Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1009: 1009

Boom, boom, boom

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The thunder roars all over the sky, and the general rises violently. The sky above the center of the fallen magic city is torn apart. A space crack several meters long is coming, and purple and golden ray mang breathes the supreme power of killing and abusing sword, At the same time, in the void, the figure of the four winged demon man just like the demon God came down to the earth suddenly burst apart.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

There was a strange and harsh sound, which was spread in the void. The dark evil spirit of killing and abusing all around gathered and dispersed madly towards the torn space crack. The space crack full of the smell of destruction was filled with bloody red light and shadow in vain.

"Ah At the same time, an extremely terrible scream echoed in the restless void. Then, there were dark blood splashing everywhere, and the figure of the feudal master Feng Tianba suddenly appeared. The whole person was covered with blood, and there was no good place.

"Brush!" A blue black figure flashed out, and immediately appeared on the side of Feng Tianba's body. Then, the whole body of the figure burst out in vain, and the magic organ in his hand turned into a bright silver sword. Facing Feng Tianba's back, it swept out from the bottom to the top.

"Poof An irresistible silver sword light with thunder power flashed out, and the four pairs of magic wings on the back of Feng Tianba were cut off at the same time. Then, they saw that the four pairs of demon wings quickly turned into four streams of black magic power, rushing towards the body of the blue black figure.

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"Whoosh!" Feng Tianba, the owner of Feng's family, lost the protection of demon's wings and was seriously injured. His breath level dropped rapidly. His whole body turned into a black light and fell straight down. Even his vitality began to peel off from his body inexplicably.

Plop, plop

A series of terrible tumultuous sounds rang out. Feng Tianba, the owner of the Feng family, fell to the ground and died on the spot. The blood splashed from his body was surging out strangely. Qi Shushu rushed to the space gap torn apart in the void.

At this moment, the four winged demons belonging to Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family, have completely poured into Wu Chen's body, and the eternal Heaven and earth in Wu Chen's body are also driven by the crazy operation at this time. The magnificent and pure air of Hongmeng chaos is extremely excited, Qi Shushu then drowned the power of the four winged demon man's strong evil intention and swallowed it in the sea of Hongmeng's chaotic purple Qi.

GA Zhi Zhi, GA Zhi Zhi

The two pairs of wings of the blood red devil behind the traceless body quickly become more solid and strong, while the third pair of wings of the nothingness devil behind the traceless body quickly become solid from the transparent blood red state, Condensed into a real three wing demon, the wings of the powerful.

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Boom, boom, boom

The monstrous spirit of evil comes up, and all the Xuanli Qi in Wuhen's body blooms out. Originally, Wuhen's cultivation level of the middle emperor Wuhuang's realm leaps up to the level of the upper emperor Wuhuang's realm.


A fierce cold wind blows, and the bloody water pouring into the torn space crack in the void condenses in one place quickly. A deep and magical blood devil's eye opens slowly and mysteriously through the crack in the space

"Suddenly In the crack of the void, the bloody devil's eye slowly opened, and the surrounding tyrannical and restless void became quiet in vain. Even the wanton killing evil spirit suddenly stopped, and it was no longer rushing and surging, as if the whole void had been frozen. Under the huge statue square, it fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Yilala, yilala

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Waves of light and restless sound, as if there were nothing, spread out in the growing body shape of traceless, whose breath is still rising. Nowadays, the whole person is trying his best to feel and break through the realm of breath, as if he is in a mysterious state of epiphany. And the purple and golden evil spirit that lingered on his feet disappeared in the instant when the bloody devil was about to open.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

As the gentle and restless sound became more and more obvious, a strong black fire appeared in the palm of no trace's left hand, and the power of the strong black fire became bigger and bigger, There is a general trend of drowning the whole person in the black flame core.Click, click, click

Bursts of sound of fragmentation quietly came from the ground below. The statue of demon God, which was originally dull and like a dead object, was inexplicably cracked at this time, and on the spot it broke into nothingness and scattered in the void.

"Suddenly As the statue of the demon God cracked, the still and violent spirit of killing and maltreating demons in the void rose again, and the blood red magic eye slowly closed again. The mysterious and strange cracks in the space quickly healed and melted between the heaven and the earth, and the bloody smell in the air rolled up again, It was as if the bloody eye had never appeared.

"Hehe, Tianzun, you still have such a hand..." a low and rough voice, murmuring to yourself in traceless mind.

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"Boom!" A dark flame burst into the sky, completely covering the whole body of traceless people. The turbulent void became restless in vain, and a strange array of wave power quietly surged out of the void.

"Brush!" Then, the terrible dark fire seemed to burn and tear the void completely, and a huge space crack quickly appeared. Without a trace, the whole person was surrounded by the dark flame, which turned into a dark fire streamer, Then he absorbed the flying general into the crack of the space containing the power of the strange array, and disappeared out of thin air.

Boom, boom, boom

The violent roar of turbulence, which seemed to tear apart the void, exploded repeatedly. Under the pressure of this terrible monstrous will, the fallen demon city was destroyed instantly, and all the demons in the city ran away.

In the distance, a group of powerful demons who ran away quickly were stunned. All of them looked eagerly towards the place where the city was located. With the turbulence in the void, the power of the demons gradually calmed down. A man and a woman, two young demons, all of them looked solemn, In his anxious eyes, there was a faint blur of tears

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