Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1011: 1011

Tianyun sect was besieged. The three powerful sects, Jiange, Jiansha Dao, zhenbaozhai and zhenbaozhai, came out together to level Tianyun sect and the holy book mountain.

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At the moment, on the only way for tianyunzong to the holy land of Shushan, by the purple bamboo forest in the suburbs, a more visible war is breaking out. It was the futile outbreak of the war that made the three main sect leaders, who had been hesitant before, make a decision in a moment. All the strong men of the Emperor Wu and the elites of the sect came out together to add a fire to Tianyun sect and the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy

Tianyunzong lived in a remote wilderness, A dense purple bamboo forest is haunted by array fluctuations, which is particularly strange and mysterious.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

There was a terrible dull sound in the void outside the Zizhu forest. The two figures in the void quickly separated, and the two streamers of white and black flew down to the two different groups of people.

"Third Elder martial brother!"

"Third Elder martial brother, are you ok?"

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A series of anxieties and whispers quietly rose out of the purple bamboo forest. The white streamer, holding a merciless sword, gently fell on the ground below. Feng Feifei, the second disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the two academies on both sides, clenched his lips. His face was full of stubborn color, and his watery eyes were full of tears.

Several figures from around gathered around the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless. The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth younger martial brother Shifu Hua, and the whole body breath of the two had already been released, and they were fixed in the ranks of Huangwu realm.

On the other side, aftershocks, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and little fat Zhen Bucai are all in the list. In addition, their faces are all covered with dignified colors, and the Xuanli breath of each person has reached the peak level of cultivation in the realm of transforming the soul into an emperor.

It can be seen from this that during the time when Wu Chen set foot in the land of thirteen exquisite pagodas, people's accomplishments were greatly improved. It would only be a matter of time if we were to practice in the thirteen exquisite pagodas for a long time, and believe that we would break through the level of the spirit realm and the emperor Wuhuang realm.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

There was a sound of footsteps, and dozens of mysterious figures in black flashed out of the purple bamboo forest. The atmosphere of the highest cultivation level of emperor Wuhuang was released, which made the array in the purple bamboo forest shake and vibrate.

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"Who on earth are you?" The fourth elder martial brother, west wind withered and his face was very cold. He stared at a group of mysterious people in black and asked in a cold voice.

Previously, everyone was meditating in the thirteen section Linglong pagoda. The elder master Hua Buyu was still breaking through the bottleneck of the highest cultivation level of the soul refining realm, and was ready to step into the realm of Emperor Wu. But the array outside the Zizhu forest issued a warning in vain, which made everyone step out of the Zizhu forest to inspect and explore.

But who knows, people just stepped out of the purple bamboo forest, they met such a group of mysterious people to stop. Moreover, all of these people are in the realm of transforming the soul to the highest level of cultivation of emperor Wuhuang. If you ask any top sect in Liuzhou, I'm afraid it's hard to come up with such a team.

At the moment when the mysterious man in black appeared, he said nothing to the crowd, saying: "the master has an order. Welcome the eldest lady back home..."

Then, the mysterious people in black rushed to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and wanted to take her with them on the spot.

"As long as Feifei doesn't want to, none of you can take her away!" When all the people were confused, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless said something that made everyone feel domineering.

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"I don't know the heaven and earth, who will teach him a lesson?" In the face of the mysterious people in black who always give orders everywhere, they feel that their dignity has been greatly provoked and insulted on the spot.

As a result, these mysterious superior emperor Wuhuang's top level cultivation strongmen stepped out one after another on the spot, eager to try one after another to teach the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless.

A big battle broke out in an instant. The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless fought with nine mysterious people in black one by one. The power of merciless Kendo rules was brilliant on the spot, and he defeated most of the forces of the mysterious people in black.

In the last battle, the old man in black, the leader of the mysterious people in black, was forced to fight. As an old man in black, he had reached the cultivation level of half step soul refining, and even realized that he could be called half step emperor except the incomplete artistic conception of emperor.

However, in the match against the Third Elder martial brother Shui, they were still very close. In the end, both of them were hurt by one move, and neither of them got half of the advantage. They were defeated one after another.Gulu, Gulu

On the other side, the eyes of dozens of mysterious people in black are full of incredible expression. The leader of the old man is the most powerful clan old man in addition to the family leader. In front of him, the young man's fighting power was so bad that he could draw a tie with the old clan at the level of emperor banbu. It's no wonder that the eldest lady is still safe and sound in this barbaric land of six states. With the protection of such talented young people, she is comparable to the protection of the soul transforming experts sent by the family.

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"Cluck, heartless, why are you doing that?" A bleak smile, in the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's mouth, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes have a faint lingering tears, put out his hand to wipe the blood on the Third Elder martial brother's mouth.

"If you want me to be alive, no one can force you to do anything!" The Third Elder martial brother water is merciless, and his face is very cold. He stares at the dozens of mysterious people in black. The ruthless sword on his body is crazy around his body. At the moment, the water ruthlessness is just like a ruthless sword standing on the spot, which makes the people around him dare not act rashly and surpass the thunder.

In two places, the fourth elder martial brother Xi Feng withers, the fifth elder martial brother Shi Fu Hua, little fat Zhen Bucai, aftershock, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people also have tears in their eyes. Looking at the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless and the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, they feel envious and compassionate

Daddada, dada, dada

At this point, In the distant, uninhabited wilderness, an extremely strange sound of footstep was heard, and the sound of footstep was coming slowly from far and near. All the people in the room were shocked and trembled. A sense of foreboding came to the mind of all the people in the library.

Then, I saw dozens of mysterious people in black on the opposite side, all of them facing the left and right sides, all of them were in awe, waiting for the mysterious people coming from far and near

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