Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1081: 1081

"Hum!" With the sound of the blood red sword and the flash of light and shadow, the nameless shape of the sword quickly fell into the camp of Shushan Daogong. Then, the Qi of Xuanli in the sword nameless's body rose up wildly, and then rose to the highest level of cultivation of huahun realm.

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Boom, boom, boom

In the void, the terrible sound of explosion resounded again like earth shaking. In the whole sun moon array, there were only two figures standing opposite each other, standing in the void and confronting each other.


The strange wind blows in vain, and the sun and the moon shine together. In the array, the flames and ice waves are rolling. And the ice waves and the raging flames quickly merged in one place on the spot, and turned into a giant virtual shadow with half red and half light blue.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Facing the half red and half light blue nihilistic giant, the whole sun moon array was transformed out of thin air. The two completely different Xuanli Qi in the array all rolled and attacked madly, and rushed into the nihilistic giant.

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"Hoo Feeling the strange changes in the sun moon array, Wu Chen's eyes flashed a touch of pure cold light in vain, and the power of guarding the law on Wu Chen's body sprang up quickly. A silver sword appeared in Wu Chen's palm for the first time.

Click, click, click

At the same time, huangfuyun, who has been in a state of no trace confrontation with it, quickly gathered and condensed the thunder like power around him, and turned into a fierce unicorn and beast shadow intertwined by thunder and lightning.

"Roar!" With a deafening roar, the figure of the nihilistic giant in the sun moon array flickered in vain. Then, on the palm of the half red and half light blue nihilistic giant, the light and shadow of the burning sun and the bright cold moon appeared.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The illusory giant's shadow flashed away, as if completely integrated into the sun and moon array. In such a big void, the sun and the cold moon quickly split into two, and became two fiery red and two light blue giants. In addition, one red and one blue nihilistic giants were in a group, and they rushed to Wuchen in the void, and the place where Huangfu cloud and the two figures belonged, and they rushed to attack and kill each other.

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"Cough, the sun and the moon both attack. The strength of each giant virtual shadow has to be in the top ranks of the emperor's highest cultivation level in the soul transforming realm. It seems that the test of this array is not as easy as you think!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao suddenly spread to the general, and in the traceless sea of knowledge, it quickly rang out to remind him of the Tao.

"Ha ha, array is dead, talent is alive. As for the dead, I care more about the threat of the living! " There is a smile on the traceless and handsome face. In the process of knowing the sea, we can quickly communicate with the demon zunhuoxiao. At the same time, Wu Chen's figure kept retreating from the void, and the distance between Wu Chen and Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace opposite him, was getting farther and farther.

Click, click, click

Seeing no trace flash back, Huang Fuyun's mouth shows a cold smile in the void. The unicorn beast in front of him, which is full of thunder, rushes out quickly. Facing a red, light blue and ethereal figure on the opposite side, he collides and bombards madly.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of terrible sounds were heard one after another, and two strange lights, red and light blue, flashed quickly on the left and right sides of the place where no trace was. However, the power of the law of protection protected by Wu trace's body had no effect on the two giant virtual shadows, so he was penetrated by the two giant virtual shadows.

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"The leaves are falling!" Seeing this situation, Wu Chen's face was dignified. Immediately, Wu Chen's silver sword swept forward and horizontally. The sword meaning with the power of killing law turned into flying leaves.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The flying leaves all over the sky contain the breath of the law of killing and cutting, which is enough to frighten and threaten those who are strong in the ordinary realm of transforming the soul and the realm of Emperor Wu. But the flying leaves' sword Qi ran across the bodies of the two nihilistic giants on the spot, and burst into the empty land.

"Suddenly With a gust of wind blowing, the fiery red, light blue, and two-color nihilistic giants in the void quickly emerged out of thin air again. Moreover, the figures of the two nihilistic giants were all quite close to traceless. Seeing the figures of the two nihilistic giants rushing out, they were bound by the two terrible forces of fire and ice, Once again, he rushed to the place where no trace belonged, attacked and killed wildly."The screen of stars!" The power of the law of protection is invalid, and the threat of Liu style nine swords does not work at all. The stars in the body of no trace flicker rapidly, and the afterglow of the stars in the sky continuously diffuses from the body of no trace, which turns into a bright star screen all over the sky. At the same time, the air of wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and five kinds of variable Xuanli attributes released from the body of no trace quickly blends with it, It is transformed into an endless and misty star barrier, which completely envelops and blocks traceless and two fiery red and light blue figures of nihilistic giants in the turbulent space where traceless is located.

Boom, boom, boom

Meanwhile, on the other side of the void, Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, also launched a crazy counterattack. A steady stream of thunder and lightning flickered, shaking the whole void.

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The fierce spirit of the unicorn, which is surrounded by the power of thunder, flies out and heads for the light blue, fiery red and two nihilistic giants on both sides of the body of the besieged Huangfu cloud, and then goes away.

Click, click, click

The terrible power of thunder burst out from Kirin's soul, and instantly hit him with light blue, red and two nihilistic giants at the same time.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The power of thunder instantly runs through the bodies of the two nihilistic giants, and still does not cause any substantial damage to the bodies of the two nihilistic giants. The red and light blue bodies of the two nihilistic giants were once again transformed and condensed out of thin air. They looked more ferocious and roared at the body of Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace< br>

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