Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1017: 1017

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At this time, in the hinterland of Tianyun sect, the statue of Tianma, which is facing the symbol of Tianyun sect's sacred beast protecting the mountain, suddenly burst into pieces in Turks. The majestic and lifelike statue of Bailiang Tianma suddenly turned into pieces and powder of Taoism, and then burst out on the spot, The ashes disappeared into the void with the wind.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

As the statue of Tianma, the sacred beast of yunzong mountain protection, disintegrated and disappeared, the mountain protection array, which had previously bloomed 13 different kinds of brilliant lights, quickly cracked and damaged. Moreover, the brilliant streamer on the mountain protection array gradually faded and weakened until it finally disappeared into the air There was no warning in advance.

"Damn, the guardian beast is broken?"

"My God, that's the symbol of our Tianyun sect. How could it suddenly disappear out of thin air?"

"Ah, it's over, it's over. Is it really heaven who wants to forget himself?"

"Well, the sacred beast of mountain protection was the riding partner who followed the leader of the mountain. It guarded our Tianyun sect for thousands of years. How could it suddenly break up today?"

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As one falls, another rises and falls. The pupil and the elders, who have already taken the overwhelming advantage, have all been seen in the same way. Each of them has seen that the horse statue has gradually turned into foam dust and emptied into the air, and all of the hearts have been surging with intense waves.


"Ha ha, they can't hold on any longer. Let's go!"

"Step down tianyunzong and remove it from the six states completely..."

Aware of the ups and downs of the mentality of the strong in tianyunzong, the remaining strong in the three major sects once again rallied their spirits, and a group of people frantically fought back. In an instant, no less than 100 strong people in tianyunzong were killed.

Boom, boom, boom

The rest of tianyunzong immediately regained their consciousness when they saw the powerful men of Wuhuang falling down. They glared at each other with hatred, and turned into more powerful forces to attack and kill. They turned to the remaining strong men of the three major forces on the ground, Launched a crazy fight back and fight together.

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"Ha ha, no break, no stand, break and then stand, rebirth represents hope, this is the new rise of our tianyunzong!" On the void, an old voice full of excited cries came out. Zhen Shengcai, the old master of astrology hall, was so excited that he seemed to see some incredible picture. He was so excited in vain. Moreover, a strange and mysterious force always lingers on the figure of Zhen Shengcai, the old master of the astrology hall, so that Wan Canghai, the leader of the rigid Taoist sect, who has been occupying the upper peak on the opposite side, can't even get into the range of tens of meters on both sides of Zhen Shengcai's side at the moment.

"The art of Da Tian Yan?"

"Old hall master..."

Feel the power of the spirit burning on Zhen Shengcai, the old master of the astrology hall, and the breath on his body is more and more falling and becoming weak. All the masters of the great holy halls on both sides are red eyed instantly, and even the mood of Zhuge mountain people, the master of Tianyun sect, is becoming confused.

"Good chance!"


Seeing this, master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, and master moqiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, who had been fighting against zhugeshan people, the leader of Tianyun sect, suddenly lit up in front of their eyes at the same time. Immediately, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the Tianyun sect, suddenly put out a shining treasure and rushed to the forehead of Zhuge mountain people.

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"Bang!" With a loud sound, the streamer of the treasure broke the defense power of Zhuge mountain people, ran to his forehead and smashed away.

Seeing this, Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, didn't have time to think much about it, so they quickly displayed their thousand hand martial spirit. The strange white awn on their arms and palms bloomed out in an instant, and stopped the heavy baby utensil out of thin air.

"Come on, now!" When he saw that he had lost his treasure, master Mo Qiyu was not angry but happy. Next to him, master Tianshu, the master of the sword Pavilion, instantly turned into a sword. The light flashed out, and he attacked and stabbed the generals on the chest of Zhuge mountain people, the master of Tianyun sect.


"Master, be careful!"

The anxious shouts rang out at the same time, and the strong of the main level of the temples on both sides were all panicked and felt the threat of the sword. Master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, turned into an aurora like destructive force. He killed Zhuge mountain people in an instant."Bang!" Immediately, a dull sound was heard in the ear ring, and a strange light burst out in the void. Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, retreated and dodged away. In the place where they were originally, Zhen Shengcai, the old master of the astrology hall, suddenly appeared.

"Poof With a sword drawn out, master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, fought back and came back. His hands were full of blood on the Tianshu sword, and his eyes were full of surprise and indignation. He stared at the empty land in front of him.

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"Keke, Lord, the art of Da Tian Yan appears. After this battle, our Tianyun sect will be prosperous. From then on, the land of Kyushu, the Holy Land and the book mountain, will be famous in mainland China..." Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, has a bright red blood on his chest, but his old face is still filled with ecstatic smile, As if there was no injury on him at the moment, he turned back to tell the truth to Zhuge mountain people, the White Emperor of Tianyun sect.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Around, the main hall of the inner gate rushed to protect the old hall master Zhen Shengcai. The master of the pre art hall, Zhen Youcai, with a miserable face, stepped out of the air and quickly held the body of the old hall master Zhen Shengcai in his arms.

"My father..." two lines of tears rolled down. The vitality of Zhen Shengcai, the master of the old hall, began to drop rapidly. The fresh red blood from his chest flowed continuously, and the mysterious and strange power of Qi and fortune shrouded in him quickly weakened, and his madness began to decline.

"Keke, Lord, our Tianyun sect is bound to prosper, the holy land of Shushan, and there will be saints coming to the world. We Tianyun sect must protect the way for it, so that it can be passed on for a long time..." the eyes of Zhen Shengcai, the master of the old hall, gradually began to blur, and his vitality quickly declined to the extreme. His whole body was dyed red by the bright red blood, But the words from his mouth were still clearly spread to every corner of the hinterland of tianyunzong.

"Old temple master, thank you! We will follow the prophecy of Da Tian Yan's art from generation to generation There were tears in the eyes of Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect. They sobbed at Zhen Shengcai, the dying master of the old hall. All the elders and disciples in the hinterland of Tianyun sect felt a sense of sadness and indignation. They looked at the blood red body in the void and said goodbye one after another!

"My father!" A painful wail broke out in the silence of the void. Zhen Shengcai, the old hall master in the arms of Zhen Youcai, died on the spot. However, there was a faint smile on his old face. It seemed that before he died, he had used Da Tianyan's skill to perceive some information and scenes that were more important than getting up and dying. Maybe, Just as he said, Zhen Shengcai, the master of the old temple, saw the inheritance of tianyunzong, which has been standing and rising for thousands of years in order to be proud of the territory of Kyushu in the mainland of China.... < br > this is the first time that Zhen Shengcai, the master of the old temple, saw the inheritance of tianyunzong

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