Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1041: 1041

Brush, brush, brush

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The sharp eyes twinkled, and Qi Qi fell on the body of Shangguan yundun. On one side, the smile on Shangguan's skylark's face gradually disappeared, as if he had guessed the big event Shangguan yundun wanted to tell.

"Ha ha, this happened in our holy state. It's a matter of the Taoist temple of the Ming religion, another holy land of orthodoxy." Shangguan yundun nodded to no trace and told him everything.

"Eh, the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, which is known as the sun and the moon?" Traceless holding hands of the Kyushu chronicle quickly check up, and some suspicious look to the official cloud ton mouth asked.

"That's right. According to reliable information, the time of the sun and moon emperors of the Ming religion is approaching, and the descendants of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion can break through the power of becoming emperor. If there is no strong man of Wudi rank in the Ming religion when the time comes, its holy land of orthodoxy will be preserved for a hundred years. But a hundred years from now, I'm afraid that all the great saints will gather in the Taoist palace of the Ming religion and plunder its talented disciples and the treasures of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion! " Shangguan yundun spoke slowly again and told people one of the more powerful news.

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"Well, if there is no Emperor Wu's strongman in charge, then the Taoist temple of Ming Dynasty will be monitored and controlled by the strongmen of other Taoist palaces, just like the original Holy Land Shushan, and then it will be completely absorbed and corrupted after a hundred years!" No trace heart suddenly tremble, seems to see the holy land of the past book mountain. If it wasn't for the master Tianma sitting on the throne, the elder master Hua Buyu would break through and become emperor in time. I'm afraid that in a hundred years' time, the Holy Land Shushan would no longer exist, and the land of six states would naturally be swallowed up by the holy land of the other three states. On the contrary, the pattern of nine states would only leave the distribution of three states.

"Ha ha, calculate the time. It's a good time for you to come! Three months later, the Mingjiao Daogong temple in Shengzhou will be at Guangmingding, where the gifted young generation of demons will be selected. They will have the chance to see ShuangDi personally. If ShuangDi is satisfied, they will be accepted as their own disciples. Moreover, there is a great chance to pass on the inheritance of Mingjiao Daogong temple to those who have obtained their own disciples! " Shangguan yundun's eyes were shining, as if he had mentioned a big happy event. Even his chest was full of violent ups and downs. Obviously, facing the temptation of ShuangDi's teaching and inheriting the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, even Shangguan yundun, who had set foot to become the emperor of the soul realm, could not suppress the agitation and surging in his heart.

"In the soul refining realm, Emperor Wu's life span is as long as a thousand years. Now that the double emperors' life span is approaching, don't they both live nearly a thousand years! It's no wonder that they have to choose their own disciples again! However, is it possible that the chance of winning the title of emperor can be increased by a few points for the newly selected Tianjiao characters? " The sword's nameless and cold face was filled with the color of thinking, and the questions in his mind were told one by one.

On both sides, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, also showed doubts. It seems that they are always suspicious of the news that the two emperors chose successors to inherit the Taoist palace of the Ming religion.

"Ha ha, believe it or not, all the sacred sites of Daogong have accepted the invitation. Three months later, all the mysteries will be revealed on the top of Guangming Temple of Mingjiao." Shangguan yundun light smile, did not make too many explanations to many. However, judging from its solemn appearance, this news should be true, but whether someone can inherit the inheritance of the two emperors and the Millennium foundation of the Taoist temple of the Ming Dynasty is unknown!

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"Cluck, no matter whether the news is true or false, the sacred places of the Daogong temple are all assigned by the most outstanding demonic disciples. Who will dislike less inheritance and less identity? It seems that the young master of the Qilin Daogong temple in the barren state will also go there at that time!" Shangguan skylark is obviously more concerned about what Wuchen and others are about. As soon as he opens his mouth, he frankly catches the focus of Wuchen and others' concern.

"Ha ha, thank you so much for telling me. Thank you so much!" No trace long send tone, it seems that the Lingbao business is not in vain. Not only do you have a good command of the division of power in Kyushu, but also you know that the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's family and the two Daogong are about to get married. In addition, the two emperors of Mingjiao Daogong in Shengzhou choose their own disciples. How can you let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The gathering of Taoist temples in Ming Dynasty is also a good time for Shushan Taoist temple to make its name. It seems that in any case, I have to take people to go to the temple of Ming religion in Shengzhou!

"Ha ha, no more nonsense. No trace, you'd better write back to the mountain road palace as soon as possible! It's only three months. I'm afraid you'll have to travel day and night to Minghuo temple in Shengzhou! " Shangguan yundun's face was full of concern, and he made a warning in a low voice.

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"Eh, if you tell us such important information, aren't you afraid that the news will be sent back to Lingbao Taoist palace in Shengzhou, and they will be punished by the palace rules of Taoist palace?" Traceless face show the color of meditation, looking at Shangguan yundun and Shangguan Skylark two brothers slowly asked.

"Hum, I Lingbao business firm opened the door to do business, and someone offered a reasonable deal. How can I sit back and ignore the news. Besides, everything in my Shangguan yundun is done according to the rules. Even if someone wants to make a fuss about us, it's not so easy! In addition, in terms of family, although Skylark and I were born in a humble family, we have always had a good relationship with our family. I believe it will not involve us too much. You don't have to care about it! " Shangguan yundun's face was very dignified for the first time. He explained to traceless Lang Lang. Obviously, when he told no trace news, he had already weighed the pros and cons in his mind. But even at the risk of punishment, Shangguan brothers still told Wuchen about it. Obviously, for the interests of the family, they valued the friendship and friendship with Wuchen more!"Brother Shangguan, whenever and wherever you can find me, please speak! Besides, if Lingbao Pavilion can't accommodate you, the gate of my Shushan Taoist palace will always be open to you two brothers! " No trace suddenly stood up and gave a deep gift to Shangguan yundun and Shangguan Skylark brothers. The true meaning in his words is more true than ever, and it is obvious that no trace also trusts and values them.

"Giggle, thank you. We are watching you grow up step by step! At the beginning of the alchemy sales of the little guy, now has become a Kyushu emperor list of the strong, in the future, if our brothers really have a horse high stirrup short, will not let you idle! At that time, you must remember what you said today. Don't turn me over! " Shangguan yundun chuckles, pinches his body, and casts a big eye at Wuchen. His eyes also follow the trend to Ji Ruxue, who is cold eyed. It seems that he is deliberately looking for trouble and provocation!

"Ruxue, thank you two brothers. If your husband breaks his promise one day, Ruxue will take him to the door to thank you!" Ji Ruxue's cold and gorgeous face shows a beautiful smile. She answers to Shangguan Skylark and Shangguan yundun.

"Hum, I'm kidding. I'll take you two seriously!" Shangguan Skylark snorted and laughed at Ji Ruxue.

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On both sides, when they saw Shangguan skylark, they all burst out laughing on the spot. After that, Wu Chen and others stayed in the secret room for a few quarters of an hour, and then they got up and left Lingbao business.

"Ah, brother, is there any big change in the family?" Shangguan skylark's face was dignified. He looked at the figure disappearing in the night and sighed.

"Keke, it's the holy land of Taoism in Shengzhou. If there's any change in Mingjiao Taoist palace, I'm afraid Lingbao Taoist Palace won't be alone! No trace is a person worthy of trust. The family's pressure on us has become more and more severe. Whether we can survive in this turmoil depends on the performance of no trace! " Shangguan yundun's eyes were full of melancholy, and he gave a wink to the skylark next to him. A message came to Shangguan skylark's ears. As soon as they retreated, they disappeared into Lingbao business

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