Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1079: 1079

Boom, boom, boom

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After about an hour, the sun and the moon shine together, and the power of the sun, the cold moon, and the two laws all burst out to the extreme. And the six members of the array completely resisted the preliminary test of the power of the sun moon array.


Gusts of wind whistling and blowing up, bright top square on the road clear Xuanli dividing line in vain disappeared in an instant. Without the restriction of the barrier, the fiery flame and the chilling force of ice quickly interweave and blend together.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

At the same time, in addition to the void has been suffering from ice and flame of two completely different Xuanli of the air forced to attack the trace and Qilin road palace young palace leader huangfuyun.

In the field, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, huangfushou, fengjinru, and the four all suffered the attack and impact of ice, flame, and two completely different forces.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A series of terrible blasts were heard one after another, and the four fury of Xuanli were all madly made on the spot. The first one to bear the brunt is huangfuyun of Qilin Taoist palace. His whole body is impacted and collided by the breath of ice and flame. Immediately, the thunder power around huangfuyun quickly froze into ice, then melted into water, turned into steam, and burned up on the spot.

"Ah There was another terrible roar of pain. In the void, the shadow of a fierce Unicorn animal was horizontal, and then it flew out of the array. Among the thunderous force of the unicorn beast, huangfushu's face was as pale as paper, and he had no blood to speak of. As soon as his eyes turned, he fainted in court.

"Poof!" There was another strange noise, and a fire phoenix appeared in the void. Feng Ming, the second lady of Daogong, vomited bright red blood in her mouth. The whole person fell out of the sun and moon array under the coercion of Fire Phoenix's spirit, and fell heavily outside Guangmingding square, fainting on the spot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

With the sound of complex footsteps, the top leaders of Qilin Daogong, Fengming Daogong and liangdaogong all stepped out. They rescued huangfushu and Fengru into their respective Daogong Holy Land camps, and then began to explore the impact and injury they suffered.

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of intense breathing sound, one after another from the rest of the main road, will ring out. Huangfushu, Fengru, and both of them can be regarded as the evil disciples in the holy land of Kyushu. Even after the integration of sun and moon with the Dharma array, they can't hold on for a quarter of an hour.

If you want to be the inheritor of the evil emperor in the holy land, I'm afraid it won't last for long. It seems that the inheritor of the two emperors in the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty is not so easy to get.

Click, click, click

The sound of bursts of ice breaking rises, and the force of ice covered by Ji Ruxue's ice Dharma burst quickly. Ji Ruxue's shining crown of ice and snow on her head quickly retreated, and the silent air mingled with the flame and ice swept across a beautiful and elegant image.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible and scorching fire sea rises and quickly merges with the cold ice power. The flaming fire and the cold ice gas quickly wrap the whole person of Ji Ruxue on the spot, while the two completely different Xuanli gas quickly invades into Ji Ruxue's body and turns into red, white and black Two rays of light and shadow begin to invade and engulf the spirit power in Ji Ruxue's body.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

At the moment, in Ji Ruxue's mind, there are six seal doors with ancient and simple atmosphere at the same time. A beautiful image, which is the same as her concubine like snow, appears with a flawless ice and snow crown on her head, and her cold and gorgeous face is filled with a noble look that can not be profaned.

"Go A cold and indifferent voice came out from the field where the flame and the ice met. In Ji Ruxue's mind, the doors of six seals whirled out, and the doors of two seals opened on the spot.


The two mysterious and simple seal doors quickly formed behind Ji Ruxue's body. With the two dark and mysterious seal doors wide open, the ice, fire, and the two forces of the law of metaphysical force that have been impacting Ji Ruxue's body all the time seem to be out of control, All of them were absorbed and swallowed by the two mysterious and strange seal doors, and entered the dark and strange mysterious space inside the door.Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

With the ice, fire, two kinds of power quickly dispersed, Ji Ruxue body invaded by the two kinds of mixed Xuanli gas also quickly disappeared. Ji Ruxue was once again in the eyes of the people outside the array, and the crown of ice and snow on her head once again exuded the power of ice, reflecting her noble, cold and indifferent temperament.

Click, click, click

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A clear sound of ice breaking broke up. Around the seven long swords in the seven peak sword array hovering around the nameless body of the sword in the field, the extremely dazzling light flow shadow of the sword quickly bloomed out. All kinds of skills mean that the light of the sword rises in the sky, and the power of the ice around the sword's nameless body is cut off. At the same time, the scorching sea of fire also quickly followed, and in an instant, it swallowed the nameless sword and the seven peaks sword array around it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

In the void, the power of ice, which was cut down by the sword nameless, came into being again. In an instant, it disappeared into the sea of fire and became one with it. The sword nameless, the whole person was trapped on the spot and could not get away easily.

Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing

There was a loud and stubborn sound of the sword. In the void, there were seven bright flashes of light between Turks. The terrible power of killing sword spread wildly. After blending with the ice, fire, the new generation of the more violent and terrifying power of Xuanli Dharma, More intense anxieties and collisions have been carried out... < br > in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the problem

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