Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1043: 1043

Shengzhou is the holy land of Taoism and Lingbao Taoist palace.

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At this moment, on the four main doors of Lingbao Taoist palace, the arrogant qingluan, the domineering golden roar, the lifelike skylark, the slender eagle with white eyebrows, and four totem patterns are impressively engraved on the four main doors.

Shangguan led the way in front of yundun, followed by Wuchen and others. They walked smoothly through the main gate with the skylark totem pattern, and came to Lingbao road palace, which belongs to the realm of skylark.

On the outside of the square of skylark one pulse cultivation palace, all the major branches and the main pulse are listed! Above the skylark hall, a middle-aged man with a jade complexion, a heroic appearance, and an extraordinary bearing stands proudly. Under the skylark hall, all the masters and branches of the skylark stand on their own.

"Well, brother Shangguan, what's the situation?" Traceless face a burst of embarrassment, fool can see a Skylark pulse is now gathering. At this time, Wu Chen and others stumbled into it by mistake. They wanted to sneak into another holy tunnel Tongming Taoist palace with the help of the transmission channel of Lingbao Taoist palace again. It was even more difficult than going to heaven.

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"Damn, isn't that the master? It seems that my skylark is organizing a family ceremony. There must be something important to announce. No trace, it seems that it's not the right time for us to come back! " Shangguan yundun looked at the middle-aged man whose face was as gentle as jade right above the main hall. His face was as embarrassed as ashes. Now, no matter who is in charge of the family, or who is in each branch, their status is higher than that of Shangguan yundun, and some people have already looked at Wuchen and others. At the moment, people are thinking about sneaking away, which is obviously no longer practical!

"Why, the skylark family leader?" No trace eyes is full of color of amazement, looked at the eye hall on the gentle jade of the middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's the head of my Shangguan family, Shangguan with a knife! My Shangguan family is divided into three major factions, and my Lord is one of them. And the branch of my family is the one who belongs to the family! Otherwise, Skylark and I would not be qualified to take charge of Lingbao business in Liuzhou! " Shangguan yundun gently pulled the seamless sleeve, indicating that he should not be disrespectful to Shangguan. Then, Shangguan yundun's eyes kept searching in the crowd, and the expression on his face was faint with a trace of anxiety and uneasiness.

"Hum, yunton, why did you come back? Get out of here A cold hum quietly rang out, Shangguan yundun's whole body suddenly beat a spirit. Then, at the front of a branch camp, a fierce looking middle-aged man yelled at the Shangguan yundun.

"Keke, Dad, my son collected some treasures a few days ago. He came back to give them to the family instead of working day and night!" Shangguan yundun coughed a few times and winked at Wuchen and others. Then, he trotted to the fierce looking middle-aged man, respectfully took out the four storage rings from his arms and presented them to him.

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Strange to say, since Shangguan yundun returned to the family of skylarks, his self-conscious spirit of being neither male nor female has disappeared. No matter what he said or behaved, he was as strong as a normal young man.

In the rear, Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, and the four were speechless and followed Shangguan yundun.

"Well, what a fuss! Who are these four little guys? " The fierce looking middle-aged man glanced at Wu Chen and others, but obviously did not pay attention to the four of them. His divine sense quickly penetrated into the four storage rings handed by Shangguan yundun. His expression suddenly changed from disapproval to stupefaction, then to ecstasy, and even his facial expression turned to exciting and ferocious.

"Ha ha, what my father taught me is that I will pay attention to it in the future!" Shangguan yundun's eyes are full of joy, respectfully and respectfully to the middle-aged man.

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"Pa!" A crisp slap sound is particularly harsh and abrupt on the disordered Hall Square. The protagonist of the skylark vein and the people of the major branches all look wrinkled, and they all look at the body shape of Shangguan yundun and his son.

"Ouch, hello..." a sharp wail came out of Shangguan yundun's mouth. Shangguan yundun's whole body turned dozens of times, and his cheek swelled up.

"Daddy, why are you beating me?" Shangguan yundun looks like he wants to cry without tears. Tears linger around his eyes quickly. His fiery red eyes are full of endless grievances. He looks at the middle-aged tough man in front of him and asks weakly.

"Ha ha, well done, your business is really beautiful!" Father yunton of Shangguan is holding the four storage rings in his hand. His figure is shaking and his face is ecstatic. Obviously, he is moved by the treasure in the storage ring."Haha, Shangguan yundun is really pitiful. He even has to be beaten when he does well!" Demon respect fire Xiao rough crazy voice quietly resounded, in no trace of the mind is full of snickering bad smile Lang Lang reverberate.

In the rear, the faces of Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, aftershock and the four people were also quite embarrassed and unnatural. Although they wanted to laugh, they all knew that it was not the time to snicker. So they just had to hold back their smiles and hide behind Shangguan yundun's figure like nobody.

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"Coax!" A burst of laughter resounded on the skylark pulse square. Whether it was Shangguan's main family or the strong side branches of the major branches, when they saw Shangguan's father and son's just action and dialogue, they all burst out laughing on the spot. For a moment, the chaotic and tense atmosphere in the field suddenly became inexplicably relaxed and active.

"Suddenly Among Turks, a powerful force of transforming the soul into the highest cultivation realm of Emperor Wu emerged from the hall, covering the whole Skylark square.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous and slight gasps were heard from the skylark square. The master of Shangguan and the strong members of the main collateral branches all closed their mouths, and their faces were dignified again He focused his eyes on the location of the main hall in front of him, and concentrated his gaze

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