Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1029: 1029

Brush, brush, brush

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On the void, waves of spiritual power came out, and the round moon seemed to have endless strange and mysterious magic power, which made the people on the scene fell into it at a glance and couldn't extricate themselves.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The presence, the masters of the major forces and the masters of the major demon and beast royal families, all of them were in the same shape and retreated. The momentum of those who were in the highest cultivation state of the Emperor Wu Huang was all crazy, cutting off the spiritual wave of the light and shadow of the full moon in the void.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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After a long time, the masters of the major forces and the masters of the major demon and beast families just retreated hundreds of meters above the void. All of them were up and down in the chest. It was obvious that the fluctuation of spiritual power emitted by the strange full moon had no less influence on those who were strong in the highest realm of Emperor Wu than those who were weak in the lower realm of Emperor Wu.

Daddada, dada, dada

In the void, there was a strange sound of stepping again. There was a purple and gold color all over Wu Chen's body, and the evil spirit was flowing around him. Behind him, three pairs of devil wings were waving and beating. In his purple and golden eyes, the spiritual power burst out in an instant, and turned into two brilliant lights, which directly hit on the body of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, who was protected by gold soft armor.

"Brush!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, had empty eyes and kept the posture of looking up at the strange and mysterious light and shadow of the full moon. Mo Qiyu, the leader of the treasure house, seemed to have no idea. He was still in the same place.

"Well, who are you?" A cold hum, cold spit out from the mouth of no trace, no trace hand silver sword in vain slowly raised, straight into the gold wire soft armor protective mask. In the earrings, there were only bursts of tearing noises. The long silver sword, which was full of killing intention, was put on the neck of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house.

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"My seat, Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, is the same!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, shivered in vain. An instinctive sense of crisis made her shiver. There seems to be a struggle in his empty eyes, and the weakened power of his soft gold armor becomes more slowly.

"Mo Qiyu, let me ask you, is everything you just said true?" No trace holding the silver sword's arm in vain slightly trembled, the expression on his whole face became inexplicable and a little nervous. It is obvious that no trace just attacked Mo Qiyu as a feint. The real implication of this attack is that it exerts the power of monthly reading, which is one of the three light spirits, and makes Mo Qiyu's spiritual power confused. Only then can he reveal the truth to Mo Qiyu, so that no trace can know exactly the whereabouts of Liu Mu and Liu Shuanger, In order to let endless decision how to deal with the next array Baozhai suzerain moqiyu.

"Hum, the fight between the warriors in mainland China should not involve their families, not to mention the lingbaoge strongmen who maintain the order of the six states. Although the three major sect leaders have this idea, they don't have the courage to openly challenge the leader of China! What I said just now is just for self-protection. I can't do it with it! " With a cold hum, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, still had empty eyes. His reply was even more mechanical, and it was spread out repeatedly, floating in the void, which made the presence of all the wary masters of various forces, which quietly relieved in the heart.

"Hey, traceless boy, you can rest assured that the power of monthly reading is exerted with the help of demon master's power of demon soul. Even if the opponent is the superior emperor Wuhuang's highest cultivation level, he can't resist the demon master's control!" The wild laughter of demon zunhuoxiao comes out again, and it is full of indescribable pride.

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"Hoo Hearing that Liu's mother and Liu shuang'er were safe and sound, and that Yao zunhuoxiao was so assured, Wu's heart was slowly put down, and a symbolic evil smile appeared on his handsome face.

Brush, brush, brush

In the void, the blood red full moon, which is full of starlight, suddenly trembles. Then, three lights and shadows quickly move towards the surrounding area at the same time. The power of the sun, moon, star and three light spirits suddenly floats out of the air. Then, three lights and shadows gallop back from three places at the same time, Qi Qi disappeared into the traceless body.

"Ah With a cry of surprise, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the zhenbaozhai clan, suddenly came out not far from the front of the body. He had been standing in the same place with empty eyes before. At the moment when the power of Yuedu disappeared, he suddenly recovered.

"Brush!" The golden soft armour, which was almost completely weakened, once again madly produced its bright guard light. The protective light shield of the treasure quickly diffused and spread, and forced to compress towards the silver sword on the neck of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house."Ha ha, thank you for telling me the truth!" With a faint smile, the six dark wings behind him burst out at the same time, and the six dark wings stabbed out at the same time. All of a sudden, they penetrated the protection and obstruction of the treasure gold soft armor.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

There were six strange noises at the same time. On the body of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, there were six bright, dark and bright wings of the devil. The scarlet bloodstain was released in an instant, and the power of protecting the precious gold soft armor began to die out.

"Cough, how dare you and how dare you fight against me?" A burst of fierce cough, a lot of blood from the mouth of master Mo Qiyu. Mo Qiyu, the leader of the treasure house, was full of fear and disbelief in her eyes. She looked at the handsome face not far away from her, and looked shocked as if she had seen the devil.

"Ha ha, dead people don't need to know so much!" With a cold smile, the long silver sword in his hand swung in vain. The evil spirit combined with the power of the sword Qi. With one sword, the head of Mo Qiyu, the leader of Baozhai, was killed on the spot.

"Plop!" When the sword goes down, the corpse is divided into two parts. Before her death, Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, was still full of doubts and shock in her eyes. However, with the rapid decline of the vitality in her body, it announced the end of the void battle, and the end and trend of the night attack on tianyunzong by one of the three major forces

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