Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1042: 1042

Shengzhou, the holy land of orthodoxy, is the place of influence of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, and the news that the sun and moon emperors of the Ming Dynasty are looking for inheritors has been widely spread in Kyushu. In the other Daoist holy places, strong men came out to protect the Tianjiao disciples in their respective Taoist palaces and rushed to the Mingjiao Taoist palace.

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At the moment, on the way from the six states to the holy state, a group of powerful people are coming. Among them are today's master of eight monsters in Shushan Daogong Wanshou hall, long Ao, the leader of Husheng hall, the fourth elder martial brother xifengxie, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, as well as dozens of original beast temple, tianyunzong, and Tianjiao disciples of the great monster king family. Among them, camel great monster and golden giant ape are also among them.

As for Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun hall, he is responsible for staying in Shushan Taoist palace and taking charge of the affairs of the Taoist palace. As the great power of Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm, the elder martial brother Hua Buyu can't go out easily. He just stays to guard Shushan Taoist Palace and teaches the younger generation to practice in the thirteen section Linglong tower. Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was the saddest. He was watched by his father Zhen Shengcai and the strong man of astrology hall all day long. He devoted himself to the cultivation of Da Tian Yan, the secret art of Tianyun sect.

Long Ao, the owner of the original animal temple, the leader of the eight royal families of monsters, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, and a group of young disciples, this lineup can be described as the most powerful terrorist lineup under the realm of Emperor Wu of Shushan Taoist Palace. Even for other Taoist palaces in the old Taoist holy land, people are confident to compete with them. And the strangest thing is that although they are neat and tidy, they have not seen a group of four people, such as Wuchen, Ji Ruxue, Jianming and aftershocks

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At this moment, at the moment when a group of strong people in Shushan Taoist palace rushed to the Ming Taoist palace in Shengzhou all night. In the holy land, within the influence of Lingbao Taoist palace, in a desolate forest, the light of a teleportation array rises in vain. Then, the fluctuating power of the array rises, and five figures emerge in the teleportation array.

"Who's coming?" A voice of severe censure came out, and then dozens of figures rushed out from the surrounding dense forests and shrubs. These dozens of figures all have the power of law, and most of their cultivation levels are the level of the lower emperor. One of the leading middle-aged men is full of arrogance, and his cultivation level is still in the level of the middle emperor.

"Skylark orders here!" Among the five figures, there are no trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock and other figures. Another big man strides forward with a blue jade token printed with skylark in his hand.

"Suddenly All of a sudden, the green awn of the green jade token rose up, and an ethereal Skylark totem figure suddenly rose out of the sky. The skylark shadow suddenly circled in the void, and then plunged into the green jade token and disappeared.

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"Well, it's really Skylark order. Permission to pass!" The leading middle-aged man frowned slightly and stared at the dignified Shangguan yundun, who was a big man with a dignified face. Then, there were dozens of powerful people in the realm of Emperor Wu on both sides of the road. They went to the two sides separately, but there was not a trace of goodwill in their eyes, as if they were staring at strangers, full of indifference.

Daddada, dada, dada

A burst of rapid footsteps resounded in the dense forest, no trace and others with Shangguan yundun quickly out of the remote dense forest. And the first middle-aged man whispered a few words to the people around him. One of them, Huang Wu Huang Jing's strong man, rushed in the opposite direction and disappeared into the deep forest in the blink of an eye.

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"Hoo After walking out of the dense forest for nearly half an hour, Shangguan yundun held his figure and let out a long sigh of relief. See to have no trace etc. a tiny smile, facial expression action once again restored public familiar of wriggle in the condition.

"Keke, thank you for bringing us to Shengzhou. If it wasn't for your Lingbao company's transmission channel, I'm afraid we would have been delayed for a long time! But tell me frankly, brother Shangguan, it seems that the inner part of Lingbao Taoist palace is not so harmonious! " No trace light cough two, think again and again or to the upper officer cloud Dun so is open to speak frankly.

"Alas, there are four great powers of Emperor Wu in Lingbao Taoist palace! My Skylark vein is one of the lineages of the elder emperor! The other three great powers of Wudi are jinhou Wudi, qingluan Wudi, and Baimei Wudi. The four forces in charge of Lingbao Daogong are the descendants of the four great powers who are in charge of Lingbao Daogong Shangguan yundun sighed. His face was full of clouds and sadness. After pondering for a moment, he whispered to Wuchen and others to tell them the truth.

"Haha, the four great Wudi are able to take charge of Daogong together. When they deal with some things, they are afraid that there will inevitably be some singleness and inequality. Over time, there will inevitably be some disputes and unhappiness between the four generations who inherit their blood..." a red and empty shadow flashed out, Demon respect fire Xiao full face obscene smile appeared in no trace body side. His eyes were looking at a grand palace in front of him, and he didn't know what he was thinking."Brother Shangguan, those people just now are not your Skylark power?" No trace Dun voice, again slowly open mouth to go up the officer cloud Dun to inquire to ask a way.

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"Ha ha, those people just now are those who inherit the influence of Jin Hou! Skylark, golden roar, qingluan and Baimei are the four major inheriting blood forces. The arrogant nature of qingluan Wudi's inheritance has always been arbitrary, and he also attaches great importance to controlling the discourse power of Lingbao Taoist palace. The inheritance of emperor jinhouwu has a violent nature and has always been unwilling to be subordinated to others. Therefore, the conflict between the two inheritance forces is also the most serious. "

"As for the skylark pulse and the white eyebrow pulse, they are relatively weak, so they always maintain a neutral state, so as not to damage the balance of Lingbao Taoist palace, which can better restrain each other!"

"But I don't know why, in recent years, the pulse of Bai Mei and Jin Hou are quite close. It seems that they have reached some kind of secret agreement between them, and they even threaten, lure and suppress Skylark secretly. However, qingluan was arrogant, so the balance of Lingbao Daogong was gradually broken. The skylark is forced to move around frequently when it's helpless. It seems that the situation of skylark is in danger. On the one hand, he took the people to the Lingbao road palace, and on the other hand, he quietly vomited bitterness to the people.

"Alas, every family has a difficult Scripture to read. It seems that the life in Lingbao Taoist palace is not as good as it seems in performance!" A dignified color also flashed over the traceless and handsome face, and the Shangguan yundun, who was full of sadness, sighed secretly

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