Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1088: 1088

Boom, boom, boom

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The earth shaking roar of terror resounded through the sky and the earth, and the silver white streamer was blocked in the void.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

I saw that the thunderbolt shackles transformed by the thunderbolt all over the sky completely blocked and covered the whole space in the place where the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, huangfuyun, belonged. Even though the thousands of ethereal silver white sword Qi was so terrible, it just cut down the thunderbolt shackles on the spot.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

With a strange sound, the power of thunder between heaven and earth seems to be endless. The shackles of thunder, which were destroyed by thousands of silver and white sword Qi, turned into magic again with the power of lightning, and turned the remaining thousands of silver and white sword Qi into waves in the void, All of them were completely blocked and destroyed in front of Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace.

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"Eh, it broke my sword without trace. This guy is really not simple!" The expression on the traceless and handsome face moved slightly, feeling the thunder shackles transformed from the terrible thunder in the void, and sighing softly.

After all, based on the highest cultivation level of Wu Huang in Wu trace's soul realm, and the real combat power comparable to that of half step Emperor Wu, Wu trace's sword technique is enough to kill countless strong Wu Huang of the same level in public, even the old peak soul realm strong men who are at the top of the list of emperor Jiuzhou, It's impossible to deal with it like this.

"Hehe, the spirit of Kirin and thunder are one and complementary! It seems that your Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless and has met an extremely difficult opponent! " The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao came out again quietly, and in the traceless sea of knowledge, he spoke highly of it.

"Well, no matter how strong huangfuyun is, I don't believe that the Third Elder martial brother will lose to him!" No trace cold hum a, handsome face up again with a dignified color. Then, you can see that the whole body of Wu Chen is shining with the power of stars again, and these dazzling stars are quickly integrated with the silver sword Qi released from him.

"Xinghe meteorite burial!" A faint evil smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face, and the sword Qi of star light in the void in front of him quickly turned into a terrible star falling out. Every star sword light contained the smell of destruction, which was like crazy, and then he went to the body of huangfuyun protected by thunder shackles.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

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It contains seven completely different laws of the stars, together with Xiao Sha's fierce rules of the sword, and the meteoric burial of the stars flying all over the sky, immediately bombards the absolutely defensive thunder shackles in front of us, breaks them into pieces, and wantonly flies to the left and right of the void.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The stars and swords that were extremely fast and full of the atmosphere of destruction came, and the empty places around huangfuyun all became turbulent. The breath of destruction seemed to be enough to wipe out everything in the sky. Even the thunder power released from huangfuyun was swallowed by him on the spot.

Gulu, Gulu

Feeling the gas of killing burst out from the terrible falling of the Star River in the void, all the powerful people in the upper realm of Emperor Wu Huang in the main road holy land on the scene once again took action at the same time, and a steady stream of law power merged into the square array of the strong people camp in the main road holy land, The defense array, which had been jointly laid by many of the previous top Wuhuang strongmen, was consolidated and strengthened again.

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But even so, the powerful people at the top of the daotong holy land are still trembling, not to mention the inheritors of the daotong holy land and the elders who are below the powerful people at the top of the emperor's cultivation realm.

"It turns out that he is so strong. No wonder Laozu asked me to make friends with him as much as possible!" In the square array of Lingbao Taoist temple camp, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes are full of shock. She stares at the green robe figure in the void, and even vaguely looks at it!

"This, this how possible, he can fight with Brother Yun..." in the square array of Qilin Taoist palace camp, huangfushou has already recovered consciousness and stabilized the injury in his body. When he saw the majestic atmosphere in the void without trace, he thought of his previous disdain and disdain for the people in Shushan Taoist Palace, and now the peerless splendor displayed by Wu trace, It's the face of chiguoguo.

"Damn, these guys all damn! Why her life is always so good, from the birth is the attention of thousands of people Jizhou Fengjia miss! Even if she ran away from home, no one investigated her, and even allowed her to wander outside, but I was always her substitute

"Ha ha, even the guys in Shushan Taoist palace now are willing to fight with Huang Fuyun, the first young master of Kyushu's Kirin Taoist palace, for her sake! Why, why, her life is so good, I don't accept, I don't accept, I really don't accept... "At this moment, in the square array of Fengming Taoist palace camp, the so-called second lady Fengru in Fengming Taoist palace is full of fierce struggle and hatred.The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei is always on her head. The only obsession in her heart is to replace the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei in the family. This time, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister of the Hui nationality, was known to all in her family. I thought the marriage would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her, so I would try my best to get close to huangfushu. But who ever thought that on the way, she killed many people, such as Shushan Daogong, which will only marginalize her position in the Phoenix family. Therefore, Fengru's hatred for Wuchen and others is no less than the resentment and resentment she accumulated for her second elder martial sister fengfeifei.

"Thunderbolt technique, kylin Wanjun!" A voice of extreme calm and indifference was breathed out coldly from the mouth of Huangfu cloud wrapped by the sword light of stars in the field. Then, there was a lightning flash in the turbulent void, a lightning flash that was extremely fast and powerful. Suddenly, it flashed out of the bombardment group.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A thunderbolt flashed out, thousands of stars fell down, and the light and shadow of the thunderbolt flashed out quickly. Then, a mighty Unicorn beast was waiting for its ferocious face, stepping on thousands of thunderclouds, as if a heavenly beast was on earth, Powerful and murderous, he stares at the empty side.

"Roar!" The unicorn beast steps on the thunder clouds of thousands of thunder. On its broad back stands a handsome young man in white.

The man's fierce eyes flashed a touch of fierce fighting spirit and excitement in vain, and he looked down on the opposite side with a proud smile in the starry sword

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