Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1082: 1082

Kaka, Kaka, Kaka

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All over the sky, thunder and lightning flash down, interweave into a full of thunder force lingering network. The figure of the red giant and the figure of the light blue giant will be restrained in the void.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

At the moment of the thunderbolt, the red giant and the light blue giant's body in the void quickly turned into a raging flame and a huge wave of sea water, Leisurely then shuttled the thunder big net encirclement coverage.

Click, click, click

Just in a moment, the thunder net in the void moved on the spot. The terrible thunder flash shocked the whole void. The endless thunder quickly turned into thunder shackles, and completely imprisoned and blocked the place where the two giants, the red giant and the light blue giant, belonged.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange dull sound will appear, and the virtual shadows of the red giant and the light blue giant flash out of the air again. On the illusory body of the two giants, they are all strangely entangled with the thunder net full of the power of terror.

At the moment, leimang's Net seems to be the thunder shackles containing the power of imprisonment and blockade. It seals the fiery red giant and the light blue giant in the void, making the two giants unable to get rid of the imprisonment and shackles of the thunder shackles no matter how changeable they are.

"Roar!" A loud roar full of fury reverberated from the other side of the void. Immediately, he saw a fierce Unicorn beast with the power of thunder. Its face was ferocious and could not be seen. On top of the terrible Unicorn beast's virtual figure, a young man in white stands with a calm look and a negative hand.

"Wow, the thunder skill of Qilin Taoist palace is really worthy of its name!"

"Well, they sealed the power of the two arrays condensed by the sun and the moon. It seems that Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, has withstood the final test of this round of array."

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"Eh, what kind of strange skill is it that even the power of the law in nihility can be imprisoned?"

"Ha ha, the sun and the moon are in the same radiance array, but it's integrated with the power of the emperor's will. Even if it's a little power of the emperor's will, it's not something that we and other people in the upper emperor's peak cultivation realm can resist!"

"Ha ha, so it seems that Huang Fuyun, the young leader of the Qilin Taoist palace, is better than us old friends. It seems that huangfuyun, the young leader of Qilin Taoist palace, is the most promising person to break through the title of emperor in Jiuzhou! "

The sound of hot discussion will be spread from the other camps. The spirits of the older generation in the holy land are full of emotion. This emotion is even full of envy, jealousy, and a touch of sadness and melancholy.

At the moment, the faces of the evil emperors in the holy land are as pale as ashes.

They have always been arrogant and have always been among the best chosen children in their respective Taoist palaces. Since he came to the Ming Taoist palace to fight for the qualification of inheritors of the sun and moon emperors, he has been attacked and frustrated by a group of Tianjiao disciples of Shushan Taoist palace one after another.

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Now, huangfuyun, the young leader of Qilin Taoist palace, shows his talent and heroic demeanor beyond ordinary people with absolute crushing posture. Undoubtedly, it leaves an indelible gap in the hearts of many Taoist Holy Land demons inheriting emperors.

Boom, boom, boom

At the moment when the emperor was struggling and shaking wildly, there were bursts of terror and turbulence on the other side of the void.

The powerful people from all walks of life, who are stunned outside the sun and moon Tonghui array, just wake up from a dream. It turns out that in this sun and moon Tonghui array, there is not only Huang Fuyun, the young leader of Qilin Taoist palace, but also another peer who suppressed the holy land of all roads in Kyushu, Even this person's single round identity is higher than that of Huang Fuyun, the leader of the Kirin Taoist palace. He is the new leader of Taoist Holy Land in Liuzhou, and Liu Wuchen, the leader of Shushan Taoist palace

Poop, poop, poop, poop

On the void, the two giants, the light blue giant and the fiery red giant, who are besieging traceless, gallop out at the same time and smash the star barrier in front of traceless. The wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, and the power of the Qi and law of Xuanli all collided with the two giants' virtual bodies, light blue and fiery red, but they all penetrated the bodies of the two giants at the same time and scattered randomly."Eh, it's so easy to break my star screen barrier!" With a gentle exhortation, the whole body of Wu trace is quickly illuminated by the power of stars from the inside to the outside, and the whole body is like a picture of stars. At this moment, the battle body of stars appears in the void.

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"Meteorite!" A indifferent voice came out from the traceless mouth again, and the broken star light curtain in the void bloomed again, and the dazzling star power light came out. Then, countless bright lights containing the power of the stars rose out of the sky, and turned into a series of brilliant stars. The light and shadow rose up in the sky, and they were all covered in the sky. Then they hit and killed the two nihilistic giants in the void, which were light blue and fiery red.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A sound of extremely strange dull sound, one after another in the sky burst burst of falling stars, light and shadow of the place where the intersection resounded. The bodies of the light blue giant and the fiery red giant trembled violently at the same time. Unexpectedly, under the shock of the afterwave power of the star explosion, the two virtual shadows appeared with bursts of tiny cracks.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

Red giant virtual shadow and light blue giant virtual shadow, two illusory giant faces all reveal a touch of pain expression and posture, as if the power of the stars bombarding them really hurt their essence, The two bodies were quickly transformed into the towering flame and the huge waves of sea water, both of which rushed and rolled out from the left and right sides, directly penetrated the offensive blockade of the falling star meteorite, and rushed to the rear void, where they were standing on the traceless body shape, and then came the crazy killing boom< br>

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