Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1046: 1046

Hua La, Hua la

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After a short competition, all the entourage of the twelve main collateral branches of Shangguan family were selected. Most of the entourage were the offspring of collateral branches. Of course, there were strong guards in each branch, but the number was generally controlled at about two to three, The collateral branches of the Shangguan family, which occupy four places like Wu Chen and others, are really special cases!

"An hour later, all the selected entourage went to the Taoist temple to meet. This time, the four sages of our country have come out together. There is no need to follow too many people in charge of the collateral branches. Each of the three masters can lead one branch of the main affairs! " The head of Shangguan's family, Shangguan, with a knife, sweeps the head of the family and the branch disciples under his eyes, and tells them in a loud voice again.

Brush, brush, brush

The twelve collateral branches of the CPC Central Committee and the principal officials stepped out together and stood side by side in the front row of the selected entourage. On the other hand, the other two masters hesitated for a moment, and one after another selected two masters from the collateral branches of their respective forces to accompany them.

In the field, a look of loss flashed over the faces of the remaining collateral branches, and people's eyes again focused on the body shape of the family leader with a knife. Obviously, there is also a place for the entourage. The strong people who are attached to the support of the family leader are more worried at the moment.

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"Cough, Shangguan cold wind, go with you. All the others are gone. An hour later, Daogong temple will meet!" Shangguan, who had been scanning all the people on the scene, frowned slightly. His eyes quickly glanced at Shangguan's cold wind. Then, he announced that there was no trace of procrastination.

"Eh, traceless boy, there's something fishy in it!" The voice of demon zunhuoxiao's rough and crazy voice resounded again. Just now, there was a faint aura of spiritual power fluctuation. Although this move was very hidden, it was noticed by the wily demon zunhuoxiao.

"Ha ha, it's OK. Our goal is just to go to Mingjiao Daogong and follow Lingbao Daogong. We can save a lot of trouble!" With a faint smile of no trace, he retreated out of the main hall square with Shangguan yundun and other powerful members of Shangguan family.

On both sides, the other two masters and their collateral branches all retreated one after another. Even Shangguan Jinghong and Shangguan Leiyun, who represent the younger generation disciples of Shangguan family, disappeared on the main hall square with their masters.

On the Grand Hall Square, there are only Shangguan family leader Shangguan Dai Dao and his daughter Shangguan Wan'er.

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After a while, I saw a tall and strong man flash out on the main hall square. This man quickly came to the head of the family with the knife body, and presented his hands with four silver storage rings.

"Brush!" Without any superfluous words, Shangguan took the knife and directly put the storage ring on Shangguan's cold wind in his hand. His divine sense quickly explored and entered. On his originally indifferent face, he could not help shaking and changing several times in a flash.

"Father?" On the other side, Shangguan Wan'er is obviously aware of the strange look on Shangguan's face with a knife. She can't help but wonder about the four glittering storage rings in her hands. Shangguan Dai Dao is the head of Shangguan's family. The skylark is the most authoritative person except the skylark Emperor Wu. I haven't seen anything good. It can be seen that the items of the four storage rings must be some rare natural materials and treasures, or some magic medicine and treasures that can help the practitioners themselves.

"Hoo A heavy and dreary cry came from Shangguan's mouth. Shangguan quickly put the four storage rings in his arms. He stared at Shangguan's cold wind and asked: "where do these things come from? Don't say that you are the principal of the collateral branch. Even if my Shangguan family goes out to get so many treasures, they have to pay a corresponding price! "

"Keke, report back to the master of the family. He doesn't know about the six states!" Shangguan cold wind face is full of positive color, respectfully to Shangguan with a knife mouth back.

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On the other side, Shangguan Wan'er, the beautiful girl of heaven, stood aside without saying a word, and was absorbed in observing the two people and their conversation.

"Do you mean it has something to do with Shushan Daogong, the holy land of Taoism in the new Jin Dynasty?" Shangguan with a knife slightly frowned, staring at Shangguan cold wind again solemnly asked.

"Why, Shushan Taoist palace? Liu Wuchen? It is said that the youngest Taoist palace leader in Liuzhou, who is known to crush the people of the same generation, is unique in Jiuzhou! " Hearing the four words of Shushan Daogong, Shangguan Wan'er's face was shocked in vain, and her indifferent eyes shot out two rays of light, and her body was full of war.Obviously, the establishment of the Taoist Holy Land in Liuzhou and Wuchen's appointment as the leader of Shushan Taoist Palace are the three most powerful people in Liuzhou's list, and all three of them will be killed. Such brilliant achievements can be said to be unparalleled in the same generation, otherwise they will not be on the list of Jiuzhou emperors. Although no trace is only ranked 18th at the end of the list of Kyushu emperors, looking at the whole area of Kyushu, there are only 36 people in front of no trace among the 19 powerful people of Emperor Wu on the list of Kyushu emperors.

Therefore, the Tianjiao disciples of the same generation of daotong holy land are both dissatisfied and excited. Of course, they don't approve of Wuchen's ranking in the list of Kyushu emperors. They are excited that as long as they defeat Wuchen, they will be able to move the land of Kyushu to the list of Kyushu emperors.

Therefore, today's Wuchen is recognized as the enemy of Kyushu's peers. Even some of the older generation of Wuhuang's peak cultivation are strong, many people are eager to find Wuchen to compete with one of them. It's just that Wuchen is the leader of the holy underground palace. On weekdays, there are emperors in Shushan Daogong palace. Therefore, in the past three months, the strongmen of all holy places in Kyushu have been patient. No one is willing to make wedding clothes for others and become the first bird to be shot.

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"Master, this is for the exchange of information. It's the income of Houzi yundun and Skylark. According to them, the once famous Dan spirit Dan was also provided by Liu Wuhen, the leader of Shushan Taoist palace. The relationship between the two brothers and the master of naliu no trace palace is very good. Therefore, the master of naliu palace is so generous. At the same time, he also said that the skylark has been affectionate to him in the past, and the Shushan Taoist palace will be righteous to my Shangguan family in the future! " Shangguan cold wind slightly pondered for a long time, this just slowly before Shangguan yundun told the past together with the mouth, to the Lord Shangguan with a knife back.

"Ha ha, you are affectionate and righteous. Your two sons are very good. After this trip to the Taoist temple, there will be a big reward in the family! However, it's interesting to see Liu Wuchen, the leader of the mountain road palace. It's said that this guy is only a year old. I'd like to see him if I have a chance! " Shangguan takes a knife, his eyes are full of smile, and nods to Shangguan's cold wind with satisfaction.

"Thank you, master!" Smell speech, Shangguan cold wind face is overjoyed, in the heart of the yuzizi to Shangguan belt knife salute response.

"Liu Wuchen, the leader of Shushan Taoist palace, what kind of guy are you..." on the other side, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes flashed a look of curiosity, looked up at the scorching sky, and didn't know what he was thinking.... < br > there was something in his eyes

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