Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1049: 1049

"Suddenly A cold wind blows slowly, and the turbulent void falls into a dead silence again. The breath of the remaining martial spirit gradually disappears between the heaven and the earth. The faint magic spirit vaporizes into wisps of smoke, and flies towards a dark magic Guqin floating on the ground behind.

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Gulu, Gulu

See Skylark soul on the spot broken body dead, below the courtyard in which dozens of collateral branches of young men all sit on the ground. There was a look of shock and fear in everyone's eyes. Looking at the young man in green who was still smiling innocently, he felt chilly.

"Poof!" A red thread of blood sprayed out, and Shangguan Yunlei's body suddenly trembled violently. Then, he saw his soul transforming state, and the breath and momentum of the lower emperor Wuhuang state began to fall rapidly. The whole person's listless face in the court collapsed on the ground below.

"Presumptuous, how dare you do so ruthlessly!" With a roar, Shangguan's cold wind rose, and the air of cold ice rose wildly. His eyes were fixed on the body shape of no trace. At the same time, he glanced at the head of the family with a knife.

At this time, Shangguan's face was as usual, staring at Wuchen and the magic Guqin in his hand, and there was a color of thinking.

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On one side, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes also flashed a touch of shock. It seems that he didn't expect that Wuchen would dare to kill Shangguan Yunlei's Skylark spirit in front of her and her father with a knife. Although Shangguan Yunlei is a collateral disciple, he is also a powerful warrior. What's more, whether he was abandoned in the territory of the Shangguan family or in front of the head of the Shangguan family, if this matter is spread out, I'm afraid that the skylark of the Shangguan family will become a laughing stock in his population.

"Dad, it's not their fault. It's Shangguan Yunlei's provocation. First, he insulted us and threatened us, and took the lead in attacking us. We have no choice but to fight back..." Shangguan yundun's expression is very complicated, and he is obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter. But it still relies on the courage to heart a horizontal, in front of the public on the spot mouth for no trace and others to plead.

"Shut up, you rebellious son..." in such a situation, Shangguan Hanfeng really wants to go up and slap Shangguan Yunlei in the face. I don't see that the boy actually destroys the martial spirit of Shangguan family's children in front of the master. I'm afraid that the master will personally intervene in this matter.

Now, the safest way to deal with it is to get rid of the relationship. However, Shangguan yundun, a silly boy, not only didn't pick himself up, but also openly defended Wuhen and others on the spot.

Therefore, Shangguan's heart is even more angry, and his mind is full of anxiety. He winks at Shangguan's yundun, but the smelly boy refuses to give way. He is still in a state of courtesy, and he faces Shangguan's family leader with a knife.

"Hoo All of a sudden, in addition to Shangguan Yunlei, who fainted on the spot, all the members of Shangguan family did not dare to breathe. The sword nameless, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, and the three men have been quietly behind Wu trace, and they are always on guard against Shangguan's crazy walk with a knife.

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"Ha ha, everyone, but I came from Liuzhou and want to go to the Taoist temple of Ming religion?" The head of Shangguan's family, Shangguan, with a knife, flashed a playful smile on his indifferent face. He stared at Wuchen and others and asked.

"Eh, people from six states, can they be?" After listening to Shangguan's words with a knife, Shangguan's angry face suddenly became more wonderful. His eyes widened and glared at Shangguan yundun, who was still bowing. Immediately, his body immediately retreated and returned, standing on the side of his master Shangguan with a knife.

"Brush!" On the other side, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes flashed a strange light. Her eyes quickly swept over the bodies of Wu Chen and others. She began to take a fresh look at the four extraordinary young men and women in front of her.

"Ha ha, I'm passing by to beg for mercy from the master of Shangguan's family!" With a faint smile, Wu trace slowly stands up. In front of him, the demonic organ quickly turns into demonic Qi and pours into Wu trace's body. Wu trace talks and laughs at Shangguan family leader Shangguan with a knife as if nothing had happened.

"Brush!" The emptiness is as calm as water, and there is no Xuanli fluctuation. Shangguan, the head of Shangguan family, is stunned with a knife, and his indifferent face shows a look of astonishment.

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"Home owner?" On the other side, Shangguan cold wind seems to be aware of something strange in the void. It flashes by and whispers to Shangguan with a knife.

"Ha ha, it's my Shangguan family that has no way to restrain their children, so I let them disturb you. I think you'll all be relieved of your anger. We'll take it as if it didn't happen before and let it be written off. How about that? " Shangguan's face was full of smile, and there was no anger of Yihao. In his words, he was quite polite and said with a smile to Wuchen and others."Ha ha, the elder is really massive. It's true that the younger generation was too heavy handed just now, but it's all because this person insulted my wife first. I hope the elder can understand me!" Traceless face also hung indifferent smile, not servile to Shangguan with a knife, softly responded.

"Ha ha, no harm, no harm. You can have a rest again. I'll see you in the Taoist temple half an hour later." Shangguan laughs loudly with his knife and waves his hand to Wuchen and others. Then he sees his figure quickly turn around and stride away, disappearing into the silent courtyard.

On both sides, the faces of dozens of collateral branch disciples all showed the color of disbelief, staring at the empty gate, a burst of dejected.

See, Shangguan cold wind and Shangguan Wan'er, two people also quickly turn around and walk, with Shangguan with knife body disappeared quickly follow.

"Cough, no trace, is this really the solution?" Sword nameless eyes flashed a color of doubt, to the side of no trace secretly sound way.

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"Ha ha, otherwise, be careful and be on your guard, and keep the same to cope with all changes!" With a faint smile, Wu trace shrugged his shoulders. Then, he quickly pulled up Ji Ruxue's two Qianqian hands and whispered to him: "Ruxue, my words and deeds represent Shushan Daogong, and your reputation statement also represents Shushan Daogong! If I don't abolish him today, what prestige will my Shushan Taoist palace have in the future! Sometimes, some things are not broken, but must be done! "

"Hum, you are the most unreasonable!" Ji Ruxue snorts coldly, but she feels an inexplicable warmth in her heart. Two rosy clouds appear on her cold and gorgeous face, and the traceless on one side is inexplicable.

In the distance, on the square of skylark pulse hall, Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan cold wind both come after him. Shangguan family leader Shangguan stands in the square with a knife. On the main hall of the square, there is an old man standing with his back to the crowd.

"Laozu!" An exclamation came out of Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Hanfeng's mouth at the same time. Shangguan Hanfeng even shook his whole body. It was obvious that he respected and worshiped the old man standing with his back to the crowd.

Looking at the whole Shangguan family, apart from Skylark Emperor Wu who is qualified to be the ancestor, how could other people have such a noble status and title

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