Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1087: 1087

Brush, brush, brush

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The sharp eyes crisscrossed, and all the strong men in the Holy Land camp looked up together. They focused their eyes on the void, and gazed away from the void battle group, which was facing each other in white and green.

"Hey, no trace boy, this guy is playing with you Demon zunhuo Xiao's rough voice suddenly spread to the general, and repeatedly reminded him in his mind.

Just now, with his performance in the Seven Star array and his talent of sun, moon, star and three light spirits, Wu Chen is definitely the most qualified person to inherit the inheritance of sun and moon emperors in the Taoist temple of Ming Dynasty.

But Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, was so greedy that he said on the spot that he wanted to compete with him. I'm afraid that if this battle is lost without trace, the inheritors of the sun and moon emperors in the Taoist temple of Ming Dynasty will change their owners! And if no trace is lucky enough to win, there will be no loss for Qilin Taoist palace. What's more, in the hearts of the strong people in the Qilin Taoist palace and even the main roads, no one would ever think that Huang Fuyun, who is known as the land of Kyushu and the only one who has a chance to break through the title of emperor, will be defeated in this seamless competition!

"Ha ha, Master Liu, I wonder if I can give you some advice?" In the void, Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, stepped out of the void. He stared at Wu trace, who was thinking in the void, and asked slowly.

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"Why?" Smell speech, no trace this just came back from just thinking, his handsome face quickly spread a cold smile, bright eyes staring at huangfuyun. Then he nodded his head and spoke slowly to Huangfu in the void: "ha ha, since you are the young master of Huangfu palace, I will give you some advice."

Whoa, whoa, whoa

No trace that bright and thick voice rolling out, quickly spread to the presence of the avenue palace holy camp. All the powerful people in the Daotong Holy Land camp felt like thunder in their ears. They stared at the green robe in the void one by one.

"Eh!" The leader of our palace gave some advice on behalf of us. The arrogant words of Wu trace still reverberated in the minds of the powerful people of various forces for a long time. And in the void, the eyes of Emperor Wu and Emperor Haoyue passed each other in a flash, and they all showed a touch of fun in each other's eyes.

"Ha ha, so good, so good!" A roar of laughter resounds in the sky, and the thunder and lightning around Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, are more brilliant. The atmosphere of terror and turbulence in the void sweeps the whole silent sky. The unicorn beast under his command roared wildly, and the terrible thunder was as mad as mad. Then he rushed to the traceless body standing in the void.

"Star barrier!" The power of the five elements in traceless body, together with the power of wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, and the five mutative laws of Xuanli, is released and blended madly at the same time. It turns into a series of bright stars, light and shadow. At the same time, a little bit of star light burst out from the stars and body of traceless body, lighting up the whole hazy void.

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Click, click, click

Endless thunder and lightning from all directions smashed down, the traceless space was shaken by wind and rain. The continuous bright star barrier always encircles the whole person without trace on the spot. No matter how terrible and magnificent the thunder and lightning are, they can't break the absolute defense of the star barrier.

"Ha ha, it seems that you still have some strength, not just talk about it!" In the void, Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, dressed in white and motionless as a clock, flies out in vain, just like a thunder flash that cuts through the sky full of stars. Without any hesitation, he will crash into the dark and hazy screen of stars.

Boom, boom, boom

There was a terrible explosion, and the light and shadow of stars all over the sky fell down with the wind. However, the thunder and lightning in the void quickly broke through the obstacles and shackles of the star light screen barrier with the speed visible to the naked eye. On the spot, it broke the absolutely defensive star barrier.

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Tear, tear, tear

Bursts of harsh and abrupt cracking sound will be heard from the dim void. The sky full of stars and light screen will burst and split quickly, exposing one of the traceless people who attacked the green robe on the spot.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" An extremely calm and indifferent voice came up quietly, with thousands of silver white sword spirit on Wuchen's body rising at the same time. It turned into an ethereal silver white sword light that seemed soft and powerless but had hidden mystery. It cut off from his hand horizontally and forward."Whoosh!" The ethereal silver white sword light flashed out, and all the power of the thunderbolt that hindered his advance in the void was cut down and smashed in court. The ethereal and traceless silver long sword was like a broken bamboo. Without any deviation, it went straight to the body of Huang Fuyun, the young leader of the Qilin Taoist palace, who was full of thunder and full of white clothes.

Boom, boom, boom

Thousands of swords burst out in an instant. In the dark void, there are continuous cracks in space, and the cracks suddenly appear. The dark space seems to contain the power of terror and darkness, which is full of the breath of swallowing everything. The general situation is born in the void. And in the most central area where the light and shadow of thousands of swords burst out, the terrible power of thunder was like a thunderbolt from the sky, which covered one of the white figures dead and covered them. After several times, the terrible power of swords roared wildly, all of them bombarded the light and shadow of thunderbolt, and there were bursts of harsh sounds.

"Damn, the sword breaks through the void?"

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"Wow, that's the power of space fragmentation and nothingness. This guy has reached the level of half step Emperor Wu!"

"Look, huangfuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, is still safe. Is it because they are both half step Emperor Wudi and can't fight?"

"Wow, I'm afraid this war is enough to be called the only one under the emperor's territory. These two abnormal guys are enough to set foot in the terror of the top 36 people in the imperial list of Kyushu!"

Gulu, Gulu

With the continuous falling of the bright stars in the void, thousands of silver white swords still bombarded and chopped into the void like crazy, while the terrible thunder and electric robberies were released from the white robed young man. At the moment, the white robed young man's face was obviously more dignified, Obviously, Huang Fuyun also realized how terrifying and terrifying the real combat power of traceless at the moment.... < br > at the same time

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