Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1023: 1023

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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On the void, the power of the terrible sword will burst out continuously, and rush towards the power of the stars, the fireball light and shadow.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

The earth shaking sounds of terror came up again. The power of the red stars, the light and shadow, bombarded the fierce intention of the sword. The power of the stars and the intention of the sword collided and offset each other, but the power of the red flame did not weaken at all, And quickly separated from the power of the stars light and shadow, into a hot and terrible fireball light and shadow like the sun, towards the body of the Tianshu master above, crazy attack and kill.

"Eh, no trace boy, this move seems to be different from the star burial?" No trace mind will be out of the demon zunhuoxiao that rough voice, the sky full of the sun and flame, all of a head toward Tianshu on the human body wrapped around the invasion and go.

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"Ha ha, this technique is not a star burial. I call it Zhiri meteorite!" The power of the sun, moon, star and three lights above the head of Wu Chen gives off a dazzling light at the same time. The whole body of Wu Chen is completely bathed in the light and shadow of the power of three lights.

"Hum!" At the same time, a cold hum came out from the void. The fiery red sun was enveloped in the light and shadow, and a figure suddenly burst out with the power of destroying heaven and earth. Then, he saw a gray faced and ragged figure of the old man flying out a hundred meters away. The Tianshu sword in his hand was still blooming with the meaning of killing and cutting sword. A burning smell filled the void. The beard on the face of Tianshu, the Lord of the sword Pavilion, was burned black by the strange sun and flame.

Boom, boom, boom

In the hinterland of tianyunzong below, there are still few strong men in Jiange, zhenbaozhai, jiangshadao and the three major sects. Aftershocks, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and the strong men in the ninth Hall of tianyunzong all join hands, It has completely controlled the situation of the night attack and decadence.

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In the void, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers with him, and Wan Canghai, the leader of Taoist sect, kills him. The two figures are crazy and tangled together. But the dead body of the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng often suddenly invades and comes out, causing a lot of trouble to the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers. And the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng's withered body is also constantly scarred and imprinted. At the same time, his stiff spirit is constantly invading his body.

On the other side of the battle group, the five elder martial brother Shifu Hua's head is full of precious books and martial spirits, which continuously release the bright golden pages, turning into a golden whirlpool storm dragon, locking the body of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, in the void.

Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, has a gold soft armor to protect his body. He resists the attack of the golden storm and the long dragon. However, they are constantly deadlocked in the void, consuming the mysterious energy in their bodies. Neither of them could easily win the other side, which could only make the war situation fall into a stalemate for a while.

"Keke..." a burst of rapid and fierce cough resounded in the void 100 meters away without trace. The power of killing and cutting sword on Tianshu suddenly became violent, and the breath of the whole person was combined with Tianshu sword in his hand. The terrible killing and cutting sword was constantly devouring the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth on the whole sky, And more terrifying to send out the power of the law of the sword.

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"Hum!" There was a deafening sound of the sword. Wuchen felt that his whole body was inexplicably shaken, and an invisible chill suddenly shrouded his body. The feeling was just like being watched by a poisonous snake, which made every pore of Wuchen stand up, and a sense of crisis quickly spread all over his body.

"Tianshu nine swords, nine swords at the same time!" A low roar resounds deafening in the void. The figure of the man on Tianshu, a hundred meters away, moves in vain. In the void, there are nine shadows which are exactly the same as his figure. All the nine shadows are bursting with the same breath of terror and sword. At the same time, they rush from nine directions, Nine different swordsmanship moves are displayed. They rush to the body of no trace in the middle of the siege. In a moment, they will be killed and destroyed.

"Eh, the nine shadows are all real bodies, but because of their extremely fast speed, the nine sword moves come out at the same time, giving people the illusion that the nine real bodies attack at the same time!" Demon zunhuoxiao rough crazy voice again quietly pan will come out, in no trace mind faint echo out. Obviously, demon zunhuoxiao's perception of the power of spirit is very strong. Although the attack of master Tianshu is quite strange, it is easy to see through the intention of master Tianshu with the perception of demon zunhuoxiao.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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There was a terrible roar of sword Qi, and the power of the law that Wu trace was guarding all over his body trembled violently in vain. Then, nine terrible sword lights and shadows appeared on the left and right sides of Wu Chen's body at the same time. On the light shield of the power of the law, there were many tiny cracks.Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

The terrible power of the sword will explode, and the shield of the sword will explode. Nine shadows will explode at the same time, and nine terrible sword moves will appear. From nine different directions, the shield of the sword will explode on the spot.

"Hum!" The mask of the power of guarding the law breaks on the spot, and a steady stream of sword power invades into it. The silver sword in Wuchen's hand suddenly bursts out the power of violent sword power. Around Wuchen's body, nine ancient sword meanings containing the power of mysterious power of various attributes are revealed, The power of the sword meaning of the nine character ancient words wanders around the body of no trace, destroying the attack of the terror and killing power, and killing it on both sides of no trace body.

"Nine swords return to one, kill heaven and earth!" At the same time, the voices of the nine roads resounded from the nine places around no trace. The momentum of the nine roads was like a rainbow, and the decisive shadow of killing and felling flashed away at the same time. A sword was like a stab from the sky. From the bottom to the top, we could see that the master Tianshu was holding the Tianshu sword in the void, and the terrible Tianshu sword came down from the sky with the power of the supreme law of killing and felling, Straight straight from top to bottom toward the top of the head without trace, mercilessly crazy killing stab will go< br>

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