Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1016: 1016

"Suddenly A breeze slowly blows through the purple bamboo forest in the suburb, and the figure of the old man in black and white robes disappears into nothingness.

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The array power in the purple bamboo forest on the outskirts of the country has disappeared completely. In the holy book mountain, the original 13 section exquisite pagoda, which was set off by all kinds of lights, has now been completely covered by a strange white fog. In addition to one to six floors, there are also six different Xuanli properties in the pagoda, From the seventh floor to the thirteenth floor, the tower is now lifeless and completely turned into darkness, making it impossible for outsiders to detect and spy on its true appearance.

"Master and immortal are gone!"

"Master, it's time to sit down!"

The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, and the little fat man Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, sword nameless, and a group of people's faces all showed a touch of sadness, and the desolate sense of vicissitudes filled everyone's heart.

Boom, boom, boom

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At this time, the sound of violent turbulence in the Zizhu forest rang wildly, and a frenzy of Xuanli burst out from the Zizhu Road, making the ground outside the Zizhu forest shake violently.


The pure and exuberant air of Xuanli in heaven and earth turns into streamer one after another. It seems that it is going to completely fill the purple bamboo forest. Two violent breath and momentum instantly spread over the outskirts of the purple bamboo forest, which made the hearts of the rest of the college library tremble.

Daddada, dada, dada

About a quarter of an hour later, two footsteps came out one by one, which were close to each other. The scene in the Zizhu forest, which had lost the protection of the array, could be easily explored by the people on the scene with the help of divine sense. I saw two figures walking slowly side by side, and the expressions on their faces were extremely serious and cold. The thirteen exquisite pagodas that should have stood in the mountain of books, seemed to have never appeared, disappeared out of thin air, and there was no trace to find.

"Elder martial brother!"

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"No trace boss!"

"Sixth younger martial brother!"

With the two figures coming out of the purple bamboo forest at the same time, the present people suddenly lit up in vain. The disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy all spoke together, as if they had seen their relatives. They were surprised and called the general.

"Alas, the master has been seated. Everything is the result of God's will, and it can't be changed by us! However, the master also said before he came to the throne that the one who got the thirteen exquisite pagodas was inherited by the Sutra Pavilion of our college. Now Liu Wuchen, the sixth younger martial brother, has completely controlled the thirteen exquisite pagodas. From now on, he will be the master of the holy land of books The elder brother Hua Buyu's appearance at the moment is transformed into a rickety old man again. There is not a breath of Xuanli Qi in his body. It makes people feel like an ordinary person who doesn't know how to practice and doesn't have any Xuanli Qi in his body.

However, it was very clear in the hearts of all the people present. I'm afraid that the elder master Hua Buyu has now completely controlled the power of emperor Yi, stepped into the cultivation level of the soul refining realm of Emperor Wu, and became the only real soul refining realm of Emperor Wu in the six states.

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"Disciple Xifeng withered, I have met the holy master of Shushan!"

"Disciple shifuhua, I have met the holy master of Shushan!"

The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, and their faces were very serious. They bowed and clasped their fists to Wu Chen.

"We have met the Lord of the book mountain!" On both sides, the faces of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people all showed a touch of joy. They all clasped their hands and bowed to Wu trace.

"Cough, you guys are really, even the elder martial brothers are making a fool of themselves! The disciples of our college's Sutra Pavilion will always be a family. There is no holy Lord. In the future, you can still call me no trace. Let's carry forward the college's Sutra Pavilion in Kyushu together! " Wu Chen's eyes were full of smiles. He gave a salute to all the brothers around him. His discourse is full of arrogance and domineering, which makes the positioning of the Academy's Golden Pavilion rise to the whole territory of China mainland.

"We will obey the orders of the Lord! We must not disgrace the master's last wish, and make the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy famous in all directions and carry forward in Kyushu! " All the disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy looked very serious. They bowed to Wu Chen again and cried out in unison.

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On the other hand, the elder master Hua speechless, his old face showed a smile of satisfaction. His eyes were more profound and experienced. He looked into the void in the distance, and his calm and introverted inner breath became restless.

"Well, elder martial brother, the second elder martial sister was taken back to Jizhou Feng's home. There should be no danger for the time being! Besides, before leaving, the elder of the Phoenix family promised to keep the second elder martial sister safe within three years! Now, the Third Elder martial brother broke the air and went to the aurora, one of the nine forbidden areas. He thought that the danger must be hard to detect... "He sighed with a faint sigh, obviously seeing through the worry of the elder martial brother Hua Buyu. But it has happened, and even if people are worried, they have no intention. Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Wu trace spoke again and said to the elder master Hua Buyu for a second time: "now, we need to solve the problem of the attack of the three big gates as soon as possible, and then hurry to the other three states to practice separately! When the three-year appointment is coming, we will gather at his Chizhou Phoenix family. Maybe, by then, our strength will really be able to help the second elder martial sister and the Third Elder martial brother... ""Well, it's all according to the sixth younger martial brother's orders!" The elder master Hua Buyu sighed softly and nodded his head to traceless.

On both sides, all the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy nodded their heads and said yes. When they saw Wuhen, they seemed to have the backbone all at once. It's not only Wuhen who is now the master of the book mountain, but also Wuhen who was the best choice to be the master of the book mountain.

"Hey, traceless boy, it seems that the place of Tianyun sect is very busy!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao rises suddenly, and quietly communicates with Wu trace.

"Hum, the three major sects dare to attack my holy book mountain at night. If it wasn't for you, why should my book mountain be so embarrassed? Today I will let you have no return..." I felt the terrible and chaotic power of Xuanli in the hinterland of Tianyun sect in the distance, and I could not help but feel a chill on my calm face, Then he nodded silently to the people around him, and a group of strong scholars in the Sutra collection Pavilion rushed to the hinterland of Tianyun sect< br>

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