Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1008: 1008

"Suddenly A cold wind blows, and the statue of the devil falls into a dead silence. The evil spirit of killing and abusing between heaven and earth seems to be restless and furious in a moment. In the void full of bloody breath, there is a trace of emperor's artistic conception, and the momentum and pressure are quietly released.

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"Brush!" A slender figure flashed out. Feng Tianba's face was ferocious and excited. Behind him, four pairs of devil's wings were roaring, beating and dancing. His eyes were staring at the figure in the black and blue robe.

"Hoo The sound of a heavy breath comes out in traceless's mouth, and the evil spirit in traceless's body bursts to the extreme in a moment. His hands play the piano quickly, and the sound of evil spirit quickly turns into black light, which is like a bright black meteor shower, and turns into the evil spirit of killing, Then he turned to Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, who had four pairs of devil's wings on his back, and attacked the general crazily,

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The music of demonic zither comes from the killing of flying generals all over the sky. The four pairs of demonic wings behind Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, spread out. The horrible smell of bloody killing and abusing suddenly and madly leaked out, and the surrounding bloody space was shaking with inexplicable shaking.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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With the wings of the fourth pair of demons of Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family, swinging up, the horrible and bloody spirit of killing and maltreating demons suddenly burst out like a river of gas. However, there is no exception for the Taoist music of demons, which is totally destroyed by the fierce spirit of killing and maltreating demons It was swallowed up on the spot and drowned into nothingness.

Tear, tear, tear

The evil spirit of killing and maltreating swept by. In the restless void, there were some cracks in space. Although these cracks disappeared on the spot after a short time, they actually produced the symbols of the artistic conception of the emperor that the strong emperor would have Tearing space.

Gulu, Gulu

Below, they have dodged and retreated from the Gallo and other people outside the Stone Statue Square of the demon God. Looking at the lightning and thunder in the void, they all swallow their saliva.

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At the same time, there are some demons in the fallen demon city. All the demons kneel down. Facing the four winged Feng family leader in the distant void, Feng Tianba Qi kneels down and shouts the title of Lord demon.

"Eh, this guy even inspired the power of the stone statue left by Tianzun in this continent, and led by his own blood demon soul. With the help of a wisp of residual knowledge left by Tianzun in this stone statue, he temporarily broke through the ranks of the four winged demons' strong cultivation level..." the voice of demon Zun Huoxiao's rough and crazy voice came out again. No trace only felt that his body shape was inexplicable, A series of purple and gold streamer, evil spirit spread out from his body, completely covered and protected his whole body.

"Hoo Feeling the change of breath on the body, the Xuanli Qi consumed in Wuchen's body began to recover and fill madly, and the third pair of magic wings behind it began to appear gradually. The blood red was extremely faint and attractive, as if people would unconsciously want to give up at a glance.

"Cough, traceless boy, make a quick decision. If you delay for a while, there will be other demons and strong people coming and going. I'm afraid you can't go away if you want to go!" Yao zunhuoxiao's words are full of dignified, and communicate with Wu trace quickly in his mind.

"Boom!" In a twinkling, the evil spirit in Wuchen's body is released without reservation, and the power of Xuanli's various attributes is diffused. The whole person's eyes are completely transformed into purple and golden pupils, and the evil spirit is swept and diffused in his whole body.

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"Jie Jie, boy, if you die, we'll be clear today!" A strange smile, Feng Tianba's eyes clearly showed greed and excitement. There is saliva flowing out from the corner of his mouth, and the four pairs of demon wings behind him are waving madly. The breath momentum of the whole person suddenly rises to the top level, reaching the level of half step four wing demon realm, and it continues to rise.

"Cough, devil, let's get out of here. It's still time to go!"

"Witch, you can't stay here any longer. You have to go if you don't go!"

When they saw Jialou and Jialuo, they didn't want to flinch. The six two winged demons in the cutting demon hall beside them all looked very anxious. At the same time, they took the bodies of Jialou and Jialuo, and ran to the outside of the falling demon city.

"Jie Jie, you mole ants, when Lao Tzu kills him, you will be promoted to the realm of four winged demon generals. When the time comes, all the remaining evils of the demon cutting hall will be wiped out, and none of them will be left..." the master of Feng family granted Tianba divine knowledge to cover the whole city of the demon falling City, and engraved in his mind the appearance of Jia Lou and others who fled, His power of killing and abusing demons has been fully prepared to the extreme, and his fierce eyes are constantly releasing his fierce killing intention.Click, click, click

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The power of thunder looms like ghosts, and appears around the body of traceless. The power of endless horror of killing and cutting sword is pouring out. At this time, traceless is like a magic sword surrounded by the power of magic, and his whole body is full of the power of killing and maltreating evil.

"Death A ferocious roar came from the mouth of Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family. Then he saw that the four pairs of demon wings behind him turned into eight invincible black awn hunting blades with destructive momentum, and swept out of the void with the body shape of Feng Tianba.

Tear, tear, tear

The terrible four winged demon feather cuts through the void. In the bloody void, there are cracks in the space. In each crack, there is an extremely terrible breath of suction and destruction. In a flash, Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family, carries the general situation of destroying wood, Then he went to another place in the void to kill and destroy.

"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Xiaozi sword Jue, one sword thunder breaks Wanjun..." at the moment, Wuchen is like a magic sword. The power of thunder and lightning around his body is quickly combined with the evil spirit. The purple and golden thunder sword is crazy lingering on Wuchen's body, and Wuchen turns into a black awn sword light, Feng Tianba, the owner of the Feng family who was attacked and killed by him, ran head-on and collided with him in one place

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