Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1002: 1002

"Suddenly On the dark and bloody void, the strange sound of the piano drifts away slowly. The blood stained wings of the demons behind the two of them beat and danced ceaselessly, and there was a feeling of burning and worship in their traceless eyes.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the void, several figures ran at the same time. Feng Tianba, the head of the Yu family, Yu Changying, and twelve two winged demons appeared together. For a moment, the evil and murderous spirit contained in the void was rampant, and the three people, including Wu trace, were surrounded by Qi Shushu on the spot.

"Eh, this son is weird, so it can't be kept!"

"Hum, you and I will work together to solve him quickly, so as not to have too many dreams at night!"

Feng Tianba and Yu Changying looked at each other, and the two voices came into their minds at the same time. Then, two figures galloping out like ghosts, one on the left and the other on the right, waving the three wings behind them at the same time, rushing out with the momentum of destruction. The space above the void on both sides was shaking and turbulent, and the breath of death immediately shrouded in the body shape of Wuchen and the three people of Jialuo and Jialou.

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"No, are they aware of the identity of the devil and the witch?"

"Come on, stop them!"

"Damn, protect the devil and the witch. You all know the master's temper. If they lose something, none of us will live! "

Six strands of two winged demons are released completely without reservation. The extremely skilled three three three one group of six black mans instantly turns into two groups of forces and flies to Garro and Jialou respectively.

At the same time, the other six sanxiu two winged demons were all in a daze. They looked at each other, and their faces all showed a trace of doubt and hesitation.

Boom, boom, boom

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The roar of the evil spirit roared through the sky, making the whole statue of the devil on the square crazy for the turbulence. A series of sharp black plumes, which are full of the sense of killing and abusing demons, come out of the air and dance wildly. All of them will be on the body of several black awn two winged demons who are standing in front of them.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Accompanied by a series of intense dull sound, once again burst through the air. The six two winged demons all shook their two winged feathers on the back of the powerful figure, and a stream of black blood quickly appeared on the wings of the six demons. Then he saw that the six two winged demons were all in the void. The demons trembled and turned into six black lights and shadows. They quickly flew down to the ground below and fell away.

"Is this the real combat power of the three winged devil In the void, when he saw the six figures in front of him falling towards the ground at the same time, the whole person of Garro was stupid on the spot. A terrible evil spirit of killing and maltreating surged in, which completely enveloped his body and made him have no strength to resist.

"Run, run!" On the other side, the power of the fast magic rule on Jia Lou was released quickly and unreservedly, and the whole person immediately turned into a black light and flew to the place where Jia Luo belonged.

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"Suddenly Fury and terror of the evil spirit momentum instantly swept over the void, even if the full use of the fast magic is still unable to get rid of the prison and bondage of this terrible evil spirit wave. Immediately, in the twinkling of an eye, Jialou and Jialuo are all imprisoned in the void. In the distance, two black mans, with the intention of killing and cruelty, wave the two teams of three winged magic feathers behind them and fly by madly. The extremely sharp magic wings are facing the chest of Jialuo and Jialou, and they will come with a quick killing stab.

"Condense the air!" With an indifferent voice coming out, the whole restless and raging void became quiet and stable. Two streaks of black light from the powerful three winged demons began to slowly become incomparable with the naked eye.

Not only that, but also the evil spirit of killing and maltreating in the void was rapidly weakened under the cover of this strange law of condensing the void.

"This, this is what magic power, how can there be such a powerful magic in it?" The face of Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, is full of inconceivable words. The three winged magic feather behind the whole person is crazy to roll out and kill, and the power of the manic and domineering magic law is crazy to leak out. It seems that he wants to break up the power of the law of condensing the air, which imprisons his body in the void.

"Be careful and do your best!" On the other side, he was covered by the power of the law of condensing the air, and on the cruel face of Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, there was a dignified color for the first time. Then, he heard a shrill cry like a long eagle, which spread to the void. At the side of Yu Changying, the leader of the Yu family, there was a ghost of the eagle, which was transformed from the evil spirit."SA!" As the spirit of the goshawk rushed out, the binding force of Yu Changying, the leader of the Yu family, decreased significantly. His whole body quickly turned into a shadow, and the black awn continued to flash forward. The spirit of the goshawk on one side also quickly attacked and killed him. The two figures flew to the opposite side, and they killed Jialuo and Jialou, who had just come back.

"Back up!" A loud and clear voice floated out of their minds like a burst, and the binding force of their bodies disappeared quickly. They had no time to think about it, so they could only use all their strength on the spot, and at the same time, they flew down to the ground below.

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"Brush!" At the same time, in the void, a wave of demonic spirit appeared, and the whole figure disappeared out of the air. When the figure flashed out again, it had already appeared in the location where the two men just appeared.

"Suddenly An inexplicable cold wind slowly blows over the void, and the evil spirit of traceless body is released and spread without reservation. Two pairs of dark and blood red feathers of magic wings slowly emerge out of the air after their body shape, and turn into a two wing demon world. The magic feathers beat up and down and wave back and forth in a very regular way.

"Brush!" The two wings blood red devil feather Heixia behind the traceless is extremely clean and attractive, just like the enchanting Black Lotus out of the mud. It has no filthy air at all. It doesn't look like the magic wings feather possessed by the demons in the sky.

At the same time, in front of Wu Chen's proud figure, a magic wing Qin made by black mans suddenly appeared. Wu Chen felt the invasion of two evil spirits in front of him. His hands quickly touched the strings of the magic Qin, and his hands moved together Unexpectedly, he played the magic organ in front of him as if there were no one else

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