Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1031: 1031

"Brush!" The figure of a green robe flashed out of thin air and immediately fell on the side of the elder master Hua Buyu. There is a faint smile on the traceless and handsome face, and the cold eye sweeps the powerful masters of various forces standing in the air.

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"We, the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, have met the Lord!" At the same time, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers and the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua also follow the guard. The aftershock, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and little fat Zhen Bucai are among them. All of them join hands and bow their hands to address Wuli Dao in public.

"Ha ha, it's a bit impolite for you to stand in the air again because of the integrity of holy land On the void, the spirit Master's sophisticated and deep eyes flashed a touch of playful color, and glanced at the masters of the major sects who were still in shock. Then he saw that the body shape of the spirit Master was the first to fall, and the other seven masters of the demon and beast royal family behind him all came down with a smile.

"Suddenly On the void, a cold wind blows by, and the power of emperor Yi's power, which diffuses over people's bodies, slowly disappears. The leaders of the major forces looked at each other one after another, and then quickly floated and fell.

"Keke, Shushan, the holy land of the six prefectures, has been established. The whole clan of Tianyun sect is willing to join the holy land of the six prefectures and contribute to the safety of the six prefectures." Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, flashed an indescribable firmness in their eyes. They clasped their fists and arched their hands in front of the crowd, and they spoke in a loud voice.

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"Boom!" On both sides, there was a look of joy in the eyes of all the people, who were the masters of the inner gate and the outer gate. The whole hinterland of tianyunzong exploded in an instant. Bursts of laughter and joy filled the bloody and haze of tianyunzong.

There is a continuous line between the Tianyun sect and the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. Now Tianyun sect belongs to the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, which means that the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy will be completely open to the strong ones of Tianyun sect in the future. The students with excellent qualifications in Tianyun sect also have the opportunity to enter the Sutra Pavilion of the academy to practice. This is a great opportunity and benefit for tianyunzong!

What's more, the leader of the Holy Land academy is Wuhen. All the disciples of Tianyun sect, whether they are the nine inner gates or the eighteen outer gates, worship Wuhen and become a force in Wuhen's hands. It's a great honor for all the disciples of Tianyun sect.

"After the completion of the Holy Land book mountain, Tianyun sect is the hinterland. The original disciples of the Sutra pavilion are still sitting in the book mountain. Tianyun sect immediately changed its name to Tianyun hall, which will become the branch Hall of our holy land book mountain. It is mainly responsible for the daily operation of the Holy Land book mountain and the prediction of good and bad luck. Do you have any objection?" No trace's voice was bright and clear, and he even opened his mouth in front of the leaders of the other major sects and agreed to the request of Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect.

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"The Lord is above, and the people of Zhuge mountain, the leader of Tianyun hall, are all above and below the Tianyun hall. They all take orders!" Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, dragged his seriously injured body and gave a salute to Wu trace's solemn fist.

"Thank you for your help. Later on, in the three major forces, Jiange, zhenbaozhai, gangshadao and Tianyun hall, I'd like to trouble all of you to go there and demobilize those three major forces. As for the treasures and resources in the three major forces, we will take them all back!" Wuchen gently raised his hand and slowly pulled Zhuge mountain people's figure up. His bright eyes were full of sincere feelings, and did not share the posture and ostentation of the Lord of the holy land. After that, there was a sign of evil smile on his face. It was obvious that he began to think about the resources and treasures of the three major forces in his heart.

"Lord, we, the disciples of Tianyun hall, will do our best!" All of a sudden, a loud and clear cry like a tsunami rang through the whole family of Tianyun sect, which was as silent as death. The inner gate holy land of Tianyun sect and the eighteen hall entrance of the outer gate all those who are strong in the realm of Martial Emperor unconsciously show a touch of worship and respect in their traceless eyes.

Gulu, Gulu

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Feeling the unprecedented momentum of tianyunzong, the heads of the other major forces on the scene all trembled violently. Today, wuhenggui is the holy master of Shushan, and Tianyun sect voluntarily descended to Tianyun hall to protect the holy land of Liuzhou. The magnanimity and calmness of Zhuge mountain people, the master of Tianyun sect, have shocked the hearts of the other major sect leaders.

"Ha ha, the son of God is on the top. I, the eight royal families of monsters, are willing to join the holy book mountain with all the monsters from six states to protect the way for the son of God, the six states, and the holy land of orthodoxy..." an old voice was full of excitement and sincerity. The Lord of the spirit family stepped forward to Wuchen's body, clasped his fists, arched his hands, and bowed his body to give a gift. The whole person was extremely solemn and sincere.

"Master, there is no need to do so!" See, no trace quickly step forward, all of a sudden will Spirit Lord to help on the spot. After a long time, he spoke slowly again: "from now on, the beast hall will be set up in holy land book mountain, which is mainly responsible for the security of Holy Land book mountain, as well as the duty of guarding and guarding!""Ha ha, I'll follow the orders of the Lord. Later we will return to our respective families and order the strong ones of our respective families to set out in their own clothes. In a month, we will all return to the holy road and Tongshu mountain one by one!" The Spirit Lord's wrinkled face was full of smiles, and he bowed his hands to the no trace again.

"We obey the Lord's orders On both sides, the faces of the masters of the other monsters were all full of smiles, and they bowed to Wu Chen. In particular, the king of the old ape, the king of the golden giant ape family, laughed on the spot.

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Brush, brush, brush

Seeing this, all the powerful people in Tianyun sect are ecstatic. The eight Royal forces of demons and beasts are among the top forces in the six states. Now they are united with Tianyun sect to protect the road for the holy land, The Holy Land book mountain has absolutely become a behemoth beyond the other major forces, and there is no one


As the cold wind slowly blows by, there are two fairies, master Qingchan, the master of Buddhists' sect, the master long Ao, the master of the hall of sacred animals, the master of ghosts' sect, and the two fairies Qingxia and Zixia in Bixia palace, A group of people all looked at each other, and an invisible pressure seemed to come from all directions. The oppressive atmosphere made these overlord level strongmen, who used to stand in the peak of the six states and stomp on their feet would cause chaos to thousands of people in the six states, and their hearts were all in a state of confusion and confusion for no reason.... < br > all of them were in a state of confusion

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