Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1015: 1015

Boom, boom, boom

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The roar of terror burst forth, the terrible space passage in the void flickered away in vain, and the chaotic void trembled violently, which shocked the whole tianyunzong.

In the distance, within the gate of Tianyun sect, Jiange, JIANGSHA Road, zhenbaozhai, and the three main forces have been fighting with the strong men of Tianyun sect. A terrible mysterious force is rising, and the whole dark void is reflected in blood red.

Outside the gate of Tianyun sect, powerful figures are constantly emerging. Master Qingchan, the leader of Buddhistic sect, long Ao, the leader of animal temple, the leader of demon sect, Qingxia fairy and Zixia fairy, the double leaders of Bixia palace, and the powerful figures of eight royal families are all present.

Gulu, Gulu

Feel the terror of the Tianyun sect, even the chief of the main door can not help but take a breath of cold!

It's hard to practice and it's such a terrible large-scale clan power war. Naturally, the number of strong people who fall is incalculable. It's very likely that after this war, both sides will lose. Even if the Tianyun clan finally loses or even leads to the destruction of the clan, the three major clan forces of the winning party will not feel better.

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"Spirit Lord, don't we help yet?" The old ape king of the golden giant ape family was very anxious. He asked the spirit Master with a dignified face.

"Go to heaven quickly, find the son, and listen to him in all actions!" The spirit Master pondered for a moment, and then finally made a decision. The other powerful monsters of the royal family also nodded frequently. The shadows turned into streamers and disappeared in a flash. Qi Qi disappeared in the bloody Tianyun sect.

In the void, the main forces of the major sects were left to see each other. After the secret communication, they also stepped into the sphere of Tianyun sect, waiting to see what the final outcome of this vicious fight will be

Brush, brush, brush

At this point, When all the powerful men of various forces set foot in the hinterland of Tianyun sect, thirteen different brilliant lights burst out in a remote and quiet wilderness deep in Tianyun sect. In addition, these Colorful streamers are all quickly integrated into the void and diffused out at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the whole hinterland of tianyunzong was covered by these strange and mysterious thirteen brilliant lights. Tianyunzong made great efforts to protect the mountain. A series of terrible Colorful streamers and mysterious force came down from the sky, like a series of colorful thunder, with a terrible atmosphere of destruction. In addition to the body shape of the disciples who were practicing tianyunzong's internal skills, the spirit of Xuanli came down from the sky, The rest of the city, the body of the powerful invaders, will be split away.

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Boom, boom, boom

With the restart of the mountain protection array, all the brilliant streamers fell down. Except for the superior emperor, the elder and the elite disciples of the other three main forces, Jiange, Jiansha, zhenbaozhai, and the three main forces, the elder and the elite disciples of the other three main forces were included, All suffered the attack and heavy damage of this strange colorful streamer in varying degrees.

"Ha ha, kill

"Hum, kill these bastards!"

"Bah, you deserve it, you bastards!"

Tianyunzong, who had been at a disadvantage, had a great momentum in an instant. The strong elder of the ninth hall in the inner gate and the leaders of the eighteen halls in the outer gate all took the lead, leading their strong men, elite disciples and Qi Shushu to launch a crazy counter attack.

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Ah, ah, ah, ah

Bursts of shrill screams were heard all the time, and the three major forces who died under the attack of the mountain protection array were 800, even if they were not 1000. The faces of the three powerful men all showed the color of panic, and they fought and retreated one after another, and they gathered and shrunk away.

On the void, master Tianshu, the leader of sword Pavilion, master Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, and master Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect. Among them, except master Wan Canghai, who was entangled by Zhen Shengcai, the old master of astrology hall, the other two began to fight against Zhuge Shanren, the leader of Tianyun Taoist sect. The rest of the main temple, deputy Temple master level strong, also have against the three major forces of the core elders, fighting each other.

Brush, brush, brush

At this moment, in the outer world of the purple bamboo forest, with the thirteen bright lights gradually disappearing, the luster disappeared into the void. In the hands of the black-and-white robed old man, there was a unique light and shadow of the thirteen exquisite pagodas. Moreover, as the light and shadow of the black-and-white robed old man's body gradually faded away, the light and shadow of the dull pagoda once again became a layer of hazy white fog, and the perception of the people's heart to heart communication with the thirteen exquisite pagodas was instantly cut off in court, The light and shadow of the thirteen exquisite pagodas, which are haunted by the white fog, fly out slowly towards the real body of the thirteen exquisite pagodas in the distance."Brush!" In a twinkling of an eye, a white streamer flashed away and disappeared in the six floors of thirteen exquisite pagodas. Then, in the sixth floor, the body shape of no trace, which was a realm of solid internal cultivation, trembled in vain, and a white streamer suddenly disappeared into the no trace forehead.

At the same time, Wu trace, who is meditating, suddenly opens his eyes. A pair of purple and golden streamers burst out of his eyes. Thirteen exquisite pagodas on his forehead are looming. His whole breath realm is also instantly fixed in the ranks of the highest level cultivation of the soul transforming realm and the Emperor Wu realm.

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The pure and exuberant Xuanqi of heaven and earth rush from all directions into the first floor of thirteen exquisite pagodas. The elder martial brother, who is closing the door and breaking through the bottleneck, shivers in vain, His whole body was filled with the power of the emperor's will and power, which was possessed by Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm.

"Ha ha, the treasure has a spirit. I will recognize the master myself. In the future, Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, will be the master of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy!" The breath of thirteen exquisite pagodas gradually weakens and tends to be stable. The figure of the old man in black and white robes in the void suddenly becomes more nihilistic.



There was an urgent cry of anxiety. The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, little fatty Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, Jianming, and a group of people all felt an inexplicable pain in their hearts. It seemed that everyone felt the gradual disappearance of the virtual shadow of the master. However, there was nothing they could do, We can only watch the benevolent master's shadow in front of us gradually fade and weaken, until it finally disappears into the void and disappears into nothingness

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