Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1001: 1001

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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In the void, the owner of the family, the Land Rover, was bound by the magic fog on the spot. In the distance, the sharp blade streamer of the three magic wings quickly flew out and rushed into the fierce killing in the magic wings fog.

"Cough, no trace, be careful!"

"Damn, you guy, are you a human or a ghost?"

The three magic plumes flew away. Jialou and Jialuo gasped for breath. However, they felt the bloodthirsty and cruel evil spirit of the magic plume. They hurried to shout in the void of the magic fog to remind the messenger.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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Three pairs of magic feather wings, with the power of killing and maltreating, will rush into the magic mist. However, the music of demonic zither, which was slowly weakened over the place of demon God square, suddenly turned into the demonic spirit of Taoism, which contained the power of swallowing the law. It enveloped the three pairs of magic wings and feathers, and turned into three black streamers, slowly rushing towards the place where the traceless body was standing in the void.

"Ouch!" An extremely low voice of roar, in the fury of the demonic meaning of the piano sound cover, appears extremely weak. A touch of golden light flashed away in front of traceless body, which was suspended in the air with his knees crossed. In the void, the black light of the three terrible black wings was swallowed up by the mysterious and strange golden light, and disappeared. Immediately after that, the traceless body, which was sitting in meditation with his knees crossed, moved slightly. On his chest, a bright and mysterious golden light was gradually calming down again.

"Poof!" When the three winged devil feather was swallowed by the golden light of the little earth dragon, the body of the land tiger, the owner of the family, trembled violently in vain. Then he saw a mouthful of black blood spray out of his mouth, and the evil spirit momentum of the three winged Devil Man's realm cultivation quickly weakened on the spot, The whole person's feeling is that the breath is extremely unstable, as if he had suffered from a serious illness in court, and his face is pale, where there is just that arrogant and domineering appearance.

"Boom!" He felt that the evil spirit in his body dropped rapidly, and the look on his face became ferocious. His dark eyes flashed a fierce color in vain. The evil spirit essence and blood power in his body ignited and burst out, and the falling state of his body suddenly stopped. With the rekindling of the evil spirit essence and blood in his whole body, It's starting to climb and recover.

"Cough, traceless boy, this guy can't burn his own blood for long! Quick, take the opportunity to get rid of him and plunder his evil spirit! " Demon zunhuo Xiao's rough voice is loud and clear. He hastens to ask Wu trace anxiously in his mind.

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"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out, and the evil spirit of Wuchen rises in an instant. The evil spirit of Wuchen's body floats in front of Wuchen's body, and the sharp and harsh sound of the evil spirit comes out continuously. Wuchen's spiritual power is unprecedented, and it fits perfectly with the evil spirit of Wuchen's body.

"When the wind blows, the clouds are flying, and we are returning to our hometown. I'm a brave man. I'll defend the four directions. I'll kill the gods and demons. Don't hesitate! " A bright words of "if there is nothing" comes out of Wu Chen's mouth. Wu Chen's hands move more frequently and closely. The music of demonic music in the world around him turns into a fierce and terrifying power of killing demons. It ignites and explodes on the body of the owner of the family, Luo Dihu. Boom, boom, boom

The terrible sound burst through the air, and the monstrous evil spirit poured out wildly around. The whole body of the owner of the family, the Land Rover, was drowned and engulfed by the terrible and strange evil music. In an instant, it turned into a pool of black blood and splashed all over the ground.

"Hoo A faint breath of turbid air spewed out, and the magic music played by Wu Chen's hand instantly ended. The terrible magic music left in the void burst up, and directly attacked and swept the battle group of the powerful one in the lower wing of the demon world, and the other two battle groups in the air where the two powerful two winged demons were fighting with their two Taoist masters.

Ah, ah, ah, ah

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A shrill scream and a wailing sound were heard one after another. In the chaotic battle group of the powerful one in the field swept by the explosion of piano music, the powerful one in the loose repair party gathered together in an instant, and all the powerful one in the field were stunned, Looking at what happened in front of the regiment, all of them could not help swallowing.

In the field, spread all across in confusion, three strong families, one wing, one magic, and the other strong, and the strong half of the winged man was killed on the spot, and the evil spirits of the magic spirit were slowly floating out, and they were moving towards the place of the void. In the field, another small part of the three families, one wing demon, all lost their fighting power and fell to the ground, crying bitterly.Gulu, Gulu

Seeing these terrible scenes unfolding in front of us, all the powerful people in the opposite wing of the demon world were cold in the same place and did not dare to act rashly. Although they wanted to kill the three powerful demons in the opposite family, none of them dared to break the peace.

After all, the person who just shot is Wu Chen. Who knows if Wu Chen is going to take all the powerful demons from the three families and absorb their evil spirit.

At this moment, if you act rashly and annoy the handsome young man who seems to be calm in the void, and his evil nature is changeable, who knows if this guy will come to the interest in vain and give a spoonful of all the powerful people in the field.

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At that time, if it really ended like that, it would be like stealing chicken instead of eating rice. Therefore, the strong people in the scene were so helpless that they didn't dare to act recklessly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

With the sudden stop of the music of the demonic musical instrument, the figures of the two major demonic family heads in the battle group of the two winged demons in the void all fled together, and the twelve two winged demons quickly gathered together again, and then they quickly scattered and retreated to one side, Then he saw that all the powerful two winged demons were up and down in front of their chest. They gasped like they were released again.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Jialuo and Jialou move out together, one on the left and the other on the right. They return to both sides of traceless body again. A stream of evil spirit will rush into traceless body, and Qi rushes into traceless body.

"Ha ha, this song is called gale song. What do you think?" His hands were flat on the string of magic Qi, and his bright eyes were filled with indifference and self-confidence. His voice made people feel inexplicable and down-to-earth, which made the expressions on both sides of the faces of Garo and Gallo appear with a smile of joy at the same time.... < br > there was no trace in his hands

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