Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1007: 1007


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Crazy evil spirit rampant, constantly impacting the void of the land of imprisonment. All pervasive demonic musical instruments burst apart one by one. Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, is protecting his body's demonic wings. At this moment, it has become the color of blood red, and there is a continuous stream of dark blood flowing down, which makes the wild and restless void look more strange and terrifying at this time.

"Roar!" An extremely angry roar came out of the battle group where the music of the magic instrument burst, and the music of the magic instrument burst into the void. Then, six black awns flashed out, and the blood red black awns waved back and forth, blocking all the demonic music in the surrounding confined space out of Feng Tianba's body.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that you are so difficult. It seems that you must have some secret treasure..." Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, looks very cold. He stares at the no trace on the opposite side, and his body is still in the scope of the evil suppression of the nine characters, On the other hand, the sense of killing and abusing from his body is more violent.

"Ha ha, even if you beg for mercy now, I will not let you go!" With a cold smile, the sound of the piano in his hand slowed down a little, and the evil spirit of his body was still crazy, pouring into the evil spirit of the piano.

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"Ha ha, please? Your son has completely infuriated me, and then you will die! " A strange crazy laugh came from the mouth of Feng Tianba. Immediately, the breath of Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, was released completely without reservation. The whole person turned into a red and bloody red figure.

"Why is this guy's breath still rising? He has just consumed so much magic power, how can he have the spare power to burst out such a strong momentum? " On the other side, no trace brow tightly wrinkled, the expression on the face for the first time showed a sense of normality. Then, he saw that the wings of the two pairs of demons behind Wu trace were swinging up and down, and their body shape was inexplicably far away from the master Feng Tianba.

"Ha ha, it seems that the devil is burning his spirit, but why is his spiritual power so strange?" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao suddenly reverberates. It seems that he has found something strange. He reminds Wu trace quietly.

Gulu, Gulu

A series of tense gasps came up one after another, and the lower Jialou and Jialuo, as well as the six two winged demons, were all stunned in vain. The previous power of imprisonment on this stone statue square disappeared in vain, A group of people quickly and then toward the stone square outside the scope of the rapid retreat will avoid.

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"Jie Jie, with my heart, to see the evil way, willing to sacrifice, for my demon family. Lord demon, please give me strength... "An extremely violent and gloomy laughter came out. The whole face of Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, was ferocious and laughed wildly as if he were mad. A blood red strange light burst out from his body, and it directly penetrated the shackles and imprisonment of the nine character magic meaning, and fell on the ground below, The statue of the demon God stands in the midst of the evil spirit.

"Brush!" At the moment when the blood red light and virtual shadow roared down, the magnificent statue of the demon God trembled violently. Then, a black light burst out of the lifelike statue of the demon God. Along the route of the blood red light and shadow, it poured into Feng Tianba's body again.

"Boom!" It was a strange black awn evil spirit, which disappeared in the void in a flash, while Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, was full of evil spirit in an instant, and the fierce evil spirit seemed to burst up in an instant.

Click, click, click

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A loud sound of fragmentation immediately rang out, on the spot will be nine ancient words magic released by the force of repression to a head of the blast will be scattered. With the dissipation of the power of suppression, the evil spirit of killing and maltreating spread out in an instant, and engulfed it on the spot.

"Roar!" It was also an extremely violent roar, as if it was a declaration of anger and discontent in the heart. A black light flashed out of the void, and the figure of Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, appeared quietly in the rear of the traceless figure.

"No!" After feeling the power of the terror threat from behind, Wuhen felt a shiver in his heart. Then he saw the cold light and the black awn come flying, and the cold light from the wings of the demons spread all over the world. Generally, he went to kill and destroy Wuhen's body.

"Condense the air!" No trace brow suddenly wrinkled, and the power of the law of condensing the air was quickly exerted. In the void, the black awn killing intention of the magic feather rushed forward, and even chased the body shape of the retreating general after no trace.Clang, clang, clang

The music of magic will start again, turning into a stream of black light, splashing out from the front of the traceless body. It collides with the sharp blade of magic's wings one by one, making the magic power on the void more violent.

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Whoosh, whoosh, with the explosion of the terrible evil spirit, the two black awns collided with each other for several times. Then, they retreated at the same time and appeared on the void.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi is exhaled heavily, and the evil spirit in traceless's body is consumed seriously. The black and blue robe is full of scratches, and the red blood stains are hidden on the wings of the devil behind him.

"Jie Jie..." on the other side, the body of Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, was exposed. Behind him, the three winged Moyu was shining with black light. On the back of his body, the fourth winged Moyu's arm had come out. However, the arms of the fourth wing are different from the other three pairs of wings in color and shape, but they are more violent and terrifying than the other three pairs of wings.

At the same time, on the square of the stone statue of the demon man, the statue of the demon God, which was once extremely magnificent and lifelike, is now dark and lifeless. It seems that it has lost all its strength and is like a dead object

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