterness in his heart.

No wonder Yi Tianxing, as the master of a village, dares to leave his village at will. Some people in his village aren’t afraid of death and are willing to pay their own blood for their own continued survival by defending with their very lives.

With such people around, no difficulties cannot be overcome.

Excessive protection, on the contrary, has plunged Yangjia Village into its present impasse.

Taking a deep breath, he completely suppresses all other thoughts, looks into the eyes of his eldest and second son as they eagerly looked back. Then, he flatly ordered: “Blow the rallying horn. Yangjia Army, assemble in formation!!”

“As you will, father!!” When Yang Yanping and Yang Yanding heard his command, their faces suddenly showed excitement as they knelt down on one knee to accept the order.


The military rallying horn sounded at once.

Boom boom!!

One soldier after another gathered from all parts of the village to form a queue. Teams quickly came together amid the heavy footsteps. All the Yangjia Army soldiers quickly gathered at the entrance of the village to assemble in formation.

More than 1,500 soldiers were fully assembled in a short period.

Although the helmet and armour on each body look slightly tattered, this equipment is treated like war medals earned on the battlefield. Even if a helmet or armour is broken, no trace of fear shows on any face. Every soldier has an iron will as each soldier looked towards Yang Ye with fanaticism in their eyes. He is their spiritual support.

“We see the general!!” All soldiers knelt down on one knee at the same time and opened their mouths to shout.

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“Stand up. Get ready and prepare the formation!!”

Yang Ye is wearing his helmet and armour, there is a long knife at his waist and a long wrought-iron spear in his hand. His body stood upright, like an erect spear, while standing before his army.

The army soon spreads a sharp momentum.

“Assemble in formation. The spearmen are on the outside and the archers inside. Hidden Spear Formation!!” Yang Yanping loudly called out the order.

Boom boom!!

Immediately, the soldiers in front quickly changed to assemble in formation.

The long spearmen stood on the outside, while the archers gathered inside. The spearmen covered the archers on all three sides. This formation is a triangle and looks like a sharp knife. The long spear soldiers will resist attacks as the vanguard while the archers fire arrows from the centre. This type of battle formation is offensively very strong.

More than a thousand Yangjia Army soldiers instantly formed the Seated Mountain Hidden Spear Formation.

“Yangjia Army move forward, forward, forward!!!”

Yang Ye uttered the loud cry. With a wave of his long spear, he points toward the outside.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!!”

Each soldier’s eyes flashed with fighting spirit as they instantly moved. Each soldier marched out in neat formation with their unified movements. No one person was moving alone, but the whole battle formation was on the move as one unit.

Passing through the village gate, a strong baleful Qi emerged… This kind of baleful Qi contains the momentum and martial spirit of this elite army. This fierce momentum made even the birds in the sky fly around to avoid this area. The birds constantly fled in all directions, not even daring to fly over the village.

Yangjia Army is one that is good at offence since defence is nothing more than a waste of talent.

It was only at this moment that they truly displayed their full spirit and vigour.

In the eyes of all of the villagers, the army’s formation was just like facing a cold, towering fierce beast. Witnessing such a scene caused their whole soul to tremble, giving rise to an unspeakable shock.

“Yangjia Army, this is the true hidden potential of Yangjia Army… There aren’t many armies I have seen before which can compare with this momentum.”

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“Yangjia Army should’ve fought the enemy from the front rather than defending the village from the back in the beginning. If they had gone and fought outside the village before, perhaps there wouldn’t be as many casualties as there are now.”

“What a powerful momentum. This baleful Qi, the fury and fighting spirit which have accumulated in their hearts this past couple of days. At this moment, all of this pent-up fury is unleashed. I am afraid this time truly will be Yangjia Army’s last stand.”

Countless people spoke in intermittent bursts of discussion. They can presently see that Yangjia Army now has a strong faith while giving their last stand.

In their generals, they felt the courage and willingness to fight to the death during this decisive battle.

If their generals no longer fear death, then they no longer fear death.

The sun began setting in the sky.

The setting sun sprinkled light onto the soldiers, shining on their tattered helmets and armour. Allowing them a final gleam of golden light with each face showing a firm will and determination. All eyes remained firmly staring up ahead.

Boom boom!!

One by one, the soldiers marched outside of the village and onto the battlefield, glaring at the wolves in front of them.

Marching forward step by step. Every step is calm, every step is firm and carries along their strong momentum and will. The army’s neat pace and formation cause the ground to shake, and the air to tremble. A wave of baleful Qi ran over the whole battlefield like a flood. With every step, their momentum soared, crushing towards the wolves like a tidal wave. The momentum produced by the army’s baleful Qi isn’t under the hostility coming from the wolves at all.


When the howling moon silver wolf actually saw the Yangjia Army coming outside the village, the hatred in its eyes instantly soared. It glared at Yangjia Army before giving a loud piercing wolf howl.

The wolves who were besieging Yi Tianxing immediately dispersed and began staring at the approaching Yangjia Army. With their eyes glaring back at the approaching army, their momentum is equally as fierce.


But at this moment, a bigger more terrifying wolf howl rose even louder into the sky. A flash of silver light cut through the void and instantly appeared like lightning on the hillside. When the silver light stopped, the head of a silver wolf was suddenly visible. What appeared on the hillside is a silver wolf half a size larger when compared to the other giant wolves. It stood with the first one-eyed silver wolf.

Compared with this larger silver wolf, the original one-eyed silver wolf is a cub which hasn’t fully grown up yet. No matter whether comparing in size or momentum, they aren’t in the same realm at all.

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On its forehead, there is also a silver crescent moon mark scattering a strong silver light. This imposing momentum is naturally from a recognized king on Heaven and Earth.

A large number of wolves soon followed, with thousands of heads joining behind.

However, at the same time, all of them fell to the ground toward the howling moon silver wolf king and dare not even lift their heads. This imposing momentum came from the coercion in their blood, which made the wolves unable to give birth to any trace of resistance. They are feeling the acme of extreme terror.

This was a truly horrific scene.


The howling moon silver wolf king glanced at Yangjia Village and Yangjia Army. Gradually, it raised its head and gave another piercing wolf howl towards the heavens.


During the howling, they only saw the silver crescent moon mark on the howling moon wolf king’s forehead suddenly burst into silvery moonlight. The light scattered out like a tide and washed over all the giant wolves in the pack.

All the giant wolves howled in excitement at this moment. When the silvery light shone on each of them, their momentum instantly soared. All of the wolves’ hairs stood on end, appearing even more ferocious after being bathed in the light.

Destiny Aperture—Silver Moon!!

Innate Magical Power—Silver Moonshine!!


The wolves which seemed calm and orderly, instantly went berserk. A large number of giant wolves divided into two streams, one ferociously rushing towards Yangjia Village to cull the villagers and the other heading towards Yangjia Army.

The tremor was like a stampede of ten thousand horses.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!!”

The Yangjia Army also burst into violent outbursts of killing intent as both sides went into battle.

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