Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1045: 1045

"Brush!" On the square of skylark pulse hall, with the voice of Shangguan's family leader with a knife falling slowly, the twelve main collateral branches in the field quickly began to select the people to accompany them.

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"Ha ha, yunton, you've done a good job this time. We'll let you go with the first lady this time." The father of Shangguan yundun, Shangguan Hanfeng,

"Ha ha, thank you very much. I'm sure you'll live up to the expectations of your father and do your best to serve the young lady!" Shangguan yundun was overjoyed, and hastened to give his father a deep gift, which he promised in public.

On the other hand, among the strong members of the branch of Shangguan yundun, there were several middle-aged men whose faces were all cold in vain. However, the expressions on their faces disappeared in an instant. However, Wu trace and others, who were extremely sensitive in their sense of God, could see all the expressions on the faces of those middle-aged men.

"Daddy, there's one more thing for Winton!" Shangguan yundun hesitated again and again, or in front of the public, he bravely asked his father Shangguan Hanfeng.

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"What's the matter?" The expression on Shangguan cold wind's face didn't change much. Instead, he glanced at Wuchen and others beside Shangguan yundun and asked calmly.

"Daddy, these four people and I are friends with each other for a long time. They have no personality. In terms of cultivation or combat power, they are all demons! On this trip, I want to take the four of them with me to the Taoist palace of the Ming religion. On the way, I will be more secure to protect the integrity of the eldest lady! " Shangguan yundun's face was full of positive color, and his voice resumed.

"Well, nephew Winton, you must be a little presumptuous!"

"Ha ha, there are only five attendants in my branch. You, who have just set foot in the realm of the emperor and the emperor, occupy a seat. You have a branch disciple who is not convinced. Now, you dare to say that you want your fox friends and dog friends to go together! What do you think of my Shangguan pulse? Even if brother Hanfeng is in charge, I'm afraid he can't be so biased! "

"Haha, it's a golden opportunity to go to the Taoist Holy Land of Ming religion with Tianjiao disciple of Lingbao Taoist palace! You are not allowed to make trouble here for such a great event that concerns my collateral system's survival in the future

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As soon as Shangguan yundun's voice fell, before Shangguan's cold wind came back, the middle-aged strong men on both sides of his collateral line quickly spoke, and most of them pointed the spearhead directly at Shangguan yundun and his son. Obviously, for the Shangguan yundun occupied a place of entourage, the Shangguan collateral line of strong people are extremely dissatisfied. Now, Shangguan yundun even took the initiative to ask Wuchen and others to go to Mingjiao Daogong, which is tantamount to prompting the rest of the strong to burst out on the spot.

"Winton, do you know what you're talking about?" Shangguan's cold face sank in vain, and the noisy voice of questioning around him disappeared in an instant. And Shangguan cold wind's eyes stare coldly at Shangguan yundun. It's a mistake. It seems that he wants to see through all Shangguan yundun's thoughts, which is very serious.

"Brush!" A drop of cold sweat flows down Shangguan yundun's cheek. An invisible momentum and pressure envelop Shangguan yundun and Wuchen together. The terrible momentum and pressure sweep over Wuchen and other five people. It turns the soul state into the top of the emperor's realm, and spreads out the breath and momentum of the level of strong cultivation without reservation.

Gulu, Gulu

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On both sides, the rest of the major collateral branches, the strong look all Qi Qi a Zheng, all people are coincidentally toward the Shangguan cold wind and other people belong to peep at. Even those who doubted Shangguan yundun's side branch strongmen felt the inexplicable suffocation, and they all felt chest depression and shortness of breath.

"Pa!" There was a slight sound, which appeared quietly in the suppressed field. A majestic and pure air of Xuanli filled Shangguan yundun's figure, which made Shangguan yundun, who was almost oppressed by his father's cold wind, feel comfortable again. It seems that his father's imposing pressure has no effect at all, and it can no longer cause any pressure and coercion on himself!

"Why?" A startled light exhortation came from his father Shangguan Hanfeng's mouth. Shangguan Hanfeng's surprised expression flashed away on his face, and the momentum and pressure released from the whole person quickly closed in his body and disappeared completely.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

A series of nervous gasps came out from the mouth of Shangguan cold wind's collateral children. All the strong people in the collateral branches on the scene closed their mouths and listened quietly, waiting for Shangguan cold wind's plan and disposal.

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On the other side, Wuchen slowly withdrew his hand from Shangguan yundun's shoulder, and gave Shangguan a cool smile. On both sides of his body, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, and the three men's chest, although there were slight ups and downs in their breath, there was no strange color in their faces. Even there was no sign of perspiration on their foreheads. It was obvious that during the short-term contact, they were able to cope with the powerful pressure released by the cold wind of Shangguan."Daddy, those four storage rings are paid by my friends! Their purpose is very simple, as long as the smooth arrival of the Ming Temple can be! They are not the enemies of my Lingbao Taoist palace, and they are not the enemies of my Skylark! For our collateral branches, as long as we have a good relationship with them! In the future, for my skylark, even in Lingbao Taoist palace, it will be a great guarantee! " Shangguan yundun gently wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked directly at his father Shangguan cold wind, and saw that the air of Xuanli on his body was surging out without any scruples. He told Shangguan cold wind in the dark.

"Why, those four storage rings are related to them? It's a matter of great importance to know who they are. We can't make any mistakes! " Shangguan cold wind look slightly a Zheng, stare at Shangguan yundun again eager to secretly pass sound quality asked.

"Dad, I really can't reveal too much. Please believe the eye of skylark and I! Winton is willing to guarantee his life. Their help to our Shangguan is definitely beyond what we have done today! " Shangguan yundun's eyes are full of anxiety. He stares at his father, Shangguan Hanfeng, and looks at each other. His face is more positive than ever, which makes Shangguan on both sides have doubts in their hearts.

"Well, in that case, let the five of you represent me and go to the Taoist palace of Ming religion with the eldest lady and others." Shangguan cold wind's eyes flashed a color of hesitation, and then he spoke to Shangguan yundun.

On both sides, a commotion broke out, and the faces of several strong people in the collateral branch were full of anger. However, Shangguan Hanfeng's momentum and prestige fluctuated again, which made all the people in the scene retreat with indignation. All the young disciples, including the collateral branch, looked into Shangguan yundun's eyes and Wuchen's eyes, All of them are full of deep resentment and discontent... < br > all of them are full of deep resentment and discontent

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