Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1003: 1003

Clang, clang, clang

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A series of demonic musical instruments are played together madly, which makes the confinement of the surrounding air freezing law more powerful. It seems that the magic music is deliberately aimed at Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, which weakens the frenzied speed of the black mang figure.

"No trace, be careful!"

"No trace, watch out for the Falcon!"

The two urgent shouts clearly revealed their anxiety. Jialou and Jialuo had escaped to the ground below safely, while a magic eagle's flying posture was clearly across their heads.

"Whoosh!" On the void, the evil eagle's eyes flashed two fierce cold light of killing. The claws under his body seemed to be invincible. In such a terrible way, the evil spirit of destruction burst out in an instant, and the spirit of the eagle suddenly went to kill and perish on the near traceless body.

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"Ouch!" Just when the invincible evil spirit of destruction bombards the body of no trace, there comes a terrible cry like a flood of beasts in no trace. At the same time, I saw the golden light burst out on the traceless chest, and in a short time, it completely resisted and drowned the evil spirit coming from the attack on the spot.

Sasa, Sasa, Sasa

A rare and restless strange sound is coming out of the air mass of magic spirit made by Jin mang all over the body. In the void, the spirit of goshawk, who was originally killed by flying attack, trembles on the spot after hearing the strange sound. His body turned to attack at a high speed. I don't know why he wanted to fly back to the rear.

"Ouch!" It was also the terrible roar, loud and turbulent, resounding in the air. A golden light and shadow flashed out from the shadow of the evil spirit like a lightning flash, and flew towards the spirit of the Goshawk.

Click, click, click

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The Golden Dragon soars to the sky, and in a twinkling of an eye, it comes to the back of the body of the evil eagle. Then it sees that the bright golden light flashes in vain, and the virtual shadow of the Golden Dragon suddenly opens its mouth, runs to the huge body of the evil eagle, and then bites and gnaws away.

"Roar, roar!" There was a series of terrible roars and roars. In the void, the destructive power of the evil spirit of the eagle was frantically leaked out, and the bloody black water splashed down. The huge body of the spirit of the eagle was given by the bright golden dragon. On the spot, it was occupied in the air.

Poop, poop, poop

With the roar of pain, the gnawing sound in the void becomes more and more loud and harsh. The body of the huge eagle is always entangled in the air. In the face of the attack of the golden dragon, it has no power to fight back,

Gulu, Gulu

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In the place of the stone statue of the demon God, whether they are the remaining powerful demons in one of the three families or the dominant ones in the sanxiu forces, they all take a breath when they look at the two entangled demonic spirits in the void.

In particular, the Golden Shadow of you long has no power to fight back. Although Yu Changying, the leader of the Yu family, is a powerful three winged demon, his spirit can't even show a trace of resistance. It seems that his heart has already collapsed. He quickly retreated from the golden you long at the first sight. But even so, but still did not escape the pursuit of the golden Youlong, and in the golden Youlong extremely fierce and overbearing under the fierce bite, the evil spirit of the whole body quickly began to fall and subside.

"Cough, come and help me..." bursts of fierce cough quietly spread out not far from the front of the traceless body. Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, was bound by the endless demonic music. His face was as pale as paper, and two red and black waters flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

In the distance, he was also bound to his body, but the power of confinement was weakened. Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, was also very ugly. His three magic feather wings waved quickly behind him, breaking the power of the thin air condensation law. Then, Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, suddenly flashed a fierce color in his eyes. The three pairs of magic wings behind him waved together. The evil spirit of killing and abusing was released without reservation. The whole person quickly turned into a black light, Facing the front of the void, the battlefield where Wu trace and Yu Changying, the leader of the Yu family, stand up against each other will come like a crazy rush.

"Ouch!" At the same time, a loud and resounding sound of the Dragon came from the void again, and the body of the eagle suddenly trembled, quickly turned into a bloody and cruel gas, and rushed into the Golden Dragon's body. Then, the Golden Dragon screamed excitedly, and its five bright claws flashed at the same time. Its golden dragon figure suddenly flew up again, circled in the void, and then flew back to the traceless figure."Poof!" The owner of the Yu family, Yu Changying, who was struggling to support himself, trembled violently. A mouthful of black blood was sprayed into the air again. The bloody spirit of killing and abusing demons on his body fluctuated from high to low, and the wings of the three winged demons also appeared black and red.

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Clang, clang, clang

A series of demonic music came out again, and a faint smile appeared on the traceless and handsome face. The virtual shadow of the little earth dragon in the distance flashed into his body, and the hot prison mark on the palm of his left hand was several times brighter than the original, and, Also clear up a burst of burning feeling, make no trace heart more secretly happy a few minutes.

"Poof An extremely dull roaring sound will be heard in the focus place where the magic music is gathered in the law of condensing the air. Yu Changying, the owner of the Yu family, stopped his three winged magic feather dancing wildly on his back, and a huge black blood hole on his chest immediately caught the eyes of all the powerful demons on the scene.

"Eh!" At this moment, the face is playing the piano with both hands to show the magic power of the law of condensing the air. With a cold eyebrow, the magic music floating in the void is gone. The owner of the Yu family, Yu Changying, who has lost the confinement of the law of condensing the air, Falls straight down. His eyes are full of anger and resentment, and he looks back at his body.

"Jie Jie, brother Yu, you can go with peace of mind. As for the revenge, please leave it to me." A very strange sneer came from the place where Yu Changying had just stood. Feng Tianba, the long and bloodless master of the Yu family, was slowly withdrawing his sharp wings covered with black blood. His eyes were full of bloodthirsty, cruel and indifferent, and his body fell rapidly Yu Changying, the owner of the Yu family, had a very weak breath

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