Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1012: 1012

Daddada, dada, dada

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A gentle sound of footsteps resounded from far and near, and a calm old man in gorgeous robes suddenly appeared in the mysterious group of people in black.

"Eh, elder emperor?" Seeing this gorgeous old man stepping in and out, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's face was instantly colorless. Her delicate body suddenly trembled, and she almost fell in the same place on the spot.

"Second elder martial sister, are you ok?" Fortunately, Ji Ruxue's quick eyes and quick hands behind her quickly step forward and help the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei up.

"Join the emperor, elder!"

"I've met the emperor and elder!"

With the sound of shouts, all the mysterious strong men in black, who were in the highest level of cultivation in the realm of Emperor Wu, all of their faces showed great respect and reverence. They deeply saluted the old man in gorgeous clothes.

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"Suddenly A gust of wind swept over the empty field in the outskirts of the purple bamboo forest. An invisible momentum was calm and gentle, but it made all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy tremble. A sense of suffocation spread to all the people's bodies in an instant. All the people on the scene seemed to be seen through. They were extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Hum!" A rebellious and extremely unyielding sound of the sword rises, and the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless is rampant. His body is merciless, and his Kendo is rampant. The cracks of space are tearing around his body, killing all the warm breeze that attacks his body.

"Eh, the heart of the sword is affectionate, and the Kendo is merciless. It's interesting and interesting..." on the other side, the gorgeous old man's face was stunned in vain. Then he muttered to himself and burst out laughing. The genial breeze on the outer space field of the purple bamboo forest around him disappeared in vain, and a terrible imperialist power was immediately cast over the merciless figure of the Third Elder martial brother Shui.

"Go Feel the power of emperor's will gradually become stronger in the surrounding space. The big sweat on the Third Elder martial brother's waterless forehead immediately flows down, and his whole body's heartless Kendo is all in full bloom. But he still can't break the terrible power of emperor's will and is confined in his body.

"Ha ha, when you are young, you can reach such a level of cultivation. If you don't fall halfway, you will have a place in Kyushu empire in the future!" The well-dressed old man was smiling and didn't seem to care about the Third Elder martial brother's relentless resistance. His eyes flashed a color of cherishing talent, and his emotion in the merciless words toward the Third Elder martial brother water was obviously relieved.

"Elder emperor, I'm going back to the clan with you now. I just ask you to let them go and don't hurt him..." Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister with a strong character, bites her red lips and looks pale. He looks at the Third Elder martial brother who is imprisoned and bound, and his eyes are full of unbearable.

"Ha ha, thank you for your help. When I was leaving, the head of the family once said that anyone who dares to obstruct the eldest daughter's return to the clan will be killed, even if it's bloody in the six states and killing all the people in the six states. Even if the head of China blames her, all the consequences will be borne by the Phoenix family in Jizhou..." a faint imperial power, It flows out of the old man's gorgeous clothes. All the people around him feel an invisible momentum. They want to prostrate and worship the old man unconsciously.

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"Wow, soul refining realm, Emperor Wu's great power..."

"Keke, Emperor Wu's strong man came to Liuzhou?"

"Well, Ji Zhou Feng's family, it turns out that the second elder martial sister's family is so powerful, and she even has a strong Emperor Wu!"

"Damn, the elders are all members of the second elder martial sister's family. As the head of the Feng family, the father of the second elder martial sister is even more powerful!"

Aware of the real cultivation state of the old man in gorgeous clothes, the faces of all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy were like ashes. Everyone's heart all thumping straight jump, nervous, have mentioned two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and three elder martial brother water merciless, two people both pinch sweat.

"Elder emperor, I said I would return to the clan with you. I hope you don't make it difficult for them. Otherwise, even if I die today, I will die with them!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's face was in vain and gloomy. Staring at the gorgeous soul refining place, Emperor Wu was forced to do so in a cold voice.

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"Madam, calm down..."

"Miss, I can't help it!"

On both sides, dozens of powerful people in black, who are in the realm of the supreme cultivation of the emperor, are all anxious. They all speak to Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, to dissuade him. Obviously, all the strong men in black on the scene also know the temperament of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, so they are so anxious to persuade each other.

"Ha ha, that's all. I'm afraid of your temper, girl Fei! I can let them go, but you have to return to the clan with us immediately! The family has something important to do, but the owner is still waiting for you... "As the well-dressed old man gently waved his hand, everyone on the side of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy felt that the pressure on them was in vain. Then, he saw the old man's face was calm and swept his eyes. The Third Elder martial brother water was merciless. Then he stepped towards the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and walked away."Feifei..." the Third Elder martial brother Shui, who has just been free, strides forward at full speed, and immediately blocks between the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the old man in gorgeous clothes. Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister who had stepped forward slowly, trembled in vain, and two lines of tears rushed out unconsciously.

"If we stop it again, we will not let it go!" A red flame flashed out, and it hit the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless's chest. The power of the merciless Kendo law gathered by the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless's whole body suddenly broke and collapsed. His whole body was flying backwards for tens of meters, until his body hit the purple bamboo forest array guard light shield, Just fell on the ground.

"Poof!" A mouthful of bright red blood is sprayed out. The breath of the Third Elder martial brother is extremely disordered. His whole body is stubborn and straight, and his eyes are full of anger. He strides towards the position where the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei is.

"Third Elder martial brother!"

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"Third Elder martial brother!"

The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, little fatty Zhen Bucai, aftershock, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people all come to the side of the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless. All of them release their momentum and breath without reservation, and step towards the place where the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei is.

"Hum, a group of barbarian mole ants who don't know the height of heaven and earth, don't you really think that our Jizhou Phoenix family can't be decorated?" Seeing all the people step forward again without any scruples, the gorgeous old man's face cools in vain, and a supreme imperial will slowly spreads out, which makes the temperature of the empty ground around him suddenly cool.

Gulu, Gulu

On both sides, the mysterious strong men in black from the Phoenix family in Jizhou all looked frightened. Looking at the people in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, who were still stepping forward not far away, they cast strange eyes of incomparable sympathy and pity

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