Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1030: 1030

"Suddenly A desolate cold wind slowly blowing, tianyunzong upper and lower abdomen at this time completely into a dead silence. In the middle of the sky, there was a black flame, which quickly ignited the fallen body of Mo Qiyu, the leader of Baozhai.

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"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and a silver sword flashed across the void. The three pairs of wings of the demons behind him seemed to beat and dance slowly and regularly.

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In the void, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua and the two stand behind the figure of Wu Chen. They look at Wu Chen's strong back, and their admiration is far greater than their surprise.

At the same time, above the hinterland of Tianyun sect, Zhuge mountain people, the leader of the nine holy halls in the inner gate, the leader of the eighteen halls in the outer gate, and even a group of people, including Jianming, Ji Ruxue and aftershock, all swallowed their saliva unconsciously.

The one who was just fighting in the void was the leader of the three top clans in the mainland of six states. He was killed by a man without trace on the spot. Moreover, at this time, it seems that Wu trace always gives people a sense of calmness and lightness. Obviously, there is still some power to fight again.

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Moreover, in just over ten years, Wu trace has been practicing all the way from a 16-year-old boy, and now he is in his thirties. He has reached the highest level of cultivation in the realm of transforming the soul to the emperor. Moreover, he can defeat the leaders of the three major forces alone, and his real combat power is absolutely enough to catch up with and surpass the older generation of Wu Huang in the six states. These evil people were born in the sky, how can we not let the six states of the land of all powerful masters tremble, shocked.

"I surrender!"

"Don't, don't kill me, I will surrender!"

"I am the cultivation level of the next emperor Wu Huang. I am willing to leave the array treasure house and go back to tianyunzong!"

"I, and I, I voluntarily quit the rigid evil way. Please spare my life!"

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Anxious cries for mercy suddenly spread from the hinterland of tianyunzong. All the three major sects who were at the top of the hierarchy were killed in battle. In addition, the three major sects' leaders all died together. Those who were weak in cultivation and the remaining elite disciples of the three major sects, Then he began to beg for mercy and shout to the handsome young figure in the void.

"Ha ha, the Holy Son is awe inspiring. He is really the leader of our demon king family! This is the luck of the six states, and the luck of all the demons and beasts! " Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Wuchen turned the tide with his own strength. He killed the three top forces, the leader of the clan, and the eight monsters, and his heart trembled violently. The resourceful spirit Master obviously wants to be happy, so he bows himself to salute him and says to Wu trace respectfully.

"We are convinced that the Holy Son is powerful, and we will follow him to the death in the future to rebuild the glory of our six states in the past!" Seeing that the Spirit Lord took the lead in expressing his position, the other lords of the other monster kings, who had not been very convinced before, all gave a deep salute to Wu Chen.

Obviously, after a devastating war, no trace has conquered all the powerful masters with his practical actions.

Nowadays, no matter who is the leader of the big monster king family, or the leader of other major sects, no one will treat Wuhen as a junior. Even, many people will have awe and fear of Wu trace, and they will be able to kill those who are the masters of the three major sects with their own efforts. They are definitely half of the people who have stepped into the spirit refining realm and the cultivation of Emperor Wu's strong men.

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What's more, Wuchen is only 30 years old. He is more than a hundred years old and has not yet entered the realm of Wu Huang. The appearance of Wuchen is absolutely the most top evil in the land of Kyushu. His talent, potential, combat power and cultivation realm are all terrible!

"Cough, from this moment on, my book mountain officially declared to be the holy land of orthodoxy! And the holy master of the Sutra Pavilion of our college will be inherited by my sixth younger martial brother Liu Wuhen! We are all respected by the will of the Lord. If we disobey this oath, we will be haunted by demons, thunders in the sky, no bones, no good death... "When all the powerful people are shocked, the elder master Hua who has never spoken is speechless, and in vain he looks to the void and speaks lightly.

At the same time, as the voice of the elder master Hua Buyu came out, the words of the elder master Hua Buyu came out in the minds of all the people in the hinterland of Tianyun sect. Moreover, a terrible power of emperor's will appeared everywhere, enveloping all the people present.

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There were breaths of tension and suffocation from the hinterland of Tianyun sect. Whether it was the remnant of the three major sects or the strong ones of Tianyun sect, even the heads of the major sects in the void, the heads of the monster kings, and everyone's faces at the moment They all began to become unpredictable and wonderful."Damn, this, this is the breath of Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm?" In the void, the head of the ghost clan, the magic building, has a big mouth. His eyes seem to be staring out of his eyes. He is exaggerating. His whole body trembles unconsciously, and his eyes are full of fear. He looks down at the elder brother Hua Wuyu, who is old and looks like a master.

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"Keke, the announcement of the establishment of the holy land means that there are strong people in the imperial realm. In this way, huabuyu in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy has become the strong one in the soul refining realm of Emperor Wu. Although it is the inferior realm of Emperor Wu, it is the first strong one in the six states that has reappeared for thousands of years..." Longao, the owner of the animal temple, was full of envy, Let the wanton power of emperor's will flow on him, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly surged up and down his body. It seemed that any secret he had was futile in front of the strong Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm.

"Amitabha, the six states are the emperors, and from then on, the nine states are the same! The holy land of the other three states can travel to our six states. I really don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse for our six states... "Master Qingchan, the master of Buddhists, was full of melancholy in his eyes. He sighed at the bloody corpses in the hinterland of Tianyun sect.

"Since the establishment of Holy Land orthodoxy, there will be new masters in the six states, and our top sects will become second class forces, unless we conform to the orthodoxy and holy land book mountain..." Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, flashed a tangled color in her eyes and murmured to herself slowly.

"Hum, the Holy Land orthodoxy can only be established when Emperor Wu is in the place of Jiuzhou. Even if Shushan becomes a holy land, there are other three holy land orthodoxy with profound foundation. Compared with it, the Holy Land Shushan is just the weakest existence!" With a cold hum, there was a cold light in the eyes of Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace. It was obvious that for the land of six states, there was a strong emperor who was born. For other religious forces, it was just like great pressure and fear.

After all, after the completion of the six prefectures, there are only two choices for the clan power in its realm, either to become a part of the holy land of orthodoxy, or to become a second rate clan power. For those who have always been at the top of the six prefectures, these two options are the worst choices that are extremely difficult to accept. Of course, there is another choice for the various sects, that is, to join the Taoist holy land forces in the other three states. However, for the leaders of the major sects whose roots are all in the six states, this choice is worse and worse than the previous two choices. Unless all the people are fighting with the holy land of Shushan, there will be no way for them to make the worst choice

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