Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1022: 1022

Boom, boom, boom

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On the void, the two battlefields are constantly bursting out with the power of the law of heaven and earth. The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, the two are stiff with each other, and Wan Canghai, the leader of Taoism, and Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, are engaged in fierce fighting.

Even though Wan Canghai and Mo Qiyu are the top eight in the list of six states, Xifeng withered and Shifu Hua didn't suffer a loss in their short encounter, and didn't show the trend and signs of being in a weak position.

At the same time, the master of Tianshu peak, the master of the sword Pavilion, finally started to move at this moment. The power of the law of sword meaning released from his body was extremely powerful, and all of a sudden, the whole person without trace was firmly locked in the void. Then, a cold light in the void flashed away, and the Tianshu master and his Tianshu sword disappeared out of thin air. A terrible sense of crisis quickly spread all over the body of no trace, as if the power of the sword law of killing was everywhere in the world, and the breath of death quickly spread all over every inch of the skin of no trace.

"Ha ha, no trace boy, the old man's attainments in kendo have already reached the threshold of the emperor's artistic conception. In the power of his laws, he has already faintly integrated the emperor's will and power..." no trace body's shape is surrounded by the void, and countless swords burst out, which makes the void around vibrate and sway inexplicably. And, in this terrible sword meaning cold light outbreak, there will be space cracks from time to time. That dark space crack continuously breathes the breath of terror and destruction, which makes people feel a shiver of inexplicable fear at a glance.

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"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out from Wuhen's mouth. The Qi of the five elements Xuanli in Wuhen's body is released madly, and a silver white cold light flashes out from his waist. The continuous force of the law of sword will quickly merge with the Qi of the five elements Xuanli in his whole body.

In the blink of an eye, the power mask of the law came into being, which completely covered the whole person. In addition, within the range of tens of meters around Wuhen's body, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, and the power of the five kinds of variation Xuanli's Qi law rise rapidly and become illusory, forming a series of hazy barrier forces to protect Wuhen's body.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A clear and strange sound came from the barrier of the secret arts of the different methods. The bright and colorful starlight and shadow came out of the air, and all appeared and hung on the barrier of the secret arts of the different methods. The power of the stars spread all over the barrier of the secret arts of the different methods in an instant, and turned into a new and bright screen light and shadow, The body shape of no trace was closely guarded on the spot.

"Brush!" Just after a few breaths formed by the screen of stars, the void of silence between heaven and earth trembles violently and inexplicably. The cold light swords rushing out of the sky seem to be all pervasive and spread all over the world, and then they bombard and kill in the direction of no trace.

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Boom, boom, boom

A terrible explosion resounded through the void, and the surrounding silent space was in a frenzied turbulence. The cracks of the torn space breathed the breath of destruction, as if to completely engulf and submerge the place where traceless belonged.

Brush, brush, brush

Above the light curtain of the star barrier, all the sword like Qi from the bombardment turned into nothingness and dissipated in the void. All the bright stars and shadows fell down under the pressure of the sword Qi, just like a series of fireshooting stars, burning the terrible killing Qi.

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Lost the power of the stars to protect the secret arts barrier, in an instant, under the force of the terrible turbulence of the sword Qi, it cracked, dense fine cracks came. Moreover, the terrible sword spirit of the surrounding heaven and earth, the power of the afterwave, is constantly attacking the secret arts barrier, which may be broken.

Click, click, click

Just after counting the breath, the power of the star barrier in front of Wu Chen's body will be broken on the spot, and the power of sword will be swept away, all of which will bombard Wu Chen's body and the power of sword.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being one of the strongest in the six states. Just relying on the power of killing sword, I'm afraid it's enough to kill the general superior emperor Wuhuang realm. Even if he is the superior emperor, he will not be able to go through more than a hundred rounds in the hands of the Tianshu master! " Seeing that the barrier of stars in front of him was broken, no trace still didn't show half a sense of panic. The Qi of the five elements Xuanli in his body was shining again, and the power of protecting the law and the power of killing the sword from the surrounding void were blocked in the air.

"Whoosh!" A figure flashed out and quietly appeared in the void tens of meters away from the back of Wuchen. Then, a cold light burst out with the power of killing sword. It quickly came from the rear of Wuchen's body. The mysterious Qi of heaven and earth suddenly trembled, and the speed on both sides of the void was obviously visible to the naked eye, There are two cracks in the space."Ha ha, here we are at last!" Back to the rear of the body without trace slightly move, handsome face above a touch of symbolic evil smile. Then, he saw the light and shadow of the stars in his body, and his whole body was as bright as a collection of star maps.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the void, the power of the stars that had fallen down before all resonated with the shining star map in traceless body at this moment. Moreover, the power of the stars falling from below all quickly ignited flames, like the sun's rays and shadows, from the bottom to the top, frantically swept through the void. He turned into a series of killing lights and shadows, which came from all over the world. He rushed to the back of the traceless body and rushed to the strange figure.

"Hum!" Another sound of sword roars through the air. The silver white sword in Wuhen's hand roars excitedly. The bright light and shadow of the Milky way in Wuhen's body flicker constantly. The light and shadow of the sun, moon, star and three lights appear above his head. The whole person of Wuhen is just like a God under the shining power of the sun, moon, star and three lights, Holding a long silver sword, he slowly turns around and stares at the strange figure who stops in the void and is full of fright. On his handsome face, there is a sense of evil smile

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