Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1080: 1080

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Two strange sounds were heard, and the doors of the two ancient and mysterious seals in the void were quickly closed. Then, the two sealed doors quickly turned into ice, fire and two-color doors, and disappeared in front of Ji Ruxue.

"Suddenly Ice, fire, two kinds of Xuanli breath continuously from Ji Ruxue's body, make Ji Ruxue's breath momentum all of a sudden climb to the top. In particular, the shining ice and snow crown on the top of his head has turned into a brilliant crown like the fusion of water and fire.

Daddada, dada, dada

There was a gentle step in the air. Ji Ruxue's whole body was full of noble and sacrosanct temperament. There was a little hesitation in her eyes. She glanced at the nameless and traceless body of the sword.

"Eh, little girl Ruxue, it seems that her realm has increased!" Demon respect fire Xiao rough crazy voice quietly resounded, in the void in front of traceless voice to remind the way.

"If it's snow, I'll take care of it." Above the void, standing aloof in the void, letting ice, fire and two completely different mysterious forces invade, his traceless smile, whispers to Ji Ruxue, who is stunned in the void behind him.

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"Good!" Smell speech, half suspended in the sky, Ji Ruxue look slightly a Zheng, smile sweet silently nodded. Then, Ji Ruxue quickly turned into a white shadow and disappeared in a flash. In the void, the air of ice, fire and two violent Xuanli all escaped to both sides, making Ji Ruxue, who was wearing a gorgeous crown, appear out of the sun and moon array without obstruction.

"Whoosh!" A white light flashed by, and Ji Ruxue's figure suddenly appeared in the square array of the powerful camp of Shushan Daogong. Immediately, the bright and gorgeous crown suspended above Ji Ruxue's head quickly melted into her body and disappeared. Ji Ruxue's breath realm began to climb towards the highest cultivation realm of the upper emperor.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

In the field, the master of the eight great beasts and the kings of the Shang Shan Road palace and ten thousand beast walks out of the woods. The four heroes, the westerly wind withered before the rest of the injury, the five elder brother's poetry, the aftershock, and so on, were all escorted on the spot. Eight upper emperor peak cultivation realm, the momentum of the strong all unreservedly released, toward the other main road in the Holy Land camp of the strong were awed away.

"Why, what the hell was that?"

"Well, it seems to be two ancient doors?"

"Keke, isn't it double martial spirit? No, there is a crown martial spirit above the girl's head. Doesn't that mean she has at least three martial spirits in her body at the same time? "

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"My God, that thing seems to suppress and seal the power of the sun and ice in the sun moon Dharma array. Can these two ancient martial spirits suppress and seal other people's martial spirits during the battle?"

"Look, look, her breath level is still rising, It seems that this is to break through in one fell swoop and reach the top of the soul realm, among the ranks of the cultivation realm levels

A series of exclamations and hot discussions have sprung up one after another from the camp of the powerful. At the top of the cultivation realm of each Avenue, all the strong people were restless, and they were terrified by Ji Ruxue's incomparable talent and real combat power.

"Hum!" An extremely loud and high pitched sound of the sword resounds from the sun and moon in the same radiance array, attracting and condensing the eyes of the strong in the Holy Land camp.

Within the sun and moon array, the sword nameless figure stands up straight and upright, and all kinds of sword lights on its left and right flash away at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the power of Qifeng sword array disappears on the spot and disappears into nothingness, leaving only a blood red Epee, which is still hanging firmly beside the sword nameless figure.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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Without the restriction and suppression of the Qifeng sword array, the sword suddenly burst out the terrible power of the sun and moon array.

"Suddenly With the blazing sun and the bright moon, the two mixed forces of Xuanli attribute burst out rapidly and became a new and more brutal and terrifying power of law. All of them disappeared into the unknown body of the sword.

Kaka, Kaka, Kaka

The sword was nameless, dressed in white, and stepped forward. The unparalleled Epee exuded blood red killing intention. It always followed. Every time the sword takes a step forward, the bricks under its feet will be reduced to ashes, sometimes to thick ice."Damn, is this boy crazy to fight against the array power of the sun and moon with his body?"

"My dear, the disciples of Shushan Taoist palace, are they all monsters?"

"He and he didn't explode and die on the spot. It seems that he has withstood the attack of the power in this array!"

"Well, the boy's breath began to rise. It's incredible. It's really incredible!"

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It was also the voice of consternation. One after another, it resounded around the outer side of the sun moon array. At the moment, the top strong men and a group of evil emperors in the rest of the main roads outside the court all looked like monsters, and fell on the white figure outside the array, who was slowly stepping out of the field and was stunned.

"Ha ha, this boy and the girl just now have withstood the test of the sun moon Tonghui array, but they both stepped out of the array automatically. It seems that they voluntarily gave up their qualification to inherit the ShuangDi master."

"Hehe, there are so many evil disciples in Shushan Taoist palace. It seems that the land of Liuzhou will rise in the land of Jiuzhou in the future and shine brilliantly!"

"Ha ha, I'm really looking forward to it now. Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, who is known as the great power of Emperor Wu, and Liu Wuchen, the master of Shushan Taoist palace, are the two of them. Who are they going to be the last to win the inheritance of the two emperors?"

"Hum, no matter who it is, our seven brothers should guard and assist him wholeheartedly..."

Looking at the changes in the sun moon Tonghui array, the seven strong emperors, Gonghe, ShangXu, Jiaotu, zichi, Weimu, Shenshang, Shuhan and Daogong, all looked different. They began to whisper and discuss with each other in a low voice< br>

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