Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1034: 1034

Brush... Brush... Brush

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It took only a few quarters of an hour for nine handsome Skylark to arrive and leave. Liu mu, Shuanger, Yu Hualong, Lao Shuai Fu Hao, and the four little ones in spring, summer, autumn and winter all followed Ji Ruxue. Jian Mingming, aftershock, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, and Xiao pangzi Zhen Bucai, A group of people always guard around them in case something unexpected happens.

"Ha ha, you elders, my Shushan Taoist palace has just been established. Things in the palace are still very busy, so we can't treat you with courtesy in time. If you don't mind, you can follow me into the Taoist palace for a talk." No trace light a smile, looked at the body not far away from the main forces of the large door slowly opened his mouth and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, the leader of Liusheng Palace said that the Taoist holy land appeared in Liuzhou, which was the flourishing age of martial arts cultivation in Liuzhou. But I don't know what the master of Liusheng palace plans for the land pattern of the six states in the future? " The leader of the demon sect, Mo Lou, laughed loudly, and did not hide his questioning in his eyes. This is also in line with the forthright and moody characteristics of his practitioners of magic skills. No trace didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this.

On both sides, the eyes of master Qingchan, the master of Buddhists, the master of beast temple, the master of Bixia palace, the master of Qingxia fairy, the master of Zixia fairy, and the master of all the major sects flashed a brilliant light at the same time. It seems that everyone is more concerned about the future plan and intention of Shushan Taoist palace for the six states than the establishment of the holy land of the six states.

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"Ha ha, master demon is really straightforward and worthy of communication!" Smell speech, no trace Lang voice laugh, to the devil clan leader devil building again clasped arch. Then he saw Wu trace pondering for a long time again. In full view of the public, Lang Lang said and acted again: "the holy land of Taoism is intended to preach and solve doubts. Since the establishment of the Daogong temple, I believe it is my duty to safeguard the safety of the six prefectures. At the same time, the Holy Land Shushan society is open to the arrogance of all parties in Kyushu, mainland China. Anyone who sincerely wants to study and practice Taoism can go to the Taoist palace of our academy to practice! However, all the heavenly pride gathered in our holy land can pass the holy land examination and become the official disciples of our college. And these disciples will be divided into different families according to their talents to practice and study at the entrance of each temple! "

"As for the major sects and dynastic forces in the six states, the book mountain in our holy land abides by the rules set by the God of China. Except for the rise of cholera, the book mountain in our holy land will never break the existing pattern and disturb the six states, and thousands of people will rest peacefully."

"Suddenly A gust of wind blows slowly, and the green clothes on Wu Chen's body swing with the wind. The temperament on Wu Chen's body seems to be natural, giving people a sense of awe that they want to be close to and worship.

On both sides, after listening to the words of no trace righteousness, the masters of the major forces felt relieved.

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"Ha ha, can Liu Gong's words be true to his heart? Is it true, word by word? " The face of the demon building, the leader of the demon sect, sank in vain, and a pair of dark eyes were staring at it without any trace. The monstrous spirit of the devil was faintly fluctuating from its body, as if it had some kind of magic, which could directly penetrate people's heart and see through it.

"Ha ha, master demon, you don't need to be like this. What Wu Chen said is true! If you don't believe me, you can look at my Shushan Taoist palace in the future! If my Shushan Taoist palace does anything that is harmful to the peace of the six states, you can join hands to ask the Lord of China to fight against my Shushan Taoist palace. At that time, no trace will end by himself, to prove today's words and deeds... "No trace's face is still wearing a faint smile, and he says back to Lang Lang, the leader of the demon sect. At the same time, Wu Chen also looked at the other masters of the sect, as if inviting them to verify whether their words and deeds are the same today.

"Amitabha, the leader of Liu palace is very kind and righteous. He is willing to preserve the tranquility of thousands of people in our six prefectures. The completion of the Holy Land and the book mountain is really the good fortune of all forces in our six prefectures!" Master Qingchan, the leader of the Buddhists' sect, spoke slowly to the people around him with a smile on his face. It is obvious that the kindness released by the major forces and the information revealed in his words are enough to make the leaders of the major forces relax for the time being. As long as the Daotong academy and Daogong palace of holy land do not fight against the major forces, the major forces can survive in the six states, although they will have an impact on resources at all levels.

If an opportunity comes one day, among the powerful men of the major sects, there will also be the powerful men of the soul refining realm, Emperor Wu, who can be born. Naturally, they can also establish the Holy Land orthodoxy, establish the Taoist palace, open the palace and preach

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"Cluck, in this way, we wish the Taoist palace of the academy a long time to pass on and protect the safety of our six states!" Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, has a beautiful smile and a very pleasant voice. She speaks politely to Wuhen.

On the side, Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, was extremely indifferent from the beginning to the end. Long Ao, the leader of beast temple, was full of pride in his eyes. He was staring at him and talking without any trace, releasing the coldness as if he had nothing."Ha ha, good! Since the master of Liu palace is so majestic, it's not good for me to ask questions repeatedly. My magic house announces that from this moment on, my ghost sect will voluntarily merge into the Taoist temple of Shushan, the holy land of orthodoxy. I hope the master of Liu Palace won't mind. My magic house will always be watching your words and deeds, and whether your words and deeds are the same or not! " The demon building, the leader of the demon sect, burst out laughing in vain, and the evil spirit on his body slowly dispersed. His eyes were still looking at no trace, but there was no hostility and aim in his eyes.

"Ha ha, master devil, I'm joking. My holy land, Shushan, is a place for preaching. Naturally, it will be open to all forces! If ghosts and demons are willing to join our Shushan Taoist palace, it will be a blessing for our Taoist Holy Land! The ghost hall can be set up in our Shushan Taoist palace. The master of the hall is the devil. The brothers of the ghost sect can enter the ghost hall to practice martial arts! As for the accusations made by the ghost hall, I'll take charge of the information investigation of the holy land of our book mountain and the intelligence collection of all parties for the time being. We can talk about the specific details later! " To be able to get the support of the ghost clan, traceless heart is overjoyed. His eyes looked at the serious devil hall, and nodded his head, highlighting what he thought.

"Ha ha, Shushan Taoist palace, the Lord of the ghost hall, the Lord of the holy palace, the emperor and the elder, and all my colleagues..." the Lord of the ghost sect, the Lord of the ghost hall, burst out laughing and gave a salute to the boundless and respectful fist. Then, the magic building bowed slightly to Hua Buyu, and arched the way to the masters of the monsters in the surrounding beast hall.

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"Ha ha, congratulations to the master of the holy palace, congratulations to the master of another hall in our Shushan Taoist palace!" The Spirit Lord takes the lead in answering and looks at the evil building with kindness. The rest of the major monster King's master also all smile, one by one with the devil building to talk to say hello.

Gulu, Gulu

In an instant, Shushan Daogong, the holy land of Taoism, was established. The Imperial Hall, Tianyun hall, Wanwu hall, and today's ghost hall make the scale of Shushan Daogong look exactly like that of the holy land of Taoism. It's no exaggeration to say that in today's six states, Even if the other top clan forces are all united together, they will definitely not threaten Shushan Daogong at all!

This kind of invisible impact quickly spread over the whole holy land of manbu, making the atmosphere in the field suddenly strange and strange, and everyone who witnessed the establishment of Shushan Taoist palace trembled in their hearts

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