Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1050: 1050

Shengzhou Lingbao Daogong, Daogong temple.

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At this time, the four soul refining realms of Lingbao Taoist palace, Wudi Daneng, are all in the list. In the crowd below the temple, qingluan, skylark, Jinhao, Baimei and the four Wudi are all in the list. And no trace and others, together with his superior officer yundun, mingled in the square array of the skylark line-up in front of the Taoist palace of Ming religion.

"Keke, this time I went to the Taoist temple of the Ming religion, aiming to win the inheritance of the holy land of Taoism. Today, the proud children of our four families gathered together and will be led by the heads of the four families to the Taoist temple of the Ming religion! I hope our four disciples can unite and fight against foreign enemies together! No matter what the result is, I hope the beneficiaries of this trip will be my Lingbao Taoist temple disciples! " The four great Wudi went up again, and all of them looked at the black crowd below calmly. Qingluan inherits Xia qingsang, the head of the four families, and speaks in court.

On the other hand, skylark, golden roar, white eyebrow and the three main inheritors are all quite indifferent, and people can't feel what they think.

"Lingbao Taoist palace, the unification of Taoism! The holy land of Kyushu

Loud and loud cheers were heard from the four families below. The children of the four families were all enthusiastic and eager to fly to the Taoist palace of the Ming religion.

"Ha ha, the holy land of Kyushu, I'm the only one. That's a bit interesting!" In the crowd, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome face.

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On both sides, Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, and the two of them always follow Wu Chen, while the huge body of the aftershock stands like a half black tower, completely blocking the empty space behind Wu Chen.

"Target Lingbao road palace, let's go!" With a command from Xia qingsang, the head of qingluan's family, Tianjiao's children selected by the four families stepped out together. The four mighty forces, including the strong ones in charge of the main families and collateral branches, quickly merged into a group. Then, we saw that the four major family owners took the lead to rise in the air, and the powerful families in the rear also jumped into the air.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In a blink of an eye, swords and figures gallop and fly in the void. In the scorching sun, swords and figures are shining. The power of the array in the holy Hall of Lingbao Taoist palace has been madly powerful, covering all the people from the four families who went to the Taoist palace of Ming religion.

Brush, brush, brush

All the bright lights are flashing, and all the figures in the void are transmitted by the teleportation array and disappear.

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At the same time, the four great Wudi of Lingbao Daogong looked at each other, and they turned around and stepped into the main hall. They didn't know what was important to discuss.

Outside the main hall, on the square of the great temple, there is still a sea of people. The heads of the major families and their collateral branches, and the remaining left behind strong people, all of them have envious eyes in their eyes. They look at the blazing void, and they are in a daze.

Boom, boom, boom

In the wasteland of the holy state, another holy land of Daoists, the temple of the Ming religion, and its marginal area, bursts of violent explosions resounded. Then, the surrounding space swayed violently, and the power of the majestic and terrible array surged.

Brush, brush, brush

In the void, a series of figures appeared all over the sky at the same time. There are more than 100 strong people in the realm of soul and Emperor Wu! The first four middle-aged men led the team forward. There was no Xuanli Qi on them, but they always gave people a kind of dignity.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Just at this moment, the voice of turbulence in the void has just calmed down. On the edge of the influence area of the Taoist palace of Ming religion, dozens of figures suddenly soared into the air at the same time. All these people were dressed in red robes and white robes, It's like a hot fire and a cold moon. It's very eye-catching. People can unconsciously compare their identities at a glance.

"Why?" On the other side, of the dozens of powerful people in the realm of Emperor Wu in the Taoist palace of Ming Dynasty, only the leader has reached the level of cultivation of the middle Emperor Wu. Seeing the mighty figure of Emperor Wu in the void, he could not help but take a breath.

"Ha ha, Lingbao Taoist palace is invited by the sun and moon emperors to visit the Taoist palace of Ming religion! Please do me a favor

On the void, qingluan, skylark, Jinhao, Baimei and the four family leaders all stood in the air, and no one spoke. Among the four families, several of them stepped forward and told the strong one in Lingbao road palace."Ha ha, it's the elders of Lingbao Taoist palace. I've just been impolite. It's a blessing for me to come all the way here. I'll send someone to show you the way. Please come to the cliff first and have a rest! Later, someone in the Taoist temple of the Ming religion will answer your doubts for you in person! " On the other side, the strong man in the realm of Emperor Wu in the middle gave a smile and bowed to the powerful men in Lingbao Taoist palace.

Then, among the dozens of powerful men in the realm of Emperor Wu in the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, a young man in a red robe stepped out and saluted them again. Then he signaled the crowd to follow him and fly to the holy land of the Taoist temple of the Ming Dynasty.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Without a shred of nonsense, the four masters of the main forces all stepped out of thin air, and all the strong members of the major families in the rear also rushed out. In an instant, the vast lineup of more than 100 people disappeared into the wilderness.

After all, the lowest one in the audience was also the one with the highest level of cultivation in the realm of Emperor Wu. In addition, Lingbao Taoist Palace used the magic weapon to activate the flying array, so they followed the disciples of Taoist palace for several hours, Then, in the dark void, they saw a towering mountain in the distance, full of Fairy Spirit and ethereal lingering.

"Brush!" Seeing this, everyone slowed down and flew towards the misty mountain.

"Why?" A light exhortation, in the mouth of no trace quietly spit out, all the way no trace always have a strange feeling, as if his every move were staring at the general. Now, the second refreshing skill of heaven and earth resolution has been practiced perfectly, and the seamless divine sense is extremely keen. I have already found out who the peeping man is! What makes Wu trace puzzled is that the person who has been peeping at himself all the way is Shangguan Wan'er, the beautiful daughter of heaven, who is known as the first disciple of the younger generation

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