Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1033: 1033

"Eh!" Just at the exciting moment when all of us were joyful and cheering, the elder of Tongshu mountain road palace in Shengdi Road, with his eyebrows in vain, glanced at the quiet void.

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At the same time, Zhuge Shanren, the leader of Tianyun hall, Lingzhu, the leader of Wanshou hall, and the other seven newly appointed Vice leaders of demon beast king clan, all frowned slightly. Their bodies subconsciously moved towards the place where Wuchen and Ji Ruxue belonged.

On both sides, master Qingchan, the master of the secret Buddha sect, long Ao, the master of the animal temple, the master of the ghost sect, the master of the magic tower, the master of the Bixia palace, the master of the Zixia fairy, and all of them secretly urged the power of the laws in the body to protect the body. Their eyes were full of doubts and vigilance, and they were staring at several directions in the void.

"Hey, no trace boy, there's an old friend coming!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao comes out again, and the spirit power in the body is quickly released without trace. In the calm and dark void, there are faint waves of Xuanli Qi. In nine places, there are nine extremely strong upper emperor Wuhuang realm, and the breath of the highest cultivation level is slowly coming.

"The Holy Land and the Shushan Taoist Palace are Orthodox, and flying in the imperial air is forbidden. If you don't show up, don't blame me for being rude!" A very calm and thick monk's clothes resounded in the air, as if from all directions at the same time filled with general terror. An invisible power of emperor's will filled with awe, which made all the strong people in the presence feel frightened again for no reason.

Brush, brush, brush

The elder master Hua Buyu's eyes were extremely cold. He glanced at nine different places in the void, and the emperor's power was strong again. Then he saw nine dark and terrible cracks in the void.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the void, the nine cracks of space come out of the void, and all of them are filled with the breath of horror and destruction. There are nine forces of heaven and earth on the nine spatial directions, which are released violently, Then you can see that there are dozens of figures in nine places, falling rapidly out of thin air, and rushing to the places where Wu trace and others are.

Daddada, dada, dada

At this moment, the golden giant ape king, the old ape king, the lion tiger king, the wing king, and the golden winged Dapeng king, the four great spirits and beasts of the highest cultivation level, all of a sudden, they fought side by side in front of Wuhen and Ji Ruxue, The breath of the law of monsters and monsters rises up in the sky, and we are ready to guard against those who come from afar.


"Brother no trace!"

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Two extremely urgent calls were heard in the force of the nine violent laws of the emperor. Then, a group of strong figures appeared on the ground below. A woman was already a young and beautiful woman. The two figures quickly ran towards the place where they were.

"My mother?"

"Little sister Shuanger?"

Feeling the breath of the two people on the opposite side, Wu Chen quickly pulls Ji Ruxue to step forward. Four people and four figures look at each other. Liu Mu and Liu Shuanger burst into tears and laugh in public.

Above the ground, the figure of nine robes with gorgeous demeanor stands proudly. Although they look old, they are full of spirit. Each of the nine wore a blue jade pendant with a Skylark on his waist. Beside the nine, the figures of the weaker ones flashed out.

"Hey, no trace boss, long time no see!"

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"Cough, brother Wuchen is safe and sound, and my brother-in-law is relieved!"

"Ha ha, I've come here to help you at the order of our Shang emperor Xin. It seems that it's unnecessary!"

The nine well-dressed elders still stood on the ground without moving. Instead, several figures on both sides of the nine elders stepped out together and spoke excitedly to the no trace in the field.

"Ha ha, Yu Hualong, Shuai Fu Hao, spring, summer, autumn and winter, you are all here!" After seeing the nine well-dressed elderly people around, Wu Chen's face was also filled with a happy smile. It seems that the people must have got the news through some ways, otherwise they would not have come in such a hurry. Although only Shuai's father's good realm remained at the cultivation level of the next emperor Wu Huang, for Wu Chen, his heart was still filled with inexplicable warmth.

"Mother, this is Ruxue. She is already your daughter-in-law. If you have anything to say, just tell her!" Traceless smile, will Ji Ruxue's hand to the Liu mother's hand, then, Ji Ruxue will understand, pull Liu mother and Liu Shuanger quietly hide to general, whispered to the two girls, asked about the people's trip in detail."The nine elders have always been very kind. Is Wu Chen polite? You've come all the way for me. I hope you'll forgive me if you haven't met me No trace stepped forward, facing the nine old men with gorgeous clothes and extraordinary bearing, slightly clasped his fist and arched his hand.

The skylark green jade worn by the nine elders is the symbol of the nine commander Skylark of Lingbao Pavilion in six states.

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What's more, the relationship between Wuhen and zhilingbao business has always been good. In the past, Wuhen had a contact with Jiushuai skylark, and the nine people invited Wuhen to practice in Lingbao Pavilion. In addition, the skylark nine Marshal took Liu Mu and others to the hinterland of tianyunzong to protect them well. Naturally, traceless was deeply grateful.

"Ha ha, we are in a hurry. I don't know that the holy land has become the orthodoxy. We have just come from the imperial palace. If there is any disrespect, I hope you don't mind, Master Liu, and forgive me a lot!" Seeing Wuchen saluting nine people with such a modest and low-key attitude, nine Skylark marshals are naturally extremely comfortable. The old man, who is the leader, slightly clasped his fist and arched his hand, and replied to Wuchen.

"Ha ha, everyone, you are the distinguished guests coming from afar. Please take a moment and come to my holy land for a talk!" Traceless Lang chuckles, to Skylark nine handsome extremely polite again open mouth to invite a way.

"Ha ha, I came here to maintain the order of the six states, so as to prevent anyone from doing anything against the will of the God of China. Now that all the things have been solved, nine of us will no longer beg for mercy here! Nine of us still need to go back to answer our orders, and report the establishment of Taoist Holy Land in six states to the leader of the pavilion, so that the Lingbao Pavilion will inform the world at the first time, and the Holy Land Taoist Shushan Taoist palace will be officially completed... "The smile on Skylark Jiushuai's face is even more gratified when we see Wuchen's insistence on inviting each other. However, nine people still refused the invitation of no trace, and then left.

Brush, brush, brush

In the distance, the Lord of the void, the nine bright golden lights flash away, and the figure of skylark Jiushuai quickly disappears out of the scope of people's divine perception. Similarly, in six states, there are Taoist Holy Land Shushan Taoist palace, Taoist palace Master Liu Wuchen, palace master's wife Ji Ruxue, and Emperor elder Hua speechless A series of news about the new Taoist Holy Land sprang up in Kyushu, and quickly spread and blossomed among the masters of Taoist Holy Land in Kyushu

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