Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1013: 1013

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

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Strange red flames rose up, burning the whole field of the purple bamboo forest. The burning flame seemed to burn all the people in the field. The supreme power of the Empire swept across the place and completely blocked the whole space.

"Crack!" A clear sound is heard in the fiery red space. Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, is burning a fiery red flame all over her body. A long black whip with fiery red flame is against her neck. Her eyes are red and her tears are surging. Her face is cold and staring at the gorgeous old man without saying a word.

"Miss, you are forcing me..." the gorgeous old man's eyes were cold, and the emperor's power was more violent. The people who were walking on the scene only felt that their bodies were bound by a terrible force on the spot, and they could not move forward any more.

"Elder emperor, you can try it!" The black whip is against the neck of Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister. The fiery red flame burns her delicate skin. Every drop of crystal clear and blood red blood drops instantly scatter and flow slowly along her neck.

"Miss, don't do it!"

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"Elder emperor, please raise your hand!"

All the voices of exclamation were heard, and a lot of mysterious people in black on the scene were frightened and worried. They all rushed to speak out, and Qi Qi dissuaded the gorgeous dressed emperor Wudeng from coming.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the flame power on the whole imprisoned red space dissipated in vain. With the dissipation of the imperial power, all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy fell to the ground, except for the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

There was a heavy exhalation. All the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy were sweating. They sat on the ground as if they were in vain. Even the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless was pale as paper now, and his breath was extremely disordered.

"Feifei..." the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless slowly straightened his waist. His cold eyes were full of tenderness and vicissitudes. The ruthless Kendo in his body is slowly growing up again. It seems that he still has not given up his obsession and protection for the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei.

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"If you dare to step forward, I will die in front of you now!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's back is facing the Third Elder martial brother water mercilessly. The black whip in her hand is a little closer to her neck again, and the blood drops are scattered on the ground, but the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei has already cried.

"Hoo A heavy and dull voice resounded, and the heartless sword on the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless turned into nothingness and disappeared. The Third Elder martial brother's straight body shook three times in vain, and his whole body seemed to be much older than before. A sense of powerlessness attacked the whole body of the Third Elder martial brother. For the first time, a wisp of hesitation and bitterness appeared in the cold and resolute eyes of the Third Elder martial brother.

"Elder emperor, I can go back to the clan with you, but can you give me some more time to solve some problems, and then I can go back to the clan with you. I'm absolutely speechless!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's beautiful eyes repeatedly stirred up, and her tone seemed to have a hint of supplication. Looking at the gorgeous old man in front of her, who was gradually gloomy, she asked softly.

"The land of Jizhou, don't get involved in the affairs of Liuzhou, miss. Please come back to the clan with me now!" An impatience flashed on the gorgeous old man's face, and the tone of his words was extremely strong and overbearing.

On both sides, a group of mysterious people in black, all of them look very ugly, standing around silently with hands down.

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Even if you can't breathe easily. From this, it can be seen that the old man in gorgeous clothes is also an extremely domineering emperor. This also explains why Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, has to force her death to stop the emperor from oppressing others.

"Well, everything is as the emperor said!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's tears gradually solidified in her eyes, and her temperament changed again. She was as noble as a group of elegant superior women in heaven. She coldly swept the mysterious people in black across her face, then put the black whip in her hand, and the whole person's body was burning with fire, The blood mark on his neck was gradually restored under the rising of the burning flame.

Daddada, dada, dada

The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, who was burning with a burning flame, walked slowly. It didn't take long for her to come to the old man in gorgeous clothes, while a crowd of mysterious people in black on both sides quickly gathered around her and wrapped her in a guard.

Tengteng, Tengteng, TengtengAll the mysterious people in black on the scene are led by the gorgeous old man. The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei stands beside the gorgeous old man with no expression, allowing the old man to exert his imperial power to completely imprison and restrain his body without any struggle and resistance.

"What's your name, boy?" A secret voice came out quietly, and it fell into the Third Elder martial brother's mind.

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"Water is merciless!" The Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless, and his face is extremely cold. He looks up to the sky and roars in a cold voice. His merciless Kendo is blooming wildly, which makes the void above his place open, a deep space crack.

"Ha ha, that's right. The sword has broken through the void. It seems that it has touched the threshold of the Empire! However, the present is still too weak, for the help of the eldest lady is also very limited! Three years, I can fight for three years for you! If you don't agree, you will feel the emperor's will in three years and become a strong one in the soul refining realm. Instead, you can come to Jizhou Feng's house to find me, and I can give you a chance to win back the eldest lady... "In the void, a long and melodious voice of laughter floats. The gorgeous old man, with a group of mysterious people in black and the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, quickly breaks through the void and enters, In a twinkling, the sound and breath disappeared and disappeared in the eyes of the public.

"In three years, he broke the boundary and became emperor..." the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless trembled in vain. His lost face was once again cold and resolute. His waist was slowly straight, like a peerless sword. The cold light in his eyes seemed to penetrate the distant void, Even staring at the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, who just disappeared, for a long time.

"Three years, Jizhou Phoenix family..." on both sides, four elder martial brother Xifeng withered, five elder martial brother shifuhua, little fat Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, sword nameless, and a group of people's faces all flashed a color of determination, one each gritted his teeth and ten fingers tightly, staring at the place where the second elder martial sister Fengfei had just disappeared... < br > all the people's faces were full of determination

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